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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,587 REPLIES 5,587

@Soon-ex-PM-user wrote:

@ShawnC13  said  'I wouldn't say there is a lack of support here, it is just a different format.'

You actually believe this?  Good for you. 

lol I have spent days getting my father in law straighten out with Public Mobile for a simple issue of credit card expiration on his file. 

@Soon-ex-PM-user yes really I haven't had issues.  I actually just changed my credit card through the app last week or the week before.  Is it perfect no but no customer service is .  It is unfortunate that your father in law has had that issue


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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@ShawnC13  said  'I wouldn't say there is a lack of support here, it is just a different format.'

You actually believe this?  Good for you. 

lol I have spent days getting my father in law straighten out with Public Mobile for a simple issue of credit card expiration on his file. 


Ok question time, I have read a lot of posts about people willing to pay more for same/similar services, will never use a Telus provider again and are leaving in May.  If the trust has been broken so bad why wait?  If the rewards were change to be maybe a bit closer to the original would you stay?  I am just asking because Telus knows not everyone is leaving.  If everyone has had the trust broken so bad that they can never support Telus again to make a real impact they should have ported out the day they got the message of the changes.  I know some people did, but a lot haven't.

Might not be a popular statement/question but when people are saying they will pay more and are leaving in May why even give Telus 2 more months of your money?


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@hTideGnow  with 30 years experience working in IT, I wouldn't give you a cent for your reports which are soooo secret that you can't explain your testing rationale and how you reached your conclusions.  Go find another sucker.. 🤣

hi @ShawnC13 of course I believe you are customer like anyone here But those non believers will argue saying you got good and speedy service because you have an Oracle express lane. LoL

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

thank you for checking our for us with Fido. Lol so all we need to do is to port over with Fido with the cheapest Fido plan and one month after switch for the  $50 plan of 100gb and lease iPhone for 24month.   all this cost only $50 with a brand new iPhone 15 lol

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @Wolfcore 

dare to post it here so we know you are not lying??

@hTideGnow I have asked them to have the person reach out to me.  There is no need for comments like this as it only is an argumentative comment that does the community no good.


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@Soon-ex-PM-user wrote:

@ShawnC13  or any @Oracles allow, many people will gladly post links that show prices and  plans  from PM competitors that are clearly better than PM.  Of course we must  take  into consideration of PM lack of direct customer support and PM features,  people will clearly see that PM prices are not competitive at all

I hear about direct lack of support a lot. I may be lucky that I have had no issues with my phone service.  I have had issues with my rewards and I have had pretty fast service for that.  I was previously with Rogers and calling in for customer service was also a lenthgy process.  I wouldn't say there is a lack of support here, it is just a different format.


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Cheers to the Oracle who knows!! Nothing better than providing solid proof!!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'll PM @ShawnC13 and he can confirm I'm telling the truth, if you want. Assuming you trust him. But I won't give you a username just so you can harass them as you've done others, sorry.

@Soon-ex-PM-user wrote:

Please read my last post clearly about  PM prices with many features lacking and nil direct PM support.   We put up with all these disadvantage to save money.  

As you are asking for proof, my friend sent me this

above is from PM competitors, tier 1, for $50/month with  100gb and with 2 years iPhones 15 leasing.





I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

hi @Wolfcore 

dare to post it here so we know you are not lying??

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@ShawnC13  or any @Oracles allow, many people will gladly post links that show prices and  plans  from PM competitors that are clearly better than PM.  Of course we must  take  into consideration of PM lack of direct customer support and PM features,  people will clearly see that PM prices are not competitive at all

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Of course. They sent me the message.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Done, thanks.

@Soon-ex-PM-user wrote:

Please read my last post clearly about  PM prices with many features lacking and nil direct PM support.   We put up with all these disadvantage to save money.  

As you are asking for proof, my friend sent me this

above is from PM competitors, tier 1, for $50/month with  100gb and with 2 years iPhones 15 leasing.


@Soon-ex-PM-user I did look are your words and it also said that Teir 1 and 2 were even cheaper than PM( when taking in lack of features I saw that).    So what are the features missing?  Wifi Calling yes.  The current plans offered by PM in that price also include Canada and US useage.  The plan you just shared is for people migrating from Fido.  It is a targeted promotion.  Isn't that what people are upset about here?  Plans for new subscribers only and not everyone?


Edited to add: Comment about lacking features for comparison


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Very well said. Agree with all of that. To prove a point. Me and the wife had the $24 1GB plan for years. Never came close to going over the limit. When I saw the $34, 40GB 5G plan, we jumped on in. Guess it was incase we needed more data, plus the 5G. Thing is, we still hardly us the data, plus only use internet occasionally. So, we really didn’t need the extra. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Please read my last post clearly about  PM prices with many features lacking and nil direct PM support.   We put up with all these disadvantage to save money.  

As you are asking for proof, my friend sent me this

above is from PM competitors, tier 1, for $50/month with  100gb and with 2 years iPhones 15 leasing.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Who's account has been locked and shut down because of this discussion thread?


Since PM owns the discussion board, if they sense there are too many negative posts they could delete them and lock out the offenders. 





Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Do you know who?

@Wolfcore have them reach out to me and I will ask the question why


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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I've received a private message from someone who has said that they've been banned and are no longer able to post in this thread, and all of their old messages have also been deleted from this thread. I've confirmed it as well. I don't know what they did to receive this, but yeah, there's at least one that I know of. I could understand if they broke a rule with one message, and removing that message, or even temporarily banning them for that message, or even a perma ban depending on what they did. But to remove all of their old messages in this thread? That's a little odd in my opinion.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'd go even further than this. Loyalty is one of the most important aspects of business, in fact, it's what keeps most businesses from surviving in the first place. Many companies will even lose money on a client, because it's often more valuable to keep them on as a client, than the money being lost.

PM (Telus), is not losing money on a single subscriber, I can assure you of this. Even the people paying $0, they are paying for themselves tenfold, via their referrals. These companies always do the math, they always leave room for the worst case scenarios, to guarantee they're never in the red.

This decision is simply about greed. It's about them seeing an untapped avenue of revenue, and wanting to take advantage of it. Even though these people who are paying $0 are paying for themselves through referrals, PM believes that they can get these people to pay some money, and they "know" that by removing this legacy rewards program, that'll it'll bring in a ton of extra profit. This is so long as they manage to quell the outrage and damage to their reputation, of course. If that fails, then it may end up costing them far more in the end.

Regardless, my point is, loyalty is hard to come by. Once you have a customer, you wanna keep them. In my opinion, they should have kept the legacy points system around (keeping all of their clients happy, and reputation intact), and then worked on ways to upsell them products, and increase revenue to make up for the profits they wanted to see. This is what most companies do in this situation, because the value of having that customer remain with them, is far more valuable than anything else.

If you're not making enough money on a client, you should get creative:

- push unique add-ons.

- come up with unique incentive programs to convince them to bring in more referrals.

- bring back phones and sell those at a slight markup, maybe accessories too.

- create an entire advertising program that would be deployed through text messages (i.e., a customer signs up to receive these text advertisements from other companies, and they receive $2 off their bill. PM will make profit from this.

- although I'm not a big fan, push more personalized plan offers. For example, if somebody is paying $0 on the $15/250mb plan, offer them $17 750mb, and slowly keep pushing them upwards over time. Make the offers so good that it would be silly to turn them down.

- allow users to give up some of their data to other users, at a cost (i.e., I send 1gb of my data to my friend, but I gotta pay $2 (math would have to make sense so there's no overlapping with add-on data packages)

- not a fan, but give exclusive plan offers to people on the old system, that are attractive, but the caveat is that they would be forced to switch to the new points system upon accepting. This way, you're putting the decision in their own hands. There are ways to even convince a customer to "lose value" on the upfront (the $7 per month), with a nicely tweaked plan.

Increase profits outside of legacy customers:

- introduce a "speed up" addon/feature. When people run out of data, and they're now on their throttled unlimited data, give them the option to pay some money to either increase that speed or return become non-throttled for a temporary duration (i.e., pay $2, get full speed for 12 hours).

- take more advantage of your forum, allow people to purchase enhancements to their profiles. Simple fancy badges, whatever. Broaden the forum and create frequent contests and lotteries, so people will participate more, thus increasing your audience for these potential purchases.

- introduce a customer service line, but one that has to be paid for. If you want the free service, go ahead, use the CS Agents, but if you want priority service, pay $2 and talk to a human (again, make sure the math is correct and profit is being made).

- find a way to siphon more Public Points from people, by offering up creative rewards. A lottery system is an example "pay 2 points, and you have a chance to win 150 in our weekly lottery!". You'd be surprised how many people would ditch their points for things like this. And of course, you'd make a lot of profit. Could even set up an automatic system where people can opt in to automatically donate 2 points to this lottery each week/month.

- allow people to use points for fancy forum-related content (mentioned above), as well.


Anyway, I could be here all day, but you get the point. Some of these are dumb, but it's just about being creative. The point is, there are ways to increase profits, without harming your reputation, or without angering and losing customers. If they're gone, you no longer have a chance to extract any money from them whatsoever, and if they leave due to anger, you may also never have a chance of getting them to come back. So I believe the best option is always to just keep them on as a client, and extract profit in other ways. Something is better than nothing.

@G_Pomzz wrote:

What @Alveeto is implying is that because you have been very vocal and critical of the corporation, he thought maybe they would lock you out of the discussion and shut down your account. 

Who's account has been locked and shut down because of this discussion thread?


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

What @Alveeto is implying is that because you have been very vocal and critical of the corporation, he thought maybe they would lock you out of the discussion and shut down your account. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am also very unhappy about this move:( I am handling six accounts for my family and nobody's happy so far
Is there any why you may reconsider?

@Alveeto wrote:

Why didn't your account get locked and reset?

@Alveeto, Sorry not understanding your question.  Why would my account get locked and reset?


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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Public Mobile has gone corporate. They are not the champion of the common people as originally conceived. As many folks have commented, actions speak louder than words. Maybe a mass exodus to one of the other low cost providers will be a wake up call to the corporate big-wigs that unilaterally stripping us of our rewards program may not have been such a brilliant idea. 

@Soon-ex-PM-user, what tier 1 provider has cheaper plans?  I just did a quick look on a BYOD plans and all 3 start at $50 and don't have the data or calling features that PM has.


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