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Cell phone type

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Is anybody knows if PM can be used with Huawei cell phone? I know you can’t join Freedom Mobile if you have Huawei Cell phone 


@Lehaha   Yeah.. 


enjoy  🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks for everyone’s answer, I used easier way: put my card into her phone, it worked 👍 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It ok, most Huawei phone with wide compatibility. Check it online.


@CGO wrote:

No problem Huawei phone.

@CGO   Huawei phone could be problem, in fact any phone could have compatibility issue.    Have to check the exact model to conclude


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

No problem Huawei phone.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Lehaha wrote:

Is anybody knows if PM can be used with Huawei cell phone? I know you can’t join Freedom Mobile if you have Huawei Cell phone 

For privacy and security reason I wouldn't use Huawei cell phone.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

GSM Arena may be one way to look up phone specs. You might find the phone model number under a menu, such as, settings -> about phone/device. The web site does a good job to list the supported signal bands and frequencies under the network section for the device.

Mayor / Maire


What model is your Huawei phone?

@softech wrote:

@Lehaha   give us the exact model and we can check for you


generally speaking, if it is a phone that was sold in Canada, YES.


if it is a phone you got in Asia or other countries, then maybe not


Even Asian branded phones these days are compatible.  In fact most current phones with the dual SIM slots pack every band under the sun in the phones, having both FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE.  




PM uses these bands



for your phone, best is to check the product website for specification.

But you need to get the exact model number  Remember, many model has different sub-model for regional variants  So, you need to konw the exact model/sub-model and research about it


of course, you can go to your phone About screen, and paste your model here.  We can try to help 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Where I can check the band?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Lehaha it should be work for it. most of smart phone have 4 band now a day


@Lehaha   give us the exact model and we can check for you


generally speaking, if it is a phone that was sold in Canada, YES.


if it is a phone you got in Asia or other countries, then maybe not


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Lehaha it is not the brand. It is the band frequency.

Mayor / Maire



Essentially, one made for the North American market will be fine.


Don't buy a model designed for the Eastern Hemisphere.  Some folks have found out the hard way that good deal from overseas isn't so good when one tries to use it here.

Mayor / Maire


Yes PM will work with that brand of smartphone, if you have the compatible model of phone though.

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