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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:


Please don’t shoot the messenger here but this is at the bottom of that page:

Other Reward Rules

  • Public Mobile reserves the right to change all Rewards at its sole discretion and without advance notice.

This statement is on my pages and has been posted in here a few times.  Glad it got received better when you posted it lol


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@RetiredGuy1 wrote:


Perhaps generally speaking, some plans have come down in price when taking a multi-year snapshot. Of course, as a general statement, most would agree a lot were outrageously expensive back then so they really had no choice but to rein in some control on price points.

I’m referring to current market conditions. For, example PM’s recent promo of $34 for 50 GB 5G Can-US has ended and was effectively replaced with the current $39 for 60 GB 5G Can-US. So, in that example the price increased. This example is what I mean by the perception of better value (oh look, for only $5 I get 10 GB more). This is the approach PM (and all others really) are taking to capitalize on the FOMO attitude of customers while, at the same time, increase their ARPU.

Plans have definitely gone down over the 7 years I have been here.  I was on a 90 day plan but it was basically $40 for 4GB and that was WAY cheaper than anything out there at the time.  It was a true indrustry disrupting plan the Famous 2016 Fall Promo.  I actually thought I would never leave it lol but now $34 for 50GB Can/US


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Ottawa for a long time had a sort of not-for-profit internet provider, NationalCapitalFreenet (NCF), always had the best budget connectivity available. Imagine if a new non-profit MVNO was started up, perhaps operated as a joint initiative from interested university campus computer science departments, which essentially forced the bigger telcos to have to compete on value because they would no longer be able to screw the budget customers. Web dev, program administration, business administration, etc. It would all be fertile ground for student participation in operating a business from many angles, as well as providing a sort of lab environment for developing public access to emerging technologies.


@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @Hollister but you cannot deny price really comes down , and down a lot. $35 used to be just 3GB and now it gives you Canada-US plan for 20GB or so

It is actually 50GB now for $34


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

@marcnoel wrote:

You're welcome.

Victoria, BC.  Sorry, I didn't think to specify.

Thanks for the review as well.  I am in Victoria as well


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

@JDBlue1966 wrote:

I haven't been given the 250gb? Do I have to ask for them?

The amount of data depends on what plan you are currently on.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle is found with other carriers.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I was going to move from one unit to another in the same building.  The old and current one are out of range of free Wi-Fi (anybody), but the other unit was in ShawOpen range.  My luck.

I recently got a Tangerine Mastercard upgrade, which gave me free access to Boingo hotspots.  On the hotspots map, it showed one in my current unit (former tenant) and one in the other unit.  Registerd and tried to access... nothing.  Turned out they USED to be hotspots, but the previous tenants didn't notify Boingo when they moved out.  I am puzzled why they would still show up on the map, unless it isn't real-time, but based on what Boingo is told, until further notice.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@JDBlue1966  I’m the exact same - never posted for years as I was a happy customer with no problems and being an old fart, not very tech savvy to help others -  but I felt compelled to react to PMs action

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thing is, lots are like me. Never bothered to post on here for years. Given this issue, I decided to. Bet most wont. Or don’t know how to.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow  don't be sorry b/c seriously you couldn't pay me to take it. Monitor all you wish if that's what floats your boat!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

This guy lives in la la land; just the irony and brazen confidence he has, when the thread is literally filled with evidence telling a complete opposite story lmao. Just makes me giggle.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Hahaha, he's just insufferable. He keeps trying to go for "gotchas", but keeps failing. It's getting sad to watch at this point. I'd be embarrassed, but some people just have no shame.

you two are funny, when someone present you the other view of it, the real fact, you find it hard to accept and ignore.   But I will keep monitor your posts

and no sorry @Public_Cust_17 , you can say what you want, but I won't be sharing our technical paper to you for free.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


I’m somewhere in between. I don’t believe PM will reverse their decision entirely but I do believe there is a reasonable chance they may make some concessions. With 6 weeks more to go to May, there has already been a considerable backlash with this thread now appoaching 3,000 posts. Consider the ripple effect as well as this activity here in the forum is getting reported on by other online sources that non-PM subscribers research for reviews of telecoms. Throw in the CCTS complaints and now the emails to the Standing Committee on Industry & Technology and PMs reputation is definately taking a hit. Will it be enough? Nobody knows. But what would be certain is if nobody complained at all, then we’d all have to prepare to starting paying more for the same service while, at the same time, afford PM the knowledge they can lie to you without any repercussions.

p.s. I feel 3,000 posts are nowhere near enough as every single legacy reward subscriber should make at least one post objecting to the forced change and lies made by PM. Also, @Public_Cust_17  was kind enough to share a very good email template to send to that committee. It took me only a few minutes to do - about the same time as doing one post here


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Wolfcore  I gave up replying to Mr. Secret Report.. he's drank so much PM koolaid it hurts and I'm pretty sure he just chimes in incessantly, often repeating what other have said, so that he can get his monthly attaboy.  🤣 😂

@Mike409991 wrote:

If I don't opt in , it's automatic switch to points rewards programs?


Correct.  Starting in May, automatic switch. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Indeed. I presently pay $5+tx monthly. Annually that's $60.

Under the new plan, I'll have to pay $15*12= $180. PM will get to benefit from sitting on that money from all their users in aggregate until they have to give some back. By year end, the points will be worth $10 loyalty and 5% of $180 = $9 (less if the 5% reward rounds off any) and referrals of $4/m. Net annual points 10+9+4*12=67 of which I can only recover 60 in the calendar year, but we'll go with decimals to keep the long-term average going. Net loss of $53 a year. The only to make up any of that is to push the referral bonuses even more, but good luck convincing people when the value of the offering is no longer the most economical choice for people looking for a "budget" plan.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Nope. Their rules, say they can change whatever they like. Only thing we can do, is find another provider, or bend over. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

If I don't opt in , it's automatic switch to points rewards programs?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It's a good thing ?

@ejc wrote:

The new points program seems to be much less rewarding than the old program. With the old program, I get a $9 discount every month, while the new program only provides me with a $3 discount. Is there any way to opt out of the new points program?


Starting in May, all legacy customers will be switched over to the new points system.  No customers can opt out of the migration. 

However, if you really wanted to you, you can opt out of the rewards points system afterwards.  Then you will get no rewards at all unfortunately.   Points rewards system is better than no rewards at all.  Of course, the legacy rewards is still the best for savings, but it will be phased out by May.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I would say PM is fair , affordable service. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Once again, your reading comprehension is very low. I've always said that they are most likely legally protected, and that a class action isn't worth it. I'm not ignoring anything, that information has been available since the beginning, it's nothing new. You've literally discussed that exact line with me already, like a week ago lmao. I still believe that there's a possible case for false advertising, but that's something that would take years anyway, and not do much for these customers. People are capable of having multiple thoughts at once, there's a chance of both. If you've seen a message of mine explicitly saying that they 100% legally in the wrong, and would definitely lose a lawsuit based on this, please point me to my own messages, I'd love to see them.

How many times have I repeated myself saying that this goes beyond what they are legally allowed to do, and what they aren't? I've compared it to 2018 a million times, stating that even back then, they were "legally" allowed to do it, but they caved anyway, because they obviously only care about their own rules so long as it doesn't garner negative backlash that could impact the business worse.

I know this is all very hard for you to comprehend, but try reading messages a bit better, and I'm sure you'll eventually be correct with the things you say. Enough people have definitely called you out on this, that's for sure.

@Wolfcore wrote:

Is it what it is. At this point, It doesn't even matter whether they are legally allowed to do it or not

HI @Wolfcore 

you insisted earlier that PM broke the rule.  But now you found the sad truth, so you decide to just "ignore" it because you so want to save the couple bucks a month?? This is so consumers!!! 😂🤣

@Wolfcore wrote:

Ahh, very nice find. Definitely another one of those false advertising examples. 

They'll still claim that their ToS (terms you agree to when you signed up) said that they can change anything at anytime, but regardless, they're still openly lying to customers, and misleading them in order to purchase their product. 

I wonder if we can find an actual ToS/contract from back in those days, because that would be interesting to read.

HI @Wolfcore 

i found it for you:


So, PM is fair, they can do it without advance notice but they are giving us 2 months notice

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wolfcore wrote:

Yeah, so many little things like this that they can do, but that would just make them less profit, and they don't want that.

I've done a bit of math in that sense too though, and I think if they:

- got rid of the 5% from the system entirely (it's unattractive anyway)
- got rid of autopay
- keep the new referral point system, and ditch the old one
- add a few dollars onto the anniversary bonus each year for everybody (another option would be if they raised it to 12 points each year for example, split that into 1 point each month instead. It would be far more attractive, especially if they are considering expanding the points system and giving people new ways to collect)
- and let every legacy customer keep a flat $5 grandfathered point bonus every month

I think everything would even out. They'll still make a lot more profit over the old system, I don't think legacy customers would complain too much (protect their reputation a bit), they still get everyone moved over to the point system, and they'll keep most of their customers that are planning on leaving. A lot of people would still not be happy with the 15-point minimum, but it would definitely be a compromise that a lot of people would be willing to accept, I feel.


Your last bullet is my favourite but, unfortunately, the one idea that would get the most resistance from PM (if I understand what you’re saying correctly).  The loyalty reward is, for all intents and purposes, at the heart of the change in programs. Even if not applying it on a monthly basis, a notional $5 is too much more than the equivalent of $.83 a month with the $10 in points that PM considers as “loyalty”. Plus, legacy folks with <5 years would actually gain monetary value and the chances of PM going for that is about the same as my Dallas Cowboys winning the Super Bowl next year (for those who don’t follow the NFL, insert “snowballs chance in hell” here)


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Old Terms of Service:

Can the terms of service change?
Yes, Public Mobile has the right to change any of the terms of service, including rates, without notice. Changes become effective thirty days after being posted at By purchasing service after a change is posted, including by continuing to top up your account, you accept the current terms of service. You can cancel service at any time, without penalty or cancellation fees.

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