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Daily dropped calls

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, I've been with PM now about 2 weeks. THings are ok for the most part, except that I'm getting random daily dropped calls. It could be after 2 minutes, or within an hour...random. I was with Telus for 10 years and I never had a problem. I'm using a Pixel 6 which I had with Telus for over a year and not one dropped call. Dropped calls are happening everywhere not just in "weak" signal zones. In my area, I have strong signal from big 3.

I thought PM is essentially Telus, but I'm noticing that it is NOT.

I've done all the basic things like manually set the network, reset network settings in phone. I've tried 5g, LTE....but I refuse to go 3G in 2024. If this persists, I will have no choice but to switch back to a big 3, probably Rogers because they are inundating me with decent promos

I've also opened a ticket with support. 

Not sure what else to do?




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@eddieO wrote:

Hey @Tom222333444555, not sure if this will help but last night I read on another forum that changing the Network Selection (under Cellular settings) to "Public Mobile" instead of Automatic will help. I just updating my setting to reflect this but haven't had a chance to test a call with any one yet.

Hey Eddie, yeah I read that too. But it is only for iPhone and I now have a Samsung S24. I may pass that info onto my son who has an iPhone 14. It seems that have helped some people with iPhone. Please call someone and let me know lol....I need a solution for this before the offer I got with Rogers today runs out

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hey @Tom222333444555, not sure if this will help but last night I read on another forum that changing the Network Selection (under Cellular settings) to "Public Mobile" instead of Automatic will help. I just updated my setting to reflect this but haven't had a chance to test a call with any one yet.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@smurfit wrote:

I had a Telus freelance rep call me and basically claimed it is because my phone doesn't support VOLTE. However since LTE reception is weak, I have phone locked to WCDMA/3G. They also claimed that it could be due to rush hour traffic or maybe I'm moving around too much or am not close enough to a window. I am literally sitting on the sofa in front of window not moving at all! 

Since customer support is of little help, I decided to take a deep dive into the data. We are going to have to solve this ourselves as Public Mobile doesn't seem to employ anyone smart enough to figure it out.

There is an Android app I have found called NetworkSurvey that can log all cell tower event data and saves detailed CDR (call data records) to CSV files. The link is at the bottom. I have noticed by using another app called cellmapper that my phone is constantly jumping from tower to tower and many times switches to towers much further away than the previous connected tower. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what is actually happening when the call drops.

I'm hoping there is some way either on the network end or on phone itself that a preferred list of towers can be prioritized for home areas.

If anyone has experience using this NetworkSurvey app, please chime in and give us some direction. 

This is a load of crap. Who cares if it is "rush hour". You pay for a service that should be available at all times. I never had one issue ever when I was with Telus during anytime of the day. Actually 3G is more stable for voice calls. So this is more crap. The only problem with 3G is that it is old and will be decommissioned at some point in the future. They have already killed 3G in the USA, it is just a matter of time before it happens here. Unfortunately Smurfit, when that happens, you will have to buy a new phone. All phones since about 3-4 years ago support VOLTE. 100% of all new phones will support VOLTE regardless of price tier

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

just an update. cs_agent contacted me finally after about 36 hours, they "refreshed" my network and asked me to force LTE on my phone to see if things stablize. I'm going to use my phone for a bit and see. I'm not confident since many others have had their network "refreshed" and it didn't work for them.

I don't really want to switch but Rogers offerred me a $45 per month unlimited 5G plan today. I lose the US-CAN but at least I know it will work on voice calls, so lets see how it goes. i will update with more news as it comes

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I had a Telus freelance rep call me and basically claimed it is because my phone doesn't support VOLTE. However since LTE reception is weak, I have phone locked to WCDMA/3G. They also claimed that it could be due to rush hour traffic or maybe I'm moving around too much or am not close enough to a window. I am literally sitting on the sofa in front of window not moving at all! 

Since customer support is of little help, I decided to take a deep dive into the data. We are going to have to solve this ourselves as Public Mobile doesn't seem to employ anyone smart enough to figure it out.

There is an Android app I have found called NetworkSurvey that can log all cell tower event data and saves detailed CDR (call data records) to CSV files. The link is at the bottom. I have noticed by using another app called cellmapper that my phone is constantly jumping from tower to tower and many times switches to towers much further away than the previous connected tower. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what is actually happening when the call drops.

I'm hoping there is some way either on the network end or on phone itself that a preferred list of towers can be prioritized for home areas.

If anyone has experience using this NetworkSurvey app, please chime in and give us some direction. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @Tom222333444555 

did you check the community inbox?  they usually reply within 4 hours, usually less than 2

i would send them another message

I did check the inbox...and nothing so far. I'll create another ticket

hi @Tom222333444555 

did you check the community inbox?  they usually reply within 4 hours, usually less than 2

i would send them another message

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@eddieO wrote:

Hey @Tom222333444555, thanks for the update. Were you able to hear back from an agent?

No eddie, I opened a ticket almost 24 hours ago, and no response so far.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hey @Tom222333444555, thanks for the update. Were you able to hear back from an agent?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just want to update the people on this thread. The dropped calls are getting worse. Every single call is dropping now. It could be after 1 min, or 20 minutes. But at some point the call will drop. My wife was chatting with her sister and those calls can get quite an hour, it dropped 3 times at random intervals. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have the same issue more than month. If somebody call me, 50% of try I'm not available. I even don't see incoming call.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks hTide. I've already opened a support ticket

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@eddieO wrote:

Hi @Tom222333444555, can you update this thread if you are able to get this resolved? I'm also sometimes experiencing dropped calls that appear to be random in call length and like you I only joined a few weeks ago so I'm interested to find out. Thanks!

eddieO, I will definitely reply back with what happens with the support ticket

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Smurfit, Yeah, I thought, PM was essentially Telus, but you pay less. However, I suppose I'm old enough to know better get what you pay for. By the way, my phone does support VOLTE and I'm still having this problem.

Still, I'm trying to get this resolved because I don't want to pay double with Telus or Bell.


@smurfit wrote:

Same issue here in BC. On $15 100min/unlimited incoming plan. Calls drop constantly around 9min. Other family members on higher priced plans seem unaffected. Customer service claims it is likely due to my phone not supporting VOLTE, but neither do any of our other phones. Furthermore I tried forcing the phone to 3G only mode and the issue persists. I have been in the same location for 12 years and always on Telus and then PM as of 7 years ago.. never had many dropped calls. Now it is almost every call. I thought PM is the same network as Telus, but it seems maybe not anymore?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Same issue here in BC. On $15 100min/unlimited incoming plan. Calls drop constantly around 9min. Other family members on higher priced plans seem unaffected. Customer service claims it is likely due to my phone not supporting VOLTE, but neither do any of our other phones. Furthermore I tried forcing the phone to 3G only mode and the issue persists. I have been in the same location for 12 years and always on Telus and then PM as of 7 years ago.. never had many dropped calls. Now it is almost every call. I thought PM is the same network as Telus, but it seems maybe not anymore?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @Tom222333444555, can you update this thread if you are able to get this resolved? I'm also sometimes experiencing dropped calls that appear to be random in call length and like you I only joined a few weeks ago so I'm interested to find out. Thanks!

Mayor / Maire

HI @Tom222333444555 

yes, some reported similar issue in the past week.

Try to submit a ticket and ask agent to refresh your account and hope it helps

please submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link:  Type the question "Submit ticket", Then click the following in order: "Contact Us" ,  "Other",  "Log In".  
If any issue with ticket submission, you can  submit by direct message:     

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