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Cancelling plan

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Just started a 90 day 6gb plan a few days ago but in those few days my service provider reached out to me again with a competitive plan and I wish to cancel with public and return to Telus. I am curious about options for cancelling- is there anyway to receive a credit back to my Account?

Mayor / Maire

@kinchattack I'm not sure what better telus can offer than PM but if you really seriously wanna switch back then maybe you can negotiate with them a little. Maybe you can ask them to extend their offer until the end of your PM billing cycle or offer you a bit of a discount to cover your losses here. 


As everyone has already mentioned, unfortunately, you cannot get a refund here. 



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Why not just stay with PublicMobile until a couple days before the plan is about to renew and then port ?    Or ask Telus to give you some credit since you will lose the money already paid to PM. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
If my post was read correctly you would see I was referring to his/her previous provider. He should have gone to retention before getting a prepaid plan with PM. Then he wouldn't be out the money and had a better priced plan.

@clarkbrand wrote:
I see you receive your answers but in this situation I would always call retention for cell phone providers (or any company you pay for services) ahead of time to see what they will offer. They don't want to see you go so tend to offer excellent deals ahead of a possible switch.

@clarkbrand, Public Mobile does not operate like the typical provider.  There is no retention department that can give you special treatment.  We all get the same plans, same charges, same terms.  It is has been made pretty clear, this is prepaid, there are no refunds offered if you cancel.  It is within the rules, so even think of wasting time complaining to the CCTS. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I see you receive your answers but in this situation I would always call retention for cell phone providers (or any company you pay for services) ahead of time to see what they will offer. They don't want to see you go so tend to offer excellent deals ahead of a possible switch.

No the second you port this number this account will get canceled right away
If you have to port this number then you have to keep this line active you can't cancel plan of you cancel your plan then you won't be able to port so
Another option get a temp number with telus and use this untill your plan is active then when its get close to renewal then port this pm number to telus this way you can use those lines
Make sure you remove your autopay details if you enabled
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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
If I port my number back to Telus what will happen to my account? What if I want to be able to use it still?

They won't give you any refund sorry
Since you paid already use as a backup untill its expire or see if any of your family and friend want to take over your pm plan
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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Is this a confirmed fact? Has anyone ever received a refund?

Cancellation is done by simply not renewing your plan.  Remember to disable autopay payments if you have that turned on. 


The other way to cancel would be by the way of port-out, which it looks like you are planning on. Once the porting out is done, cancellation of your Public Mobile service is automatic and is immediate.


You will not receive any refund for your unused Public Mobile service.

Mayor / Maire
Since its a prepaid service you can cancel the plan but I m sure they don't offer refund but maybe thry can cancel and offer you some public mobile credit which you can use in future best option send a private msg to mod to see what thry have to offer you
Contact mod dept they will help you with the process
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Here's a old post for reference where ops also mentioned more likely they won't offer refund back if you canceling your plan since its a pure prepaid services
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