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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

There goes my affordable cell plan

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

"ie the current plan felt like there wasn't enough data on it"

@wetcoasterthis is my situation and I'm sure that I'm not the only one.. being on WiFi approx 90% of the time the extra data does basically nothing for me. I actually started with PM on a higher priced plan and tracked my usage then right-sized to a lower cost plan that better fit my usage. When the $15 plan came out I dropped to it because I'm not a heavy mobile user and preferred to save money on a plan that did everything I needed it to.  The savings were the biggest plus and as a loyal customer for 6 years I feel like I "did my time" to earn it. Expecting me to pay more again for the same thing I already have is insulting and I'll no longer be loyal since there's very little incentive to be.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ShawnC13 wrote:

@eyes wrote:

Hey @J_PM as is obvious by the  responses to your announcement that reward accounts will be switched to point accounts has made many very unhappy.

As far as I can tell, you have not voiced a response to any of the postings. Perhaps you would be nice enough to bring all this discontentment to the attention of PM management.

@eyes that is what J_PM has been doing.  This thread is being monitored and information is being taken back to the team.  With no response I would take that as they are moving forward with the original plan and have not changed their mind.  I think if they start posting that is when we would hear if there was any change in the plan.

@ShawnC13 . Good to know J-PM is taking information to the team (I presume that means the PM management team). I have 2 reactions to that - one serious and one in jest.

As a serious suggestion, I wonder if J-PM would consider providing a brief synopsis (either directly or via the Oracles) of the “themes” of the feedback that has been brought forward? Part of the frustration people are feeling is that a bombshell announcement was made 2 weeks ago and since that time…crickets. It doesn’t have to be voluminous or detailed but just to provide some degree of reassurance that our voices are being heard. It could be pinned at the top of the thread. That pinned info would no doubt be appreciated by casual or first-time viewers in this thread as nobody is going to be inclined to read through 3,000 posts at this point.

On a light-hearted note, if, by remote chance, my post about a dream involving Darren Entwistle was forwarded, please make sure he gets the message that was my lame attempt at satire. I’d hate to go use my phone in an emergency only to find out my PM account has been cancelled 😂

@wetcoaster very very true, I would say most users are over subscribed (myself included).  Coming from a $40/4GB plan that was an incredible deal when I started I have been brainwashed to stick to around that price point but I am getting so much more, Canada US calling and data, compared to just Provincial calling on my original plan.  I have been hot spotting for friends and streaming a lot more now lol


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@ShawnC13 wrote:

@RetiredGuy1 your second point isn't comparing the same things though.  The price did go up but so did the data bucket.  So it is more for more.  In my example it was $34/50 GB or $0.68 per GB the $39/60GB is actually $0.65 per GB so again the price per unit did go down.

The price per unit only comes down if you use up the whole data bucket.

If you only use 20GB, it's $1.7/GB on the $34 plan, $1.95/GB on the $39plan. 

Yes, I'm also giving in to FOMO and will change to a plan that has the same price and offers me more. But I will not be changing to a plan that is more expensive just because the  $/GB looks better, unless I know that I will actually use all the data on it (ie the current plan felt like there wasn't enough data on it). Offer me a plan that costs less and gives me the same or more and I'll be all over it.

@Jeri_elle  yes you can keep your plan no worries , you will just get 10 points back each year and 5% back in points in your plan spend . And once you have 15 points in the rewards portal you can redeem $15 off you bill . Friend referrals is best way for points and the community you can earn them too . This will effectively cost you around $50 more a year going forward come may 2024 .but if you want to earn points in community this is done 

By participating , reading and helping others with questions . And learning and sharing and good things will happen 


ranked chart here 




Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jeri_elle  your plan should remain the same. You'll lose the auto-pay reward and any years of loyalty rewards you may have accumulated.  You'll receive 5% of your bill and a yearly reward worth $10 that you can apply to your bill once you've accumulated $15 worth of rewards on the new rewards system.  Hope this help   🙂

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I think I have used this forum once since I signed up years ago so forgive me if I get it wrong. I haven't switched to points on my own. In order to own points I have to refer friends or something ? I have no friends & I rarely use all my data. I am a simple creature who really only uses the phone when I have to. Can I just keep the plan I am on & lose my discount ? I am sure I could find the answer in one of the thirty pages I have run across but I am overwhelmed. I suddenly ended up on a page where everyone was arguing about eachother . Will my plan change please ? I am peaceful.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

It really depends what the issue is. There are countless issues that managers and even non-managerial employees can solve for you. If they weren't able to, there would almost be no need for their jobs to begin with. For example, we can compare CS Agents to the initial customer service agents that you talk to on the phone when you call other companies. They aren't managers, but can still help you with things. Managers have even more power than them. I've had managers adjust plans for me, apply loyalty discounts, give direct compensation for issues, etc.

Managers have a lot of power, and they use these powers in steps too (i.e., they try and help/satisfy the customer without using all of the power they have, because it's almost always more beneficial for the company that way). It's very rare to have a problem that requires going above a manager actually. It's only happened to me once with Rogers. I signed up via a third party service, and they promised a certain monthly price. When I received my first bill, that price was a lot higher. So I had to speak with a regional director or something, and send them the evidence (paperwork) of what I agreed to, and then he was able to honor it. 

I've had good moments, and I've had bad moments (when it comes to dealing with PM). I'm not saying that every single customer experiences "bad" customer service, but everybody's standards are not the same either. I just know that objectively, the way that PM handles their support (through a non-live ticket system), is already worse than their live counterparts (which is what most telecoms appear to have). When people have a problem, they usually want it fixed immediately (and sometimes they NEED it fixed immediately), so having to wait even a day for example (because of a non-live service), can be frustrating. The "not knowing" when you're going to receive help, isn't fun either.

But yeah, some people just see it as PM taking away their $7 monthly discount, and then look at their competitors who have nearly identical pricing + live customer service + this, and plus that, and some see that the benefits of having those things are far better than what they'll be receiving with the new points system. They also see this $7 discount being taken away, but the money not being spent on improving the service (at least not outwardly). The decision is objectively negative for the customer in nearly every single way, and is seemingly bringing in no added benefits. So the balance starts to lean towards exploring other options (which many have been doing). How many people feel this way though? We don't know of course.

@Public_Cust_17 sometimes if a bunch of replies has gone off the rails and evolved into personal attacks, I will follow the replies back to the original post or the first post that may have derailed it.  Your comment may have been picked up in something like even if your comment wasn't an attack but the reply to yours commented on someone else in a personal attack.  Any further questions send me a quick DM as I don't want to clutter this up but have no problem explaning things or addressing any concerns brought to me.


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13  ha ha no, I know the definition of insanity! I actually asked because one of my posts was moved a couple days ago but I didn't know why or what the context of it was. I was attempting to see what might've crossed the line and got the post sent to community purgatory.  😋

@Public_Cust_17 wrote:

@ShawnC13  Thanks for the info, that makes sense to me.. I won't try to click on those.  😆

@Public_Cust_17 you can click on them all you like but I just hope you aren't clicking on them hoping for a different outcome after it was explained lol😃


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13  Thanks for the info, that makes sense to me.. I won't try to click on those.  😆

@Public_Cust_17, yes if there is a link in the post and that is the message you get it means the post has been moved to the Oracle Archive and that the general members do not have access to that area.  We can't delete posts only move.  This also keeps the posts available if we need to discuss or bring posts back to the original thread it can be easily reversed.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13/ @RetiredGuy1  as an aside but looking for information.. when a post is "Moved" and I click on the link I am presented with the message below. I admit, I hardly ever use the community and am a novice when it comes to it's workings but my question is... does this basically mean it's been deleted for the majority of community members to see? Thanks


Access Denied
You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.

Click your browser's Back button to continue.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ShawnC13  I don’t personally give your posts extra attention. While I appreciate your role as an Oracle, I also consider what you post as simply your opinion. So, in that sense, no different than any other poster.


OK PLEASE everyone lets keep the discussion on topic and respectful.  Like I am sure everyone's mom used to say "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."  If you feel there is a post attacking you please do not respond, if you feel it needs to be address Direct message me and let me or another person look at it.  When it comes to financial issues, these envoke very emotional responses and can make people hyper sensitive (myself included). Pleasem we need to keep this a respectful community and discussion.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ShawnC13  If Bill-C63 were to pass in its current form, we wouldn’t even have freedom of expression any more. More to the topic at hand, I think you and the Oracles should clean up the personal-level posts. I posted earlier, anyone who has a post deleted could always make a case why they feel it was removed in error (provided the thread is not locked of course). This would likely only involve a few “grey-area” ones as most of these types of posts are quite obvious.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13  I wasn't arguing the point merely stating that the J_PM account was just used for announcements.

@Public_Cust_17 wrote:

@ShawnC13  fair enough! I've attempted to be very civil and helpful here but I was growing tired of being badgered, monitored and having someone "keep checking the posts here and help them to improve their logical thinking".. understand?

@Public_Cust_17 Totally understand with Oracle by my name all my posts seem to get extra attention.  We ALL need to keep the discussion repectful.  I am trying to allow an open discussion continue but have had to remove some posts as they would only encourage a retalliation.


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@ShawnC13 wrote:

@kb_mv wrote:

Honestly I think the time has come for PM to lock this thread. Belittling people back and forth, blaming the other person, they started it.... and lest you think I am talking about the other person, I am looking at you too.

I don' think anything new will appear on this thread. Management knows people are upset. Let's lock it and move on to something else.

I agree, I am thinking about going back through this thread and start removing comments that aren't adding to the converstation but just an argument between a few members.

Just for context, we've many other older threads that also had users disagreeing (sometimes passionately/rudely) and some of these can still be viewed (unless they've been deleted altogether) if you're really interested and have enough time to search for them in both Support and Lounge sections of this forum.

I hope any of the so called side discussions can instead be just moved to the Lounge and those users should be able to carry on their "discussions" if they want to.  There already are couple of threads in the Lounge which were extracted from here.

Personally, I disagree that this thread should be locked due to a few customers going off topic every now again.

@Wolfcore A retail location manager, or who's in charge at customer service is not going to get you anyone who is a decision maker.  It may get you someone who can relay information for you and that is what J_PM has been doing.

Your trouble ticket I am sure it was probably been read and if it isn't service related could have a lower priority to issues that are service related.

What about all those users that have never had an issue with the service.  People are making it sound like Public Mobile was a horrible service provider and they were always waiting for customer service.  If that was the case for myself I don't care how cheap the service is if it isn't working it is no longer cheap and not the best decision financially for me.  The service has been as good as any previous provider I have been with when talking about service reliablility.  None of my referrals or referral network have complained about the network or issues with receving customer service.  


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13  fair enough! I've attempted to be very civil and helpful here but I was growing tired of being badgered, monitored and having someone "keep checking the posts here and help them to improve their logical thinking".. understand?

@TECHRANG3R wrote:

@hTideGnow @HALIMACS 

I think the purpose of this thread has become a series of statements by until now - 'loyal' PM customers indicating their discontent with this change, explaining in some cases how it affects them, and also explaining the potential consequences for their relationship with PM.  Indicating that there is no point to this exercise, that PM can do whatever they want legally and essentially trying to quiet the masses is counterproductive.  Customers communicating their satisfaction or lack thereof with their service is critical to a business relationship and trying to quell that communication is a disservice to everyone! 

Please keep in mind there are likely many customers that are still not aware or do not understand the consequences of this change and therefore seeing similar situations and experiences by their fellow community members is very helpful.

It is true but members should also be able to make counter comments.  This enables those who come to the thread to be fully informed of the situation.  You can be extremely upset and voice your concerns, it doesn't mean things are changing.  We have a large thread here but I would say well over half the participation of this thread is by 20-40 people all repeating the same information.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@ShawnC13 this is an example of the limitation with posts regarding the nuances of a viewpoint. Of course, for the example I used it is clear the price and data both went up. The point I was making is people see a “perceived” value in getting more for just paying a little more when, often (usually?) they had more data than they used/needed in the first place. I feel we’re both making valid observations - yours is supported by easily-measurable metrics while mine is more nuanced. Cheers

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Almost any company that has an online chat service, or phone service, or in-person customer service. You simply ask to speak with who's in charge, or the manager, and you usually get them. These are also live conversations where you can expect an immediate response in general. With PM (because it's a non-live messaging service), you never know when you'll receive a response. I sent a message to CS Agents last Wednesday, tomorrow will be one week without a response back. Imagine if my service wasn't working and I had no phone for 7 days. It's just unacceptable. People were willing to put up with some things because of how cheap the plans were, but without the old rewards system, those headaches don't come with any remedy anymore.

@eyes wrote:

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @Public_Cust_17 then let me tell you something that those government bodies supposed to have a say, Rogers used to have something call First Rewards and It was shutdown in 2015.  Their Communities didn't have a say to stop Rogers from dropping that.  Yeah, you will probably say it was too long ago and does not count 

Hi hTideGnow  Have noticed that usually you do take posts off topic that does clutter and confuse the OP posting ---- ---- I wonder as to why our dedicates Oracles have not noticed this yet.

There are many taking the conversation off topic just like this quoted one.  As I said earlier when we do moderate everyone gets upset about censoring.  


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@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

@HALIMACS wrote:

Fully agree @kb_mv 

there’s a lot of emotions on here

I still believe there are some who are misinterpreting other peoples views and inserting their own views, suggesting what the other person intends by their statements.

Whether it’s intentional or not, I’m uncertain.

But I do agree, locking this thread probably serves everyone’s best interests, however, it would certainly be nice if Public Mobile management would do all these users the courtesy of addressing many of the points herein before doing so.

As an old fart, I’ll use the following old expression: “don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater”. In this case, rather than lock the thread to the whole community and prevent any further good ideas that may be brought forward, the mods could simply delete the unnecessary personal-attack type posts.

@RetiredGuy1 when we do that we are told we are censoring the thread and taking away "Free Speech".  Which is very funny as Canada doesn't have a free speech law, we have Freedom of Expression, but even that has limits and can be restricted 


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The irony is that the same people making statements like this, are the ones who threw the stones to begin with, and are continuing to. Then they get mad when people throw the stones back in retaliation, and then claim victim. Everything they accuse others of, are the things that they are the ones doing, and it's like they think that nobody can read all of the messages that have been posted here, and can see exactly how things have gone. I guess they just think that because it's 3000+ posts, nobody is going to read them all anyway, so they can just openly lie, accuse others of things, and openly contradict themselves, and still appear as the good guy (and the victim), in the end.

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