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Auto Pay

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Auto pay not processed and phone not working. This isn't an issue with the credit card status or dates. Online payment is not working. How can this be resolved?


@Perplexed2019You can contact the moderators if you wish

However the payment system is a blackbox, sometimes even the moderators can't get it working so YMMV. If that convenience is important to you, I would recommend upgrading to a mid tier provider like Koodo, Fido and Virgin.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The credit card was  working since the account opened 10 months ago. There's no issues with the credit card. I talked to the CC company and the didn't receive a payment request.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Triguy thank you for the information. Public should be able to assist with a solution to identify and resolve why payment was not processed for a plan that has processed auto pays for the last 10 months with no changes to the credit card. 


Will start shopping for a new mobile provider. 


@Perplexed2019, has the credit card in the account ever worked?  If this is a newly added card, try doing a $1 top up to make sure that it is working.  If needed, remove the card and re-add it.  Remember to leave the apartment field blank and no spaces in the postal code.

Mayor / Maire

Try the lost/stolen feature. Log in to self-serve. Plan & Add-Ons from top menu. Lost/Stolen Phone from next menu. Suspend Service button. Log out. Wait a few minutes. Log back in and back to Lost/Stolen Phone and Resume Service this time. Log out. Restart phone. You could potentially lose any rewards that have. 2. Manually add $1 into your account and restart the phone. 

Maintain a balance in your account before renewal to prevent your service from being stopped if autopay does not work.

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