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$50 PLan US & Canada Talk

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle




So with this plan I can be anywhere in Canada and talk unlimited in Canada and the US.

However, when I am in the USA can I call back to Canada?


Hopefully the answer to that is yes because if that was the case then texting would work from the USA as well.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@KamWest this plan is only valid for when you are in Canada.  Once you go outside of Canada you are no longer on the Telus/PM network.  If you got o the U.S. for example your phone antenna will be connecting to a U.S. provider (this is also when you make calls from U.S. to Canada, not jsut if you're making calls to U.S. numbers while in the U.S.).  


So if you're going to the U.S. you'll need to get a plan that offers roaming.  There are add-ons you cna purchase, or you can get the $60 promo plan that currently exists (which has more bang for you buck). And when you come back you can change your plan back to the $50 option if you want. 


The $60 promo plan gives you unlimited calls and texts across the U.S. and Canada, so you can jump between the borders like Homer from the Simpsons did and not worry about not getting a connection.  Only limitation is your data plan gives you up to 2GB of data.


Please note the fine print though as there are some area codes that won't work on this plan:

U.S. Roaming talk Add-Ons or U.S. calling from Canada and will not be completed when dialed: 712-432, 605-562, 641-552, 605-475, 605-477, 712-775, 559-726, 530-881.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jb456 wrote:

Unfortunately no.


You need the $60 traveller plan for that

The $60 plan comes with data so I can accept the extra cost.


The $50 plan has no US data, at least they should let you call from the STATES if they are going to say Canada & US


I'll stay with my $40 5gb plan for now.

Mayor / Maire

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