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Cant send SMS and cant receive calls after porting number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I can call a d use data but nobody can call or text me


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Please send the porting number to my dm. I did not receive it yet

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yea i can make outbound calls and use data. Its been like this for a week where the chat says only 5 hours wait

Mayor / Maire

Most likely porting was not complete or it failed.

Does your account says it is Active? and shows your plan?

Can you at least call out? What number other party sees? Did you follow porting procedure to the letter?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yea i can make outbound calls and use data. Its been like this for a week where the chat says only 5 hours wait

Mayor / Maire

HI @serget 

can your PM sim connects to PM network? can you make outbound calls?

if you cannot make outbound calls, it is not porting but an account problem,   please submit a ticket with CS Agent here:

But if you can make outbound and just not receive inbound calls, then first reboot your phone and check agian

if same,  wait an hour and try again (porting can take an hour after you replied YES). 

If still no inbound, then call Porting team for update.  I will send you the porting team number, check your Community inbox


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