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10 or 12 gb plan?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I was wondering when PM was going to get with the times and offer larger data plans.

As every day goes by traffic usage also grows, why not keep up?


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Anyone wanting 10gb and on PM could check and see if they are eligible for Koodo 10GB offer $60. Almost all PM members who joined more than a couple days ago maybe eligible

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yep, being in remote locations sometimes means that our only access to Internet is through phones. I too needs lots. Thanks for the hint about renewing more often.. how do you do it though?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree, I need lots of data. I could switch to a company here that offers unlimited data for $85 a month if the data is used in proximity of the city here, but it sure would be good if bigger plans were available here. I have been with PM for 30 days now, and kind of satisfied so far, but would really like if they could up their data plans a notch or two. It might just get more customers too, as I sure know lots of people who use lots of data up here. 

@srlawren I know at launch the OP5 did not work but they apparently patched it

Never heard of OP5T having an issue? (well beyond the blocking of WiFi calling)


My main issue is that it seems like really only a few current flagship devices and a handful of brands you never heard of seem to actually use B66 at this point


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@kav2001c I should see if anyone I know uses FM, so I could test their SIM card in my (definitely)band 66-capable OP5T.  Not that I really want to use it (or any other phone) on FM any time soon, but just for fun.

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I don't put much faith into sites like MobileSyrup, I genuinely can't understand why they're so popular.


I always prefer to go straight to the source, look into the horse's mouth, observe things in their proper context, judge for myself, not accept the easily-digested summaries (and sometimes not entirely correct or applicable conclusions) offered by other observers.


So no surprise that hearsay based on hearsay is going to pass along some inaccuracies.

@srlawren that list can be quite misleading since a bunch of those 29 listed are varients (eg a Euro / Asian / North American model) so even those that have B66 might be useless on Freedom (as they would lack voice / text capabilities)


Also oddly some phones that show up on the list of 29 are not really B66 phones (Cat Frustrated ) as an example, they list the Samsung S7 but then if you actually click on the Samsung S7, NONE of the varients they list actually show B66 (so a bug in search?) meaning there are less than 29 devices

And just to verify I also went to Freedoms homepage and sure enought Freedom states S7 is NOT B66 LTE as well so




Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


@Korth Freedom claims to be more reliable by summer as LTE is switched on

We shall see

For now you need a weird phone (B66) since most do not even support that band

And even with band data is unimpressive due to slow speeds and lack of reliability



@kav2001c Becoming less and less obscure (band 66) every day.  GSM Arena currently lists 29 models that support it, for example:  That said, unless the device is explicitly sold by Freedom, there's no guarantee it will work on their band 66 even if the phone supports band 66, frustratingly.

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@Korth Freedom claims to be more reliable by summer as LTE is switched on

We shall see

For now you need a weird phone (B66) since most do not even support that band

And even with band data is unimpressive due to slow speeds and lack of reliability




Living in Freedom area and having data at home is *pointless* since everyone in Canada uses home WiFi 

Still, Freedom Mobile's data offer is already fairly compelling for those within the zone, many people have mobile data addictions (or teenagers with the same).  It could be very compelling indeed if Shaw included Freedom within a bundle discount alongside their broadband/cable services.  Although to my knowledge they don't do this (yet).


Spotty Swiss cheese coverage is bad.  Freedom hasn't spread their 700/1700/2500MHz hardware evenly, some regions (mine, apparently yours) lean too heavily on one end of their spectrum allocation, I guess they have to balance priorities between coverage density and coverage growth, and they're still struggling to fill holes in basic voice/data coverage vs expanding their lucrative 4G coverage.


Incidentally, there's development notices posted all over my city, apparently 4 new radio towers are going up "soon", 2 of them owned exclusively by Freedom.

@Korth even if you live in Freedom coverage area the network is like swiss cheese

I am quite negative towards it as I live in Toronto area (worst Freedom network in all Canada!)


Plus the fact most Freedom plans are utterly useless should you ever travel (250MB of roaming data lol)

Travel is when most people NEED data; check reviews of restaurant, see GPS, get important email etc


Living in Freedom area and having data at home is *pointless* since everyone in Canada uses home WiFi


Mayor / Maire

The downside on Wind Freedom Mobile is limited network infrastructure.  Shaw is still a telecomm startup (compared to the Big Three), it doesn't have a lot of deployed hardware or a large enough subscriber base to leverage aggressively for favourable nation-wide coverage with the big boys.  It's growing and it's promising ... but that doesn't change what they can offer right now.


If you happen to live in the 3.7% of Canada which has Freedom Mobile coverage - and you need that data! - then it's a smoking hot deal.  But for everyone else, or even for those within the zone who need to talk a lot with those outside it, the Freedom deal is much less appealing.


All it takes is for one of rogers network bargain brands to offer a large package....telus's brands will soon follow. its all about compitition. and will happen eventually as basic bandwidth needs will always rise.

That would be true in a "laissez-faire" free telecommunications market driven purely by supply and demand.  It is untrue in Canada's oligopolistically-controlled telecommunications market.


And, negativity aside, if something like this happens - one of the non-Telus brands offers a large data package at compelling rates - then yes Telus brands will soon follow and that's only good news for us!


I've observed that the value-tier brands always carry maximum data packages a little below their flanker-tier siblings.  And data allocations do increase over time, but it involves installation of new hardware and upgrades of existing hardware, costly stuff which could theoretically be installed everywhere but in practice will be deployed only where and when it's deemed profitable.  12GB data packages won't be available at "reasonable" prices until there's enough established demand for 12GB to offset the costs of installing 12GB infrastructure.


All those people signing on with 4GB~6GB Koodo plans now are getting a good deal now, but they'll start feeling locked in a couple years later when higher-GB allocations become more common.  Fortunately, they'll have the option to renew (and start up a new Tab, and get a new device, etc) when this happens.  The carriers have long-term plans as well as the customers they're trying to lock into long-term plans.


Right now you're asking for double the "maximum" amount of data typical wireless customers are willing to pay for.  You've got to pay the extra or you've got to wait until 12GB is "normal".  If it's not good enough then you just gotta find yourself a non-PM alternative.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


All it takes is for one of rogers network bargain brands to offer a large package....telus's brands will soon follow. its all about compitition. and will happen eventually as basic bandwidth needs will always rise.

This did happen, and recently too:


Canadian carriers say response to $60/10GB promos has been overwhelming


"The plans, seemingly a response to Freedom Mobile’s $50/10GB 'Big Gig' plan launched in October, were kicked off by Rogers and its sub-brand Fido. The $60/10GB plan with unlimited Canada-wide calling and text began in Alberta in British Columbia, and was quickly taken up by competing Bell and Telus brands, expanding to Ontario not long after."

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

All it takes is for one of rogers network bargain brands to offer a large package....telus's brands will soon follow. its all about compitition. and will happen eventually as basic bandwidth needs will always rise.


PM is low cost brand so doubt they will offer you what you need.

This has been said several times different ways by others here, still true.



That makes no sense to me. Why offer loyalty bonuses then? Why make it cheaper to get 12 gig on PM than koodo if you want migration.? do have a link that backs this theory? because if i want 10 or more gig (which is 115$ at koodo) i can get 2 6g lines at 52$ each minus 2 autopays and 2 referals for a grand total of 94$. i dont see how this would make anybody migrate.....

The Koodo offer was a better deal, a great deal for some.  But not for all.  Not for me.  And not for you, based on your description of what you're looking for.


PM's plans currently offer a maximum of 4+2GB "3G" data or 5GB 4G data.  These are their highest-end offerings, at prices which honestly don't compare very favourably vs Koodo/etc.  They are a good deal for existing customers who've accumulated rewards (from AutoPay, Loyalty, Referral, and Community), but they're not compelling for new customers who can score better deals elsewhere.  You ask why PM offers Loyalty rewards ... self-evident, they reward loyalty, keeping low-revenue business is preferable over no revenue at all.  But mobile data is the most precious wireless service component, users willing to pay the premium for higher mobile data allocations are invited to move to higher-tier services not offered by PM.  All of the flagship brands offer extreme mobile data packages, you can get up to 80GB (or 100GB or more) of LTE data from Telus itself if you're willing to pay the price.  It's all Telus hardware, Telus pays to install and operate it, why would Telus be interested in making less money instead of more money from it?

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@IG-koodopromoz can you please clarify and substantuate your statement.  Have you read the whole thread?



PM is low cost brand so doubt they will offer you what you need.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

PM is low cost brand so doubt they will offer you what you need.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


Poor @srlawren

I gave you a bravo since your cupboard looks bare Cat LOL



@Gwaiiguy are you calling me an ornery lurker sniffing around for bravos? I assure you, I have no shortage of bravos, and I'm not a lurker.  

Thanks @kav2001c.  Now that I'm down to ornerily lurking 22 hours a day (my physician insisted I get SOME sleep, after all), my bravos have really dried up.  Much appreciated.  🙂

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Poor @srlawren

I gave you a bravo since your cupboard looks bare Cat LOL



@Gwaiiguy are you calling me an ornery lurker sniffing around for bravos? I assure you, I have no shortage of bravos, and I'm not a lurker.  

@Gwaiiguy if you are going to do the 2 SIM route Telus is usually best value


Activate primary phone number on an out of province plan ($70 for 16GB)

Then activate second line (port your number) on Canada Wide calling plan with shared data ($50 - $10 promo = $40 per month)


$40 + $70 = $110 + tax

Cross Canada calling & 16GB of data per month


No way I would look at Koodo for something similar


Oh and fun fact Cat Wink

You can even use the out of province SIM card as a Tablet SIM (noone cares about phone number right)



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I should've clued in from your username where you are.


Hmmm.... I'm afraid I have no good suggestions. 😞


The best mobile plans I can find are 10GB plans for $115/month. That's nearly twice as much as the pre-Christmas deal though.


As said earlier, I seriously doubt PM will offer anything with that much data.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

i live on an island that only has telus towers or 900mhz over 2km nlos to local provider both of which ultimatly send the data over the longest overwater microwave connection in the world. . so the 900mhz is spotty at best. i also had to get a booster just to even get cell service. so alot of the time 3gig is as fast as its gonna go whether in 3 or 4g cell.

oh and telus won't give us a hub because they are afraid of "saturating the tower" or we "wont have acceptable service" or many other excuses dependant on which agent i speak to.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



If you are planning for this to be your home internet option then I think you need to assess the speed issue because the plan we discussed is capped at 3mbs up and down which is very slow when the minimum home internet seems to be 30mbs.


its 3x faster than the crap they serve me at home. and satilite isn't even a starter

Ok, I think I understand the purpose of your thread. 🙂


Where are you located and who are you using now for home internet? Perhaps with that we can help with some alternatives.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


If you are planning for this to be your home internet option then I think you need to assess the speed issue because the plan we discussed is capped at 3mbs up and down which is very slow when the minimum home internet seems to be 30mbs.


its 3x faster than the crap they serve me at home. and satilite isn't even a starter

omg i'd need 3 or 4 plans a month if was any faster lol

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

i don't see why you think i "married the wrong provider" i think i'm where i need to be...2 extra gig over koodo for 20 bucks pocket book likey.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

If you are planning for this to be your home internet option then I think you need to assess the speed issue because the plan we discussed is capped at 3mbs up and down which is very slow when the minimum home internet seems to be 30mbs.








@ Maybe you haven't looked around but even koodo, which is where PM seems to try and push it's customers to, has a 10 gig plan. that said it actually would be cheaper to just get 2 plans a month with PM @ a total of 104$ (minus bonus creds) for 12 gigs saving 11$ (plus creds) and get 2 extra gigs over koodo and an extra number to do prank calls with.Man Winkjk


@Gwaiiguy again, this is 100% intentional.  If your needs change (i.e. you need more data), they are hoping you will move up the food chain onto a post-paid plan at Koodo or Telus that will meet your needs.  Same great network, with more services for you and more stable ARPU for Telus.  Win-win, in their eyes.  Telus has no desire to offer large data plans on their pre-paid PM tier at this time, nor do I personally think they are likely to do so anytime soon.  If you need more data, you'll have to come up with other arrangements like going elsewhere or as you put it, getting two lines.  

That makes no sense to me. Why offer loyalty bonuses then? Why make it cheaper to get 12 gig on PM than koodo if you want migration.? do have a link that backs this theory? because if i want 10 or more gig (which is 115$ at koodo) i can get 2 6g lines at 52$ each minus 2 autopays and 2 referals for a grand total of 94$. i dont see how this would make anybody migrate.....


EDIT: now that ive read this to myself it seems like it would be in PM"s best interest to offer a high data plan. it would prevent the above scenario of multiple credits per customer and multiple phone lines per customer.

@Gwaiiguy, where are you getting that price?  When I bring up 30 day Province Wide calling international texting I can only see 5GB LTE and it is $62 a month.  The 4+2 for $52 is 3G or LTE Light so you can't compare those as they are not the same.


for my purpose i would compare them as i dont have a problem with the speed of delivery or call canada wide. so just pushing me off to kodoo wouldn't do ME any favours.


This is awesome I get to use the same quote within a couple of hours.


There is no FRILLS.  They just brought in US Roaming only a year ago. HUGE monthly Data buckets are non existant on PM.  Reading all of this reminds me of a saying I read in some article.  "A guy marries a girl hoping she never changes and a girl marries a guy hoping he will change"  This isn't meant to offend anyone that is just something I read but it seems so many people are  "Marrying PM and hoping it will change"


Sounds like you may have married the wrong provider


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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen




yup the "go elsewhere" seems like a goto answer for most threads. smh

Shake it all you want - did you not look into what Public Mobile was all about and offered you joined? Due diligence and all that.


And the answer to most threads here is definitely not "go elsewhere".


I'm actually surprised that @Gwaiiguy didn't jump on one of the 10GB/$60 promos last December - would have been quite close to what they seem to look for. And those plans did definitely get plenty of publicity.

i just missed out on that, not knowing my home internet was gonna suck this bad.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen






@ Maybe you haven't looked around but even koodo, which is where PM seems to try and push it's customers to, has a 10 gig plan. that said it actually would be cheaper to just get 2 plans a month with PM @ a total of 104$ (minus bonus creds) for 12 gigs saving 11$ (plus creds) and get 2 extra gigs over koodo and an extra number to do prank calls with.Man Winkjk


@Gwaiiguy again, this is 100% intentional.  If your needs change (i.e. you need more data), they are hoping you will move up the food chain onto a post-paid plan at Koodo or Telus that will meet your needs.  Same great network, with more services for you and more stable ARPU for Telus.  Win-win, in their eyes.  Telus has no desire to offer large data plans on their pre-paid PM tier at this time, nor do I personally think they are likely to do so anytime soon.  If you need more data, you'll have to come up with other arrangements like going elsewhere or as you put it, getting two lines.  

That makes no sense to me. Why offer loyalty bonuses then? Why make it cheaper to get 12 gig on PM than koodo if you want migration.? do have a link that backs this theory? because if i want 10 or more gig (which is 115$ at koodo) i can get 2 6g lines at 52$ each minus 2 autopays and 2 referals for a grand total of 94$. i dont see how this would make anybody migrate.....


EDIT: now that ive read this to myself it seems like it would be in PM"s best interest to offer a high data plan. it would prevent the above scenario of multiple credits per customer and multiple phone lines per customer.

@Gwaiiguy, where are you getting that price?  When I bring up 30 day Province Wide calling international texting I can only see 5GB LTE and it is $62 a month.  The 4+2 for $52 is 3G or LTE Light so you can't compare those as they are not the same.


for my purpose i would compare them as i dont have a problem with the speed of delivery or call canada wide. so just pushing me off to kodoo wouldn't do ME any favours.


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