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Changing plans

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

If I switch to a black Friday plan, can I keep my rewards? 


Mayor / Maire

@Murrellsa  Yes absolutely I can confirm I just switched to the new black Friday plan and kept mine have a peek 



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @Murrellsa

If you are referring to your current legacy rewards (IE: Autopay, loyalty, refer a friend, etc), then yes! Absolutely! 

Your legacy rewards are attached to your account and not your plan. As such, you can switch plans whenever you wish without the risk of losing your rewards. The only thing is if you are prompted to convert to the new points system, you should decline the option. Your old legacy rewards are more advantageous to the new points system. Otherwise, feel free to switch plans as much as you'd like to take advantage of the Black Friday deals!

Mayor / Maire

Hi @Murrellsa 

You can do as many changes as you want per year. However, you will not lose any of your Legacy Rewards by doing so. The only way to lose your Legacy Rewards is if YOU chose to change to the new Public Points system. With that being said, don't EVER change to the new Public Points system. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Yes, you keep your rewards. Changing plans has no effect.

Edit: make sure to choose change on next renewal date.

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