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Automatic Account Payment

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Have been using automatic credit card payment on my account for many months without problem. Got a text message yesterday saying my payment was not received and now my account has been suspended. Why did payment not go through


@Kenny47   wait an hour if possible, try again with Incognito mode.

It's possible you may have exceeded attempts - wait 30 minutes and try again @Kenny47 .   When doing so, be sure to clear cache and cookies and use incognito tab before logging in.


You could also try adding a payment voucher available at many locations and by calling *611 from your device - this can still be accessed when the account is suspended.


Here's where you can get a payment voucher:






Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Tried that and it won't work, just get a message that says "oops something went wrong try again later". Tried to pay with a different credit card and got the same message

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Kenny47 wrote:

Have been using automatic credit card payment on my account for many months without problem. Got a text message yesterday saying my payment was not received and now my account has been suspended. Why did payment not go through

Although I setup automatic payment using credit card same as you do, but I always add enough funds for service to "available funds" before one week at renew date. Therefor PM can withdrew funds from "available funds" and don't need charge to credit card. So I never have any problems for auto pay at all.




Unfortunately Pre-Authorized payments could fail.  It could be your credit card but more likely PM's problem


No worry, just login to My Acocount to make a manual payment, click Reactivate my plan and follow the step

Once payment is made, logoff from My Account and reboot your phone



Mayor / Maire


Autopay does fail. If none of your services are working log into self service to make a manual payment to reactivate your plan. Clear your browser cache first and go incognito.

Mayor / Maire



Sometimes, it can fail.   Is the expiry past on the card?


I gather you have no calling nor texting capabilities - sometimes there are 'misleading' messages causing some to believe account expiry when it is not so.


If not, just log into self-serve and make a manual payment sufficient to restore service.



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