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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,597 REPLIES 5,597

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I can see your point - although I’m not sure I fully agree.

if you live in metro Vancouver or Ontario or Quebec, you have way more viable options than elsewhere in Canada. There are definitely options for everyone, but there are way more options for people in certain places.

One thing I learned when I tried out a line on Lum, which is SK’s “discount” provider, is that many people (including me) really count on their phones. For safety, for access to services, etc. It turned out that number had routing issues and some people/businesses just can’t call it successfully. The only reason I figured it out was because there were medical providers who couldn’t contact me - so they emailed or sent letters or phoned an alternate number. I to this day have no idea how many people who didn’t have an alternate contact method for me, tried to call me back on that number and just … couldn’t. At any rate, unreliable service (for whatever reason, whether it’s the provider’s network or the routing or whatever) actually can be a very big deal. If a hospital had tried to call me, they wouldn’t have been able to. My doctor still can’t.

In any case I was really glad I hadn’t ported my number from Public to try that service out, because being able to go back to my Public line saved me a lot of trouble.

So yeah, it’s just a mobile service provider, and there are others … but phones can be lifelines and when providers don’t feel like they have any responsibilities to their customers, you can end up in a really bad situation. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

interesting the reaction from CCTS is..  (Yoda voice)

are they really seeing for what it is - or just collecting the billable complaints....  time will tell....

this is the way  ( Mandolorian )

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I got 240gb - expiring soon - i have half a mind to auto dload 1000 linux iso's to use it all up just outa spite.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

honestly  - not sure how a poll about how current PM customers are intending to react to this move from PM and big daddy Telus  could possibly be deemed as "off topic"  - dont think it  could get any closer to the topic perfectly.  Hey telus  - heres the way your legacy users and potential clients are re-acting... do as you will anyway.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

enable roaming... especially if you are located in Ontario and everything will work perfectly.  After all - you are technically "roaming" in ontario - your ip will actually resolve to videotron.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

havent heard ANYTHING official from PM - wonder why - they just dont care.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

the nationwide - gives you free roaming on other networks in the zone ( province / country) per your plan - so in theory - you should be fine as long as they show the area in question as covered by partner network.

@hTideGnow , I've always wondered why there have been numerous posters in the Get Help section complaining about Freedom's service.   Is it really that bad, nationally?

To be honest, I haven't really given them much thought, until recently.

HI @Alveeto 

that's why I think some people are not make wise choice to decide to move away without realizing that if they choose a plan of same price elsewhere, they are losing 5% from the move, the saving from new rewards system

Some decide to go with Freedom.  With that, the price is definitely cheaper, but many decide to leave shortly after as the network is not solid like Telus, especially for those travel around a lot or not live in big city area.

Mayor / Maire

Who's  "pretending like people are incapable of caring about multiple things at once" ?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Exactly this.

With your last point though (and you sort of hit on it), yes, of course this isn't life or death, and of course there are more important things in life, but people in this thread are pretending like people are incapable of caring about multiple things at once, which I always find hilarious. 

There will always be something more important going on, it's always gonna be that way. "Who cares about the fact that your heating bill just went up by $120, don't you know that there are starving people in x country!??!". It's just silly logic, because small issues don't become non-existent just because there are larger problems out there. People are capable of worrying about multiple things at once, and fighting for all of them.

Small things lead to bigger problems, whether that's financial, or rights being taken away by your government. They all matter, and can all have big impacts on you. $50 a year may not sound like a lot, but multiply that by 5 family members, and you've got yourself $250 that could pay for your groceries for a week or two. For some people, that's a gamechanger.

sad to see you go @LEGO 

hope all good over there 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Ported all my lines to Freedom Mobile. Public Mobile, you can keep your new garbage points to yourself.

You believe they're all in collusion @Alveeto ?   

One of 'em jumps in with something 'different', and the others quickly match it or offers something else in an attempt to one up the others - it's all gamesmanship.

Same thing happens with practically every competitive market product/service these days.

And there's also Freedom, PC Mobile, Fizz, Eastlink, etc...

Really, the main point I was making is this is all much ado about nothing (edit: my opinion only, if i'm allowed to express one...) in the grand scheme of our lives  (or at least i think it is...).   To some, perhaps not.   Again, to each their own, and I respect that what's important to some may not be important to all.

Even so, I still wish PM would retain the Legacy Rewards too and have made my displeasure formally known. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Look at the plans available from Bell, Rogers and Telus. You'll see that they offer the exact same thing for the exact same price. That's not a ton of choices. That's three companies agreeing not to undersell each other to keep profits high for everyone.

For sure, @mc931, great points.

I just can't get past the whole fact that .... we're all writing about a mobile service provider.   

It's not a life-saving drug or a life necessity.  There's TONS of choices out there and none of us are beholden to any of them.  Such is why so many people switch from carrier to carrier on the flip of a dime for something as simple as waiting on the line too long to reach a customer support person.

Mobile service providers will all (and most have already) done something which 'troubles us' and makes us doubt our 'loyalty' to them.   

While I would strongly prefer they would not remove the legacy rewards, I'm not a bit surprised they have.  It was pretty clear to most of us it was just a matter of time when Public Points was released in January 2022.




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I think the number of people in this situation who will do this is small, but it’s the kind of thing I would do as well.

Any time we base decisions solely on whether or not it directly affects us, we run the risk of accepting further mistreatment when it does affect us.

I see a company flagrantly devalue loyalty from customers, and I wonder what will be next. What new promise (implied or overt) will they backtrack on next time?

This is just a phone plan, it’s not life or death or anything - but when it happens with bigger things (like protected rights) it can be a very big deal. In my opinion people should be mindful of the underlying message that comes from a move like this.

@egdsdfh wrote:

@HALIMACS wrote:

Curious, you WERE on Public Points (not the Legacy Rewards) and you decided to leave because Public Mobile is moving its Legacy Reward customers to Public Points?

Yep, Trying to help you guys out, get change with numbers right? Plus, I hate Telus anyway. I was on the $24 plan with 4GB or something. I have the same with Fizz for $13.50 (6 months) then it's $26.00. It's not so much about the money for me, I just don't use data and work from home. I might look after 6 months but I dont really care either.

Sounds good @egdsdfh .   I was curious if perhaps you may have been leaving with established referral rewards.   The Fizz sounds interesting, if within their established activation areas. 

Does the plan/service have full nationwide coverage?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'm pretty sure you're being purposely misleading, but just in case you aren't, I'll provide you with some details.

Yes, the price of the Fizz promotional plans nearly double after 6 months, but after 6 months, the price that the plans increase to, is nearly identical to PM's, and in many cases, far cheaper, so why is that a big deal? In fact, it's actually amazing, because you're saving for 6 months. Once you factor in the rewards they have, the prices drop far below the price of PM's plans.

For example, fizz currently has a $34/50GB plan (we'll compare this to PM's $34/50GB plan). Currently, this plan costs $17/month, but after 6 months, it goes back to $34 (same price as PM). But during these 6 months, you will have saved $102. If you calculate the 5% earned from PM, along with the 10-point anniversary bonus, it would take you over 3 years of PM's service, just to save this $102.

Now, once we factor in the rewards that Fizz offers, and the ability to lower your monthly bill in numerous ways, including loyalty rewards just like PM's old system, where they automatically take money off your bill each month, Fizz will actually become far cheaper than PM. Then they have awesome perks, upgrades, bonuses, etc. Data sharing, rollover data, all plans available to all customers, live chat support (phone calls and messaging), and so on, many people would see Fizz as being a far better option than PM. I don't see why somebody would feel forced to come back here, that's for sure. Even places like PC Mobile and Lucky can be more rewarding than PM, as well as have nearly identical pricing.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@HALIMACS wrote:

Curious, you WERE on Public Points (not the Legacy Rewards) and you decided to leave because Public Mobile is moving its Legacy Reward customers to Public Points?

Yep, Trying to help you guys out, get change with numbers right? Plus, I hate Telus anyway. I was on the $24 plan with 4GB or something. I have the same with Fizz for $13.50 (6 months) then it's $26.00. It's not so much about the money for me, I just don't use data and work from home. I might look after 6 months but I dont really care either.



Fizz good deals are only for new accounts for 6 month duration. After the 6 months their plan costs more than doubles. Did you not read the fine print? Are you coming back to PM in 6 months?

I read the fine print, I know it'll double and I'll never come back to PM or any Telus owned service. the Fizz perks are actually pretty neat.


I have Bell fibre, I kind of want to sign up for Bell Cell for a month then cancel and see what kind of winback deals they offer. I saw on RFDs people have $15 plan with more data then I'll ever use in my life.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Your money, your choice. I'm just speaking for myself and want to express my 'thank you' to PM. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Camera4617 - Ohhh. I use just different Gmail Accounts for my 2 accounts not Aliases.

Yeah, I am not moving to any other carrier because I am on the pants system & it is cheap to pay. Virgin scammed me with a $10 discount for 15 months and the plan is $50 with 12GB.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

on the Canadian govt website it has "Low-cost and occasional-use wireless service plans" which has a plan that's "Maximum $15/month" and lists what PM Offers for $15/30 days. I'd argue that 30 days is SOME months but not all... So I wonder if there's someone we can complain to about that. Think it'd work?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

It is one email with aliases, and it's not that hard as not much to manage (of course it would be easier to have one account for all). You set autopay and that works. Having said that, PM doing this move is not what I signed up. They can do whatever they want with their business, but they will not have me as a customer, especially since they 'promised' it multiple times.. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Whole family. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@eyes wrote:

@Camera4617 wrote:

Scheduled to move the first out of 5 lines to Lucky Mobile, as 'thanks' to this upcoming change. Rest will be moved soon after. Thank you PM

Why do you have 5 lines?

@eyes - @Camera4617 Has 5 emails for 5 accounts. Must get hard to manage 5 accounts at once!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@viral911 wrote:

no. The changed the system. Cheating of the highest order.

You get a prize of 5 points to switch. 

I hope some lawyer reads it and files a class action.

If we accept  the 5 points it's then a done deal for them - so how can we reject this contract revision acceptance payment?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Scheduled to move the first out of 5 lines to Lucky Mobile, as 'thanks' to this upcoming change. Rest will be moved soon after. Thank you PM

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

nope. they just high balled your monthly price.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes. Leaves nothing after this. No prize for staying with them.

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