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95% data usage notification inaccurate - Which texts to trust, and can I opt out of these reminders?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I've been with Public Mobile for a while now, so I'm used to receiving data usage texts - but I have noticed lately that the 95% data usage notification hasn't been consistent.

I don't use my data much, but last month I got both 95% and 100% of my data used up barely 10 days after the month started. I assumed I used up more than I expected, reset my phone statistics to check how my phone data is used up this month, and left it at that.

My plan was renewed 4 days ago, and I got the notification saying 95% of my data was used, but both my phone and my Public Mobile Account show that I'm closer to 20%.

I have scrolled through similar questions in this Community Forum and apparently this has been a recurring issue, so I wanted to ask if there are usage texts that are accurate - if so, which ones? - and can I opt out of these notifications altogether?

I intend tabulate my previous month's data usage to see if the 100% data usage notification was accurate, but given that I keep a close eye on my data usage on my own, I'd rather get no reminders from Public Mobile rather than get inaccurate ones.

Thanks in advance!



Unfortunatley, there isnt' any way to opt out of these text messages. Public Mobile considers these to be important service messages, although I admit that I'd rather not receive them either.


@k-eli-graphy the best way to check updated and correct usage is to use Incognito mode to login My Account.  Please check again

PM usually track data fairly accurately.  So, please go to the usage history and go through the page and add up the data use from today back to the beginning of this current cycle date.  (Please remember PM cycle date keeps changing, so check which date was your beginning cycle date first)

Usage history:

And are you on Android?  if so, you can compare the total usage with your phone's tracker.  Check the Mobile data usage page.  Again, change the Start billing cycle on date to match your current PM's cycle start date


Mayor / Maire

@k-eli-graphy  best to check usage like this 

Try again incognito/private mode

And or lap top /computer



simply try refreshing the page to check data plan / mins / add ons



For most up to date account info

if anything is a miss please 

message support directly

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