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Account is suspended, and I want to port my number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Please tell me I DO NOT HAVE TO PREPAY for a month to cancel and port my number? 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yea did the 15$ now I’m out ✌️


you could downgrade to cheapest plan ($15)...use it for 28 days...then port out.

If you hafta pay for 30 days of PM may as well use some of it anyhow eh.

OR....just stay with PM as it's such a reliable, inexpensive, fun, ...cell service. 😎

Hi @Jtom it is not a PM rule.  Porting is like this for all carriers,  the account must be active and able to receive authorization text for it to be ported.   You should have planned the time better 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So I have to PAY them to cancel without using it. Dumb but thanks 

Mayor / Maire

sorry @Jtom , you need to activate for a month to port.  Once ported,  your account will be closed


But,  if you are thinking to port to Koodo or Telus, them, you might not need to activate for a month



Mayor / Maire


You need your account to be Active to port your number over to another carrier so port over 2 days before your renewal date.

Mayor / Maire


you need an Active PM account to be able to port out to a different cell network...sorry.

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