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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

@kb_mv wrote:

Honestly I think the time has come for PM to lock this thread. Belittling people back and forth, blaming the other person, they started it.... and lest you think I am talking about the other person, I am looking at you too.

I don' think anything new will appear on this thread. Management knows people are upset. Let's lock it and move on to something else.

I agree, I am thinking about going back through this thread and start removing comments that aren't adding to the converstation but just an argument between a few members.


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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The irony, it's quivering 🤣

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

@ShawnC13 wrote:

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:


Perhaps generally speaking, some plans have come down in price when taking a multi-year snapshot. Of course, as a general statement, most would agree a lot were outrageously expensive back then so they really had no choice but to rein in some control on price points.

I’m referring to current market conditions. For, example PM’s recent promo of $34 for 50 GB 5G Can-US has ended and was effectively replaced with the current $39 for 60 GB 5G Can-US. So, in that example the price increased. This example is what I mean by the perception of better value (oh look, for only $5 I get 10 GB more). This is the approach PM (and all others really) are taking to capitalize on the FOMO attitude of customers while, at the same time, increase their ARPU.

Plans have definitely gone down over the 7 years I have been here.  I was on a 90 day plan but it was basically $40 for 4GB and that was WAY cheaper than anything out there at the time.  It was a true indrustry disrupting plan the Famous 2016 Fall Promo.  I actually thought I would never leave it lol but now $34 for 50GB Can/US

I did acknowledge that in the past this has happened in some cases. As you didn’’t comment on my second point regarding current market trends, I’ll assume you agree on that. Cheers.

@RetiredGuy1 your second point isn't comparing the same things though.  The price did go up but so did the data bucket.  So it is more for more.  In my example it was $34/50 GB or $0.68 per GB the $39/60GB is actually $0.65 per GB so again the price per unit did go down.


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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

New program is 11% more expensive for me. Nice for Telus, not so good for customers.

@Public_Cust_17 wrote:

@kb_mv  my point exactly... it's just PM management sending out announcements and they aren't willing to engage in the community because that's not what the account was created for.

That isn't what the account was created for.  I have a question what other company do you interact with "Management" when there is a change in service cost?  You can contact their customer service area, like you can here but do you ever get a Manager?


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@kb_mv wrote:

@Public_Cust_17 PM typically does not respond to customer remarks on these forums and honestly to do so here would open up a torrent of abuse.

I agree some of the comments at Oracles for responding were uncalled for I can't imagine what they could be like for a PM staff member


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@eyes wrote:

Hey @J_PM as is obvious by the  responses to your announcement that reward accounts will be switched to point accounts has made many very unhappy.

As far as I can tell, you have not voiced a response to any of the postings. Perhaps you would be nice enough to bring all this discontentment to the attention of PM management.

@eyes that is what J_PM has been doing.  This thread is being monitored and information is being taken back to the team.  With no response I would take that as they are moving forward with the original plan and have not changed their mind.  I think if they start posting that is when we would hear if there was any change in the plan.


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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Agree, the Big 3 have a monopoly so anybody new coming along doesn’t have a chance (unless they’re bankrolled by someone like Elon Musk 😄). In terms of expecting competition, a flanker brand could keep a loyalty-based rewards program that, arguably, gives them a competive edge like PM. Oh, wait a minute…

@Joe_Crushy wrote:

All of Us, the customers made PM who they are!! Without the legacy points and all of us they would be no PM at all, Now all of us are losing all our rewards for this corporate greed!! 

I will agree with that but add that it was the pricing of plans and what was offered that attracted people to PM.  Even today people are still signing up as they are finding it a better deal here than elsewhere.  I have 2 new referrals that I have to setup for them in the next little bit.  Just like a workplace, no one irreplaceable.  They just find someone else to fill the opening, it may take a bit longer at the beginning but places will get filled.


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@kb_mv wrote:

@JohnDoe3 Independent MVNO's in Canada are pretty much dead. The CRTC ruled in 2022 (I'll paraphrase) that MNVO's had to essentially build their own infrastructure which flys in the face of what MNVOs are and all but killed off the possibility of having independent MVNOs like dotMobile, TextNow and Mint.

That pretty much makes it impossible doesn't it.  How are we supposed to get competition when it is pretty much impossible for any new company to startup without an INSANE investment before they would even be able to take on consumers.


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@TECHRANG3R  I spent a bit of time yesterday coming up with the following post and subsequent email that I sent.. I encourage everyone to feel free to use it as a template (or come up with your own) and email the committee that is currently in discussions with industry CEO's regarding their pricing policies. Hopefully, the link works from here..   Cheers  edit: The link doesn't seem to work (maybe, maybe not), please feel free to look at my previous posts.

@mikasik2 wrote:

You know PM could just settle this by giving everyone $7+tax in cash each month for the rest of our lives

lol  Sorry had a little laugh at this one.  I know/hoping that was a joke but still made me laugh


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I don’t think I ever wrote that this thread is a waste of time.

Every piece of input is valuable and demonstrates frustration with this proposed change.

I hope that Public Mobile and the ‘powers that be’ appreciate the time that users are taking to express their displeasure and views.

I’m just wondering if doing so on this thread further serve a purpose to have PM reconsider.

Putting in a support ticket to express your displeasure, contacting the CCTS, maybe even contacting your elected officials through the process aforementioned, that’s what any concerned user can do to further this and broaden the viewing audience.

Would that be Justin 😂 ?

… and yes, even though members seemingly attack each other on these threads, face-to-face they’re likely closer to being on the same page than otherwise.

A lot gets lost in translation.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow @HALIMACS 

I think the purpose of this thread has become a series of statements by until now - 'loyal' PM customers indicating their discontent with this change, explaining in some cases how it affects them, and also explaining the potential consequences for their relationship with PM.  Indicating that there is no point to this exercise, that PM can do whatever they want legally and essentially trying to quiet the masses is counterproductive.  Customers communicating their satisfaction or lack thereof with their service is critical to a business relationship and trying to quell that communication is a disservice to everyone! 

Please keep in mind there are likely many customers that are still not aware or do not understand the consequences of this change and therefore seeing similar situations and experiences by their fellow community members is very helpful.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@HALIMACS True enough (again). Thats always the challenge of written over verbal (or ideally, face-to-face) communication in that the nuance and/or context often is missing. Honestly, there is only  one “common enemy” here and I’m sure we all agree that it starts with a “P” and ends with a “M”. 

Yes, re your comment, “being 100% against the change and now trying to find a compromised solution. Both can be true at the same time.”

That makes sense @RetiredGuy1 , and I never doubted that view.

I guess it’s just that my perception of the posts [and maybe I’m misinterpreting the intent of the user(s) writing them ] was that if there’s any sense of compromise, then that person is clearly an agent of, or siding with Public Mobile. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

"we could leave it up to the staff at Public Mobile to moderate the thread.."

@HALIMACS   Yeah, I'm not liking how that'd play out at all.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@HALIMACS True enough. Perhaps the Oracles would be more appropriate. With the thread remaining open, it allows those whose post is deleted an opportunity to respond to that action as well. 

That’s a good point @Public_Cust_17 👍

Re @RetiredGuy1 point, yes, we could leave it up to the staff at Public Mobile to moderate the thread, however, then they get to choose what’s valuable to them and what isn’t.

I might think they could be a little Jaded, pardon the pun to J_PM  😉

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@RetiredGuy1  a very good point! If this post had been locked say 2 days ago I never would been able to share what I read yesterday, on BNN Bloomberg, about the meetings with mobile industry CEO's and the email address I found that enabled me to email them (with the email I posted here yesterday) regarding our dissatisfaction with the legacy rewards decision.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The thing I find the most offputting at this point is the fact that none of the powers that be at Public Mobile have addressed the outpouring of complaints; it's so disrespectful.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@HALIMACS wrote:

Fully agree @kb_mv 

there’s a lot of emotions on here

I still believe there are some who are misinterpreting other peoples views and inserting their own views, suggesting what the other person intends by their statements.

Whether it’s intentional or not, I’m uncertain.

But I do agree, locking this thread probably serves everyone’s best interests, however, it would certainly be nice if Public Mobile management would do all these users the courtesy of addressing many of the points herein before doing so.

As an old fart, I’ll use the following old expression: “don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater”. In this case, rather than lock the thread to the whole community and prevent any further good ideas that may be brought forward, the mods could simply delete the unnecessary personal-attack type posts.

Mayor / Maire

I think PM should stop doing things half measured and grow a set . Just get rid of point system too . Stop the gimmicks get rid of the community rewards also . And just provide its customers with decent priced plans would that be to hard to do . 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow  have I not made it abundantly clear to you that your Opinion means very little to me.. I do not roll over and just accept things I don't agree with.  My attempt to sway PM may result in nothing being achieved BUT if every pissed off customer does the same then there just might be a chance that something changes.. now go away boy ya bother me!

Edited by ShawnC: @Public_Cust_17  and all others further comments like this will have the post removed.  There is no need for such comments and they add nothing to this thread, their only purpose is to create further conflict.

Fully agree @kb_mv 

there’s a lot of emotions on here

I still believe there are some who are misinterpreting other peoples views and inserting their own views, suggesting what the other person intends by their statements.

Whether it’s intentional or not, I’m uncertain.

But I do agree, locking this thread probably serves everyone’s best interests, however, it would certainly be nice if Public Mobile management would do all these users the courtesy of addressing many of the points herein before doing so.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@kb_mv  I would like upset customers to use the opportunity to complain to PM and subsequently the CCTS and the CRTC as well as The Standing Committee on Industry and Technology (E-mail: who are currently in discussion with industry ceo's regarding their pricing policies.

If PM locks this thread I encourage anyone reading it to search out that information contained in here.... I also believe that when customers get the cost of their bills increased in May, is when most will react. Cheers

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