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Can't receive short codes messages

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Does anyone know why I can not receive the verification code from Walmart? Banks, government, and other shopping accounts all work fine.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No, you can choose only one option when you set up your account. I think the only way out is that I have to contact Walmart to figure out how to solve this issue. Thank you everyone for helping me!!


do they give you another option like email? 

if not, you have to contact Walmart directly and change the phone number to another one temporary for couple days before changing it back 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Because I have a 2-way authorization, every time l login to Walmart account and I should receive the code by text message, then I can get into my account. Now, If I don't have a code, I can not go into my account.


properly reference from:

these are the couple shortcode used by Walmart, not sure if you can use STOP to opt out or so

95678 DuoBank Walmart Canada Mastercard Fraud Alerts 1-888-331-6133
925678 DuoBankServices / Walmart Mastercard                  1-888-331-6133
780780 Walmart Canada People                                            1-855-980-0372
925679 WALMART MC Rewards                 1-888-331-6133
92568 Walmart Order Alerts   18003280402
898898 Walmart Canada Messages   1-800-328-0402

But if you are talking about the 2FA for any account access with Walmart site, you might need to login to Walmart and change the phone number

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hello @ELT , Apart from all the other great suggestions, the following link might be of assistance:

Hope this helps.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Do you know the number from Walmart?


try to opt out Walmart 2FA first, or change to another number first.  

Then change back (or add back the phone number for 2FA) after couple days, it might fix it


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is the message from the CS agent  "I was checking your case,  with tech support, and there is no problem with your text messages Unfortunately that is a problem with Walmart software, however, we refreshed the SIM card services to rule out an error."

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, I just joined PM with porting last week and now everything works great. All the messages and short code messages are working well except Walmart, only Walmart. It's so strange. I asked the CS agent to help me and they already did everything they could do but still can not fix this issue.

Mayor / Maire


just ported into PM? if it is , it can take as many as 7 days for banks and government text.  Warlmart text should come quicker, but might still take couple days

Mayor / Maire


It will take about 24 hours for the short code to work hit it is hot and miss.

Best to see if a CS_Agent can look into it for you by private messaging at: 



First, do you receive any incoming calls and regular SMS (P2P) from friends?  And did you join joined PM with poring?  If so, how long have you joined?

For 2FA text or other system generated text (A2P), it is normal for them to start coming later.   Systems take longer to find out you changed provider and to route the text correctly to the new provider (Public Mobile).    Also, financial institutions (banks) or government agencies (e.g, CRA)  put this delay on purpose too to avoid SIM Fraud

Usually they will start coming around the 3rd day after porting but it could take as many as 7 days for all the 2FA/A2P text to come.  

Mayor / Maire

If you recently ported in then they seem to take a few days to catch up to those. Maybe Walmart is really delayed.

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