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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Live agent


Mayor / Maire

Are you a new customer/activation or is this in relation to an already existing account? If you don't want to tell the community your issue and have gone the CSA route give us a heads up as well so we know your matter has been addressed.

Mayor / Maire


Either way you will have to type out your issue. You can practice on US just dont revealbany sensitive or personal info. Like your phone number.





To contact customer support :

Submit a support ticket via Simple--Simon the chat bot Click here 


Or if you prefer or cannot submit a support ticket you may send a private message : Click here 

To pre-verify add in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # & 4 digit account pin #

Mayor / Maire

You've made a connection... here, in the Community. 


How can we help!!!

Mayor / Maire

We're live. Cs_agents are live. It's just all by typing.

What's the problem? Your one word connection can mean a lot of things.

Mayor / Maire

By email only


- Use the ticketing system for a faster response time (preferred method as Ticket is assigned and easy to follow up with CSA). Click Chatbot - Ticket and type ticket, then click on Contact Us, then click on issue you inquire about. Link for creating ticket will be presented. If ticketing does not work very fist time do the below.

- Send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking Here

In either case watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar.


@Reggie20   PM support is all online.  So, for quick response, submit a ticket quickly:



1. If you have access to My account: At

Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply you there



Or, if you can share your issue with us, we can try to help and share workarounds  🙂

Need Help? Let's chat.