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DATA GOES AWAY TOO TOO FAST.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Is it just me or data runs faster than usual. I was with freedom LTE and used a bit, and data dropped slowly, with pm, ill check few, emails, a few pages, or just leave data, on, and DATA, really drops, I would like to, know your thoughts. Thank you



This is a thread from 4 years ago. Please start your own topic if you encounter similar issues and provide the details

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My phone is Android. I find the app store, online radio, tv, and open apps like maps and instant messaging can demolish data. I would check open apps, auto update, and system update settings. 


The first test is on  LTE/3G/2G autoconnect. The second test is on 3G/2G autoconnect.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@darlicious is that upper example  just leaving it on LTE? And the lower one 3g?


I leave my device on lte anyway. For whatever reason, texts send much slower on other network options, not even pictures but just regular words, even when data is turned off entirely. Don't understand it at all, but it's a thing. 🤷‍


Oh and that's not a Public thing, happened on koodo too

@gpixel  The throttled data is at a consistent speed. Unless your downloading or watching HD videos you will notice no difference in the use of the internet but you will use less data for the same use like watching a YouTube video. As will use approximately 40% less data on 4G (throttled) than on 3G. In theory if you only watched videos on a 5gb plan when you run out of data on 3G you would still have 2gb left using the throttled 4G LTE.

that's so weird. why use LTE if it's slower than 3g? I would just stick with 3g. unless you really need the extra towers for lte

apparently other iPhone users have had the same problem with lots of data usage.

I would try doing what other users on here have mentioned and try to limit background processes and try to find the apps that are using the most data

@fdrcamb519 @Pawprints1986 

I just performed two speed tests. One at 3G and one at 4G LTE. Here are the results.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I have a iPhone Se.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Just wanted to confirm that my data seems to be reading properly. in fact ny device shows a slight higher amount. but thats likely because pictures mms use data but they arent counted against data usage (confusing at first isnt it?)... my device shows 184mb while my account shows 170

if anyone happens to send alot pf pics, this could be another reason where device reading and account reading may not match. just fyi for any who may not know 

what type of phone do you have?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@darlicious no worries 🙂 I was confused for a minute but it's all good

@Pawprints1986   Oops.....I meant to address my post to @fdrcamb519  (please see my post above...)

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@darlicious I'm not sure if the developer options would override data saver or not, it could... I'm not having data issues myself, but was offering a possible reason data could be used while even in Wi-Fi for other users

@darlicious wrote:

@gpixel  Switching to 3G would use more data because it is not throttled to 3mbps like the 4G LTE.


@Pawprints1986   If you enabled your data saver, turned the background data usage off on 95% of your apps, turned off WiFi assist and checked your apps for any data pigs then keep your mobile data off while on WiFi. BTW you are checking your data usage on your account? You're not looking at total data usage on your phone that would include WiFi and mobile data combined?

Just the switching to the HSPA+ network itself doesn't use more data, but it could. This is because many video sites default to a higher quality stream when a faster connection is detected. Also, apps such as are set to consume data over a fixed amount of time. This is all about software programming.  For using sites such as this one, using the HSPA+ network isn't going to use any more data.

@gpixel  Switching to 3G would use more data because it is not throttled to 3mbps like the 4G LTE.


@Pawprints1986   If you enabled your data saver, turned the background data usage off on 95% of your apps, turned off WiFi assist and checked your apps for any data pigs then keep your mobile data off while on WiFi. BTW you are checking your data usage on your account? You're not looking at total data usage on your phone that would include WiFi and mobile data combined?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Do you have developer options enabled on your device? If so there may be an option enabled in there by accident which says to keep data on always to be able to switch to data when Wi-Fi is slower... Double check that that is switched to off/disabled on your phone


Note this is for android, iPhone may have a similar option but I have no idea where it would be

Mayor / Maire

you can change your preferred network type from LTE to 3g that should help. or go into the app and change the quality/bitrate

Not applicable

@fdrcamb519 wrote:


What make/model/submodel, OS are you using?

Are you sure you mean wifi like connecting to your home router? Or do you mean wifi like having cell data on for the internet?

I've heard the terms misunderstood.

You might have a setting to turn off wifi assist or failover or keep cell data on whatever. Turn that option off.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Mayor / Maire

For me, it's all about wi-fi because if you are lucky enough and have Shaw, it's unlimited data on a home plan. For that matter, I live in a condo, where free wi-fi is available but even with that everyone in the building is tapping that free account, and streaming a movie is slow as molasses.


I have even changed my plans from the $40 to $15 plan to save some bucks here and there because of the uncertain times we are in.


If possible, use wi-fi in any case as possible. Check the network, some silly people don't even have a password, and you could piggy-back on it. I did as a young adult, but that also back-fired too (it's also Karma too)

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

just did thank you

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

good suggestion how do i do that if you don't mind????


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

If your device is new enough you can turn on the data saver... Stops apps from using data in the background... You can set exceptions for say Facebook messenger so you'll still get notified, but nothing else will run and eat up data... Can also use greenify if you want, it will save battery and data, stop apps you don't need always running like say eBay... 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Good suggestion

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Background data is a killer, turn off as many apps as possible. Also video text messages count against your data.


The nice thing I found out with my newer Android phone is that it is very easy to turn data on and off with the pull down menu at the top of the screen. My old Samsung was much more involved, you had to go into the settings to turn it off.


It doesn't make send other than perhaps with Freedom, network disconnects affect data usage.  I used to be with Wind and I found the lack of network connection and ultra slow data to be an effective way to mitigate data usage.

Mayor / Maire

Make sure you turn off auto updates for apps.  Also turn off GPS.  Here is more info.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree with @geopublic on this one. I was having my data absolutely gulped and couldn't figure out why. A quick look through my app data usage showed that MyFitnessPal had consumed about 1.2 Gigs worth of data in the background.


Needless to say I keep the app throttled now and I've never had any problems since. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

make sure automatic update of apps isn't on for data that will drain it quickly


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