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Can I get the Bonus Data period Extended?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've barely used a fraction of it.

As a loyal Public Mobile customer for over 6 years, I'd expect there would not be an expiration date to use the bonus data fromt he legacy plan I've had for years.

Please can someone help with this. I need this extra data and would like to keep it until I use it all. I'm already paying more per month since the plan rewards were changed a few weeks ago. Thanks in advance


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I got my loyalty bonus partially returned and extended.  However, they were extenuating circumstances. 

I originally had 240 GB and when I downgraded my plan, PM canceled all of it. I submitted a ticket and waited a month for a response. Meanwhile, I was dealing with slow speeds and dropped calls. 

When an agent finally contacted me, PM returned only 5 GB of the loyalty bonus data to me. And they asked me to run a bunch of speed tests to analyze the slow speeds. When I complained that I was using up all of my data running speed tests for them, PM returned the 5 GB and reset the expiry for a new 150 days. I currently still have 99 days before the loyalty bonus data expires.

It isn't going to happen @Noybit .  

It's a reward program - a completely optional program.

The CCTS (as with most similar such institutions) will simply give complainants the sense they're doing something, will make it seem their complaints are legitimate, then after a period of time, will conclude they don't have the authority to direct whether a provider offers a reward program, or alters their reward program.

Smoke and mirrors.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


It will nice if we get the old reward system back, but don’t put a lot of hope in that.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I hope this gets resolved through the CCTS. because this is ridiculous for over 6 years of loyalty all going down the drain.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Every loyal customer will be happy if this can be done, but unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to extend the expiry date for those loyalty data.


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