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How to receive a notification by email, that your payment (automatic or manual) was completed

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


How do I activate an automatic email notification when a payment was processed and my plan renewed? I don't need badges and points, and in 2025 when you have like 20 subscriptions to manage and you just want to know when you plan was renewed and for how much, this option would be quite preferable and simple to implement. I suspect such an option does not exist based on what I am seeing in the forums (despite every other company offering this baseline service), but I'd like to double check. As I say, to have to login - and often with 2-step verification even though I have chosen NOT to employ 2-step - in order to simply check when a payment has been processed and for how much, is a lot less effective than a simple auto-email... I mean, unless the idea was to upsell me and capitalize on my traffic once I logged into my portal... 

Do automatic billing emails exist? 




@Precision_melt , I get emails about my points tally after each renewal.  It occurs a little after renewal date but it does let me know that nothing has fallen off the rails.  

Mayor / Maire

no automatic billing email.

but if you have the credit card app installed on the phone, you can set notification for all purchase, and when you see a notification from the card app about a PM charge, you know the renewal is done

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Alright, well I really appreciate your kind reply just the same. Cheers, I didn't realize there was a PM app... might make it easier, but I confess I'm getting pretty close to switching providers.

Thanks again!

Mayor / Maire

hi @Precision_melt 

sadly you cannot

PM used to have text about renewal but they stopped that 2 years ago

I suggest you download the PM app and check the PM app on the morning of the renewal.   As to renewal date, setup a calendar reminder on your phone, make sure it is set to recurring every 30 days, and use it to remind you when is the renewal day

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