11-22-2023 10:34 AM
HI, I am already set up switching to $34 for 20 G for next renewal, then I saw todays black friday deal with same money but 10G more data. is it only for a couple days ?should I change the subscription of the newest deal(my renewal date is next month 6th, is it going to be gone at the time?), thanks
11-22-2023 10:43 AM
so once I subscribed the change, the deal is sealed?even after another half month? thanks
11-22-2023 10:41 AM
HI @yyjyyj
yes, if not kicked in yet, then yes, use Incognito/Private/Secret mode on your browser to login (to avoid caching problem), cancel the old one first and schedule the new 30GB with Change on Renewal
11-22-2023 10:39 AM
my set up switching to 20g is for next month 6th, should i cancel the change and set new change to the 30G?
11-22-2023 10:37 AM
HI @yyjyyj
you can change it but do not use Change Now to change it or you will loss money. Sorry, PM is prepaid and you cannot change it now without lossng money
best practice is to schedule it for next renewal, so use Change on Renewal option to schedule one. Yes, this month will be only 20GB, but starting next one, you will get 30GB