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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,598 REPLIES 5,598

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes. Leaves nothing after this. No prize for staying with them.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

no. The changed the system. Cheating of the highest order.

You get a prize of 5 points to switch. 

I hope some lawyer reads it and files a class action.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, it would appear that the CCTS has accepted your complaint.  While PM's claim your complaint has no merit is not a basis for an objection, the CCTS will have to consider PM's claim when they actually assess your complaint.

If your complaint was about Telus home security, then an objection (not covered by CCTS mandate) would likely have seen it thrown out.

That's not the case here, but when the CCTS actually addresses your complaint, then PM will likely put the terms and conditions of the rewards program before them and the CCTS will then decide the merit of your complaint.

I guess time will tell @eyes 

Echoing what many others have written, some are in it for the simplicity of total cost for services received, others for other reasons.

To each their own.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@eyes - Anybody who joins Public Points gets 5 points extra. They removed the 1 point every month you have been on the Legacy Rewards system for when you join Public Points.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I’m also on the new points system as both phones are new September 2024 never heard of the old points rewards

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

exactly I was going to say I’m only with PM as they had a good price for both of my phones 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@ALISA_R - By the looks of what you are receiving now, you will now get on May 1st with the points system:

6 points for your referrals

No more Autopay (Pre-authorized bonus) savings.

No more Loyalty Pays rewards.

You will now get:

  • 6 points per month on refer-a-friend
  • Your plan price = 5% back in points.
  • 10 points annually added
  • 5 welcome points on May 1st

For example, imagine that your plan is $34/month and you just got switched to the points system, this is what your first year with points will look like

20.4 + 10 + 5 + 72 = 107.4 points in the first year

Next year, minus 5 points and you will receive 102.4 points annually.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@HALIMACS wrote:

Hope the change works out for you @egdsdfh 

Curious, you WERE on Public Points (not the Legacy Rewards) and you decided to leave because Public Mobile is moving its Legacy Reward customers to Public Points?


He's smart.... by taking the great fizz promotional deal even though it's only for 6 months. After the deal ends , it's no big deal he can easily port his number to another carrier - hey maybe even back to PM. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Screenshot_20240329_104332_Public Mobile.jpg

 what would it mean for the rewards?

I like that my rewards automatically applied to my balance every month. How will it look like with new program?

Mayor / Maire

@eyes wrote:

Loyalty? Do any of us have loyalty to PM, or is it only one sided? 
Perhaps we were sticking with PM because we couldn’t find a better deal elsewhere and some of us are  confusing this as loyalty?

@eyes A lot of people are pulling their hair out over this betrayal of their loyalty and claim that they are leaving. This is the exact opposite of loyalty. They (including me) were here for the cash rewards paid monthly. That is loyalty to my wallet not PM. Now that they are stopping the legacy rewards, by all means people should look around to see if a better deal exists elsewhere.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Loyalty? Do any of us have loyalty to PM, or is it only one sided? 
Perhaps we were sticking with PM because we couldn’t find a better deal elsewhere and some of us are  confusing this as loyalty?

Hope the change works out for you @egdsdfh 

Curious, you WERE on Public Points (not the Legacy Rewards) and you decided to leave because Public Mobile is moving its Legacy Reward customers to Public Points?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well @J_PM I've officially moved my account to Fizz. I was on the new points program but the fact that you'd do this to your customers have caused me to leave. The Fizz community seems to have lots of new PM ports over there so I wonder how things are going here. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxx

For others thinking of moving, The 2FA still works to let me login but I cant get into my account page, it just takes me to the home page so if you need anything out of there, do it before the port

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Of course..

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Mani81 - Yeah, most people are unhappy and want Public Mobile (Technically TELUS) to change the thing back to where it was before.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@marcnoel - Yes!

Most people are complaining to the CCTS.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I don't want points, i am happy with my old plan rewards☺️ My 5 years journey from almonds to popcorns!!😌😌😌

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Once again, I don't like this any more than the next person, but I think that many, perhaps most, of us, are forgetting that, at worst, this change will result in a maximum of a $ 5.42 loss in rewards per month.  The breakdown is: $ 50.00 less per year in loyalty, and $ 1.25 less per month ($ 15.00 plan) for the AutoPay replacement (5% off).  If your plan is more expensive,  the AutoPay loss will be less.  Referrals remain the same, and Community contributions are an individual thing, as to whether they are worth pursuing.

After some calculating, I could save $ 127.00 in the first year by switching to Fizz.  Six months at half-price during Beta testing for a $ 34.00 plan ($ 102.00 saved), and $ 25.00 for a referral reward.  After the first year, no monetary rewards until I've paid at least $ 900.00, which will take about 27 months, then it's a buck off per month.  If I stay with PM at $ 34.00/month, I will get $ 10.00 loyalty, $ 20.40 for the 5% back, and $ 96.00 for eight referrals.  That's $ 126.40 over a year.  60¢ difference - a nickel a month.  PLUS, if everything remains the same, I get $ 126.40 off every year following.  Please remember that, if you leave, you'll have to start again, and don't assume that you're going to make it up in referrals immediately.  That MAY happen.

I will see what it's like when the dust settles in May, but, at the moment, it's not worth switching to Fizz right now, which appears to be the best deal currently, at least to me.  My wife would save about $ 85.00 the first year by switching, as she has only one referral with PM, but, savings would dwindle after year three.  I don't know how far I should look down the road, so...

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

> As an example- when you see milk on sale on a grocery store flyer that sale price is only valid for the week.
> It would be silly to go the following week demanding to pay the previous week’s price.

Right, but if your local dairy had a special deal on a milk subscription, for their most loyal customers who stuck with them for 5 years and even convinced their friends to buy from the same dairy... OK I dunno where I was going with that analogy... but I guess if that dairy suddenly decided they were going to nearly double their prices, and your loyalty was worth jack $#!+, you might at least go and check the prices in a few other supermarkets and dairies, right?   🤔

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@hellboy - Let's not get into too much about politics BUT... yeah. I Agree with you!

We will have to wait and see if Mr. T get's out early or waits till 2025, and if Mr. T, Mr. S or Mr. P gets in.

CRTC can force what carriers do (Like a $15 max 100min outgoing minimum & unlimited incoming calls and unlimited calls with at least 250MB of data.) So most carriers are doing the most profit they can get without breaking the rules of the CRTC.

The CCTS just says to the carrier like "Hey, we've got (email / phone number / name) telling us that they have a complaint about your carrier. The complaint in general is example and we are reviewing the case to come up with a resolution."

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi Everyone,

All the TV and  Telecom service is totally out of Canada Government control. It is Ridiculous. I was working in those company and I feel very sorry on my life.

Those company seeking huge profits and defrauding CONSUMERS. Also, they are exploiting employees. Using them like a recycle paper.


Next year, I hope we will have NEW and powerful Prime Minister to handle this trouble.


@mikasik2 wrote:

download (1).jpg


Hey, RetiredGuy1 is back!!  😁

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

download (1).jpg

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

@ShawnC13  We’ll just have to agree to disagree then. I feel this thread is the place for discussion on anything that could help prevent another fiasco and I bet Telus execs would welcome that too. As @HALIMACS pointed out “there’s been flexibility exercised on this thread, so why not continue it?” 

More to the point: the announcement posted in this thread includes a link to faq. One of those is what I was directly addressing. If you feel thats a “free-for-all” then thats your right to have that opinion. Just don’t expect everybody else to necessarily agree with it.

To a certain extent, though. 

I feel the Oracles and PM Staff have been forgiving in allowing discussion to occur.   After all, this is PM's platform and PM's property.  We're just 'visiting' here (so to speak)

It should not be a free-for-all.

It needs to remain civil and within the Community TOS.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@eyes   for me, right now I have one more months billing at a price I really can't beat anywhere else with 5 years & auto-pay rewards so it makes sense to ride that until May and hope PM changes their minds.  I would also like to win the lottery before May and probably have better chances of that even though I don't buy tickets!  lol

The other possibility is that one of the PM competitors offers up an enticing deal knowing that it won't take much to get an unhappy PM customer to jump ship so there's no real hurry and it might even be beneficial to wait it out a bit.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mikasik2   yeah, I'm kinda hanging around until May hoping against hope. I'll let PM auto-pay my April bill and if nothing changes by the middle of May when my payment is due again... sayonara, adieu, adiós, arrivederci PM  😋

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I was never issued an email about these changes. I’m going to file a complaint with CCTS.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It looks like complaints regarding pricing are out of scope, but they don’t consider “removal of promotional discounts” to be a pricing issue, so a complaint about that is allowed. That’s probably the closest descriptor of what they’ve done by removing loyalty discounts - they promoted their services in the first place with the promise of a loyalty discount. 

It also looks like you are allowed to complain about something which the service provider is “allowed to do” - they can’t have the complaint dismissed on those grounds.

So from this, it looks like people suggesting everyone should complain to the CCTS are on the right track - it doesn’t matter that Public has done something they are allowed to do, because we are still allowed to complain about it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I can understand why some people want to bide their time. They hope that the decision will be reversed.

I’m talking about people who will essentially make a lateral move (no cost savings or maybe a really modest increase monthly, like $1 more per month) because Public has made it clear with this decision that they aren’t valued customers. It may not make sense except in the context of how they feel about the decision.

For myself, I pretty much have two choices - a cheaper plan with public to recoup my savings (and lose my 5G, which doesn’t matter because I don’t have a 5G device anyway) or pay the same price from PC mobile (where I get 5G in theory). My partner does have a 5G phone, so it makes no sense at all to stay with Public.

It’s not clear whether there are other options because Freedom (as an example) has “nationwide” coverage in SK and MB but no Freedom network there, and they say their plans are designed for mostly being on Freedom network, so I suspect they won’t let you sign up if you’ll always be roaming. Fizz isn’t available here either. That might change in the future, and if so, Freedom’s yearly prepaid plans are amazing and Fizz looks like they have good options too, we’d go for that in a heartbeat.

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