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Autopay Reward

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi All,

Is the autopay reward of $2 taken away in the new points system, kindly advise


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes, thank you removed my auto pay and will check for new plans to see if they are good.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

True and agreed, will check for newer ones


With the mandatory switch to points, monthly rewards such as autopay and loyalty are gone unfortunately.  

Which plan are you on presently?  

For existing customers, may want to consider these following plans:

$19/month for 1 GB LTE

$29/month for 10 GB LTE

$34/month for 50 GB Canada/US LTE 

$40/month for 75 GB Canada/US LTE 

Some of these plans may be cheaper than some of the grandfathered plans. 

For example, it makes sense for any old $25 plan 1GB 3G to switch over to the $19 plan.  Basically paying the same without the legacy rewards (ie. autopay and loyalty).

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You are free to look elsewhere but almost all of the other carriers prices are all very similar priced. But I would recommend looking at the newer plans as they tend to be better then some of the order ones.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you, thought so. I have been a loyal customer from 2019,  need to look elsewhere now.

Mayor / Maire

hi @why_public 

sorry,no more $2 autopay and no more loyalty rewards.

you only get 5% back in points and annual 10 points anniversary 

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