06-12-2024 12:06 PM
i use to pay and remove my card option so im not Auto charged cause sometimes i switch plans depending on the offers. they Charged me fully when my card was not suppose to be connected to my account and now it wont let me remove the card. anyone know if this forced charge is part of some new policy bs? if so anyone know a phone company i can switch to that wont charge me without consent ?
06-12-2024 01:41 PM
I leanred that Public Mobile refers to automatic payments at being "subscribed", as long as this is turned off, no auto payments should go through, but the credit card is still saved on file for when you want to turn it back on. In order to remove the credit card completely, you have to contact a support agent and ask them to remove it:
You will have to reenter your card when you want to make a payment, and will have to message them again to remove it each month if you dont want to have it stored online. They should NOT charge you if you are not subscribed.
06-12-2024 12:18 PM
@Clay-W I've heard that this a few times yes. People swear their card was removed and added back without constent. I can't confirm if truth or not.
Use the chatbot to create a ticket and confront pm. You can also ask them to remove card permanently if you want.
06-12-2024 12:17 PM
Only a CS_Agent can remove your CC information on your account. The other option is to disable Subscribed so it won’t charge your CC so you have full control on your account.
Since this month charges has gone through. Just login to your account and disable/turn off Subscribed.
06-12-2024 12:16 PM
hi @Clay-W if you use Change Now option, the system will charge you full price immediately and start the new plan, no partial refund on the old cycle
and everyone now on Public Points, so no discount during renewal , charge in full and pay you rewards after
for Auto renewal, it is normal if you have enabled autopay. If you dont want that, rather manual top up funds monthly, go to My Account, Profile, Manage Subscrxiption and turn off Subsribed.