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Charged But Didn't Go Through With Switch

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I was making the switch from Freedom to Public Mobile for my husband's phone but Freedom offered me a better deal and I decided to stick with them. Public mobile already charged my account for the month though. How do I get my money back? The phone number/service is still with Freedom Mobile.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sorry I got it now, I just tried to help her since I got lots of helps from our community,agents and port team too this frew days when I tried to port my friend’s to PM .

so is there any way I could take my post off? Thanks 

@Lehaha wrote:

I don’t think there’s any problem to call them as there is no any other number we can find out , maybe they know who should call or more some suggestions too 


I strongly disagree. 


a) Support here is online only. Period. And it's clearly stated on the website. If people don't like that they'll have to find a different provider.


b) There are no more suggestions needed: All the right information has been provided in the first few replies. It's quite unlikely that the op has any case to make for a refund, and that request has to be supplied to the CSA by private message or by submitting a ticket.


c) There is a reason that we're not supposed to share that number to the porting team publicly: It's for porting issues only. If we overload it with inquiries that have nothing to do with that mandate, Telus could easily take away the access to their porting team for PM customers. Which means that those porting questions would also have to go back to the CSA team, with all that implies.


So, at the end of the day, you are potentially inconveniencing future customers who might need that fast access to the dedicated porting team.



Edited for typos and word choice

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I don’t think there’s any problem to call them as there is no any other number we can find out , maybe they know who should call or more some suggestions too 

Mayor / Maire

Why didn't someone say that before?

Maybe in different words.

@alice1 wrote:

@Yummy @RossN @walker1 

The number was never transferred to Public Mobile. Who can I ask for a refund? I should be able to get my money back. Is there someone I can contact?

You OPENED an account. You get assigned phone number (even if you are calling it 'temporary'). This is pre-paid service. Because your number has not been ported does not matter as porting is NOT Requirement to use PM service. I very doubt you can get any refund as PM will say you did use their service.

@Lehaha wrote:

Try to call the porting department Number Port team: xxx-xxx-xxxx, see if they can help you, good luck 👍





You are providing misleading / incorrect information for this poster's inquiry: If you read their post you see that they want a REFUND because they are staying with their original provider - they are not interested in porting.


The people at the number indicated can NOT help with this.

As mentioned, this is prepaid. You pay up front. Your phone will do outgoing calls and texting and data. You're here for 30 days. Even without confirming the transfer.


Contact a CS_Agent to look into it for you by private messaging them with envelope icon above or create a ticket on SIMon Chatbot below this Community page.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Try to call the porting department Number Port team, see if they can help you, good luck 👍

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Try to call the porting department Number Port team, see if they can help you, good luck 👍 


It doesn't matter. You can try but it'll probably be a waste of time.

Send a private message to CS_Agent with your request and see what they say. Good luck 🤞

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@Yummy @RossN @walker1 

The number was never transferred to Public Mobile. Who can I ask for a refund? I should be able to get my money back. Is there someone I can contact?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi. Ya the switch is incomplete so I don't see why I can't get my money back. The phone number was never changed to Public Mobile.

Mayor / Maire

You cannot.

PM is pre-paid service and since you opened an account and paid in advance you committed to use it.

Mayor / Maire


Hi sorry it was your decision since public mobile is a prepaid service it is highly unlikely you will get your money back

Mayor / Maire


I think the charge is for your husband account.

If your service is still with Freedom then porting your old number was incomplete with PM and you shouldn’t be charged.

Mayor / Maire


Sorry but Public is prepaid and there's no refunds. Sounds like you're plan and account got activated already but the port request just didn't go through yet.

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