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2FA broken due to ESIM

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just tried activate an E-Sim on my Pixel but since it was setting up I figured I could download the App on my Samsung and get a QR code to get the  E-SimoE-Sim my Pixel but instead it proceeded to try to get me to install the E-Sim on my Samsung. So I backed out before it installed and downloaded the Public app on my Pixel. Now when I try to log into the App on my Pixel that eversafe sends the 2FA on the number that I selected for my E-Sim but never actually installed. So now I can't get the code for that stupid 2FA. When I log into the Samsung it prompts me to install the E-Sim but I want to install it on the Pixel. Can someone reset the E-Sim installation process so I can install it on the Pixel?


@F_2FA dont give up, it is something that can be fixed easily by support

 Use my link to message support, it is not a Chatbot link but a link to message support, it will work:


**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I didn't receive a welcome email. I have no idea how to message support. I keep getting that stupid. Chatbot. Who knew you had to be a software engineer to setup a prepaid phone line. I think I'll just take the L , lose the $15 and go with a different provider. Thanks anyway.


@F_2FA if you backed out early without installing the eSIM on the wrong phone, then you don't need the PM app on your Pixel.  You can simply use the Pixel to scan the eSIM QR code on your welcome email and install it on your Pixel

But if you didn't get the Welcome email and no QR code, message support and they can send you one again

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


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