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Account email not accepted

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

With the new public mobile platform, my daughter’s account email is not recognized anymore. She receives emails from public mobile but cannot access her account. Her email is a school one ( and public mobile platform says to enter a valid email! I checked with the school IT, and the problem is not from their side.

How can we access her account? Is there a way to change the email associated with her account even if public mobile doesn’t let us get into her account?

Is there a way to talk to someone to be able to get access to her account?



@Sabrina81  You won’t hear back from them tonight check your community in box tm morning and you should have reply then or soon after  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • It doesn’t work. She gets emails from public mobile but then cannot enter that sane email to enter her account. It says to enter a valid email, and she’s a entering the same email address to which she got an email from public mobile!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It did not work. She received emails from public mobile and clicks on recovery link from email but then it says the email is invalid!

I wrote an email to support but haven’t gotten a response.



Try to start with Forgot email, it will send a code to your phone, see if PM can locate the email address used


Mayor / Maire

@Sabrina81 wait an hour . Use the email she gets mail from public mobile and hit forgot password .get code sent to email verify it . Create new password and then sign in again with new password sending code to the phone 

if that doesn’t work please message support 

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