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Being charged BC rates

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I purchased a sim and my original plan in BC. Moved to Alberta a month later and updated all my payment info / billing address to my Alberta address. Yet I’m still charged the BC GST (5%) and the BC PST (7%). How do I update this?


Mayor / Maire

If it we me I would leave auto pay setup (just in case, and because I have the legacy $2 discount), but I'd buy vouchers a couple months at a time to save the tax. It's a bit of a hassle, but I'd do it when I was at the store already.

Mayor / Maire

Depending on who's calling you, callers in either BC or AB would need their own long distance capabilities to call your number wherever it is. People in AB will be seeing your number and think oh that's a BC number.  Then they have to think for that moment oh right but I have unlimited Canada-wide. Or they think but that's a long distance call for me.
But nowadays, who doesn't have Canada-wide calling, amiright.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ahhh bummer I like my number. Thanks for the info, much appreciated!


@Abcd_1234 PM charges tax based on the location of the area code of your phone number.  You are still using a BC number so you got charged BC rate

you have two choices to save on the tax:

  • you can change your number to an AB one and PM will then charge tax based in AB rate 
  • Or you can buy vouchers from local stores and load vouchers using *611 or My Account after. Tax on the vouchers will be charged in the stores based on AB rate 
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