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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,590 REPLIES 5,590

@Wolfcore wrote:

Who said I believe that? Your reading comprehension levels are clearly quite low. I've argued all sides, but as I keep stating, this is beyond what's legal and what's not at this point. Just like in 2018, there were plenty of "highly intelligent" people like yourself, claiming the exact same things you're claiming now, and in the end, you were made to look silly.

Didn't we already have this conversation btw? Your replies are so immature for somebody who claims to be so bright. Your attempted "gotchas" have been quite lackluster.

We get it, you don't think that people voicing their opinions can have any effect on decision making. That's fine, you're free to believe that. We get it. Move on 🙂


Exhibit 1, 2, 3, & 4   @Wolfcore .    Why resort to belittling, leading comments?

There's more - many of them have been deleted. (probably by the Oracles, 😂, ironically)

Gotta go!   Much better things to spend time on.

Keep up the fight!!! 

HI @Wolfcore 

yeah, we talked about this cos you keep repeating your posts.  

and no, your complaints won't get anywhere.  The one need to move on is you, cos if you want to get the $7 savings you are not getting it. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Who said I believe that? Your reading comprehension levels are clearly quite low. I've argued all sides, but as I keep stating, this is beyond what's legal and what's not at this point. Just like in 2018, there were plenty of "highly intelligent" people like yourself, claiming the exact same things you're claiming now, and in the end, they were made to look silly.

Didn't we already have this conversation btw? Your replies are so immature for somebody who claims to be so bright. Your attempted "gotchas" have been quite lackluster.

We get it, you don't think that people voicing their opinions can have any effect on decision making. That's fine, you're free to believe that. We get it. Move on 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So I missed that the loyalty rewards(including the existing credit being applied) is disappearing?  I thought we were going to get the existing credits in points but there would be no more loyalty applied.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

PublicMobile was the only Telus service that was worth recommending.  The removal of the legacy reward program demonstrates that PublicMobile no longer honours their own word, and cannot to be trusted (just like the rest of Telus).  That's too bad.  

The expiring GB of data they gave us (to supposedly compensate for forcing us off the legacy rewards) is totally worthless to those of us who seldom need extra GB.  What a joke.

Anyway, now we know we are dealing directly with Telus and need to watch our backs to keep from getting ripped off.  The "community" aspect of PublicMobile is no more.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I'm asking the person who is making the claim, not you (no disrespect).

As for "shill" or "bootlicker", I agree, there's no need to really use these, even if they may appear true. I also don't think that sending the same messaging over and over again saying "BuT TeRmS Of SeRvIcE! or CoNtRaCtS!" really benefits either, in my opinion. It's almost like taunting. We get it.

Everybody is quite aware of this stuff. It's not like people don't know that these companies usually have the right to do what they want. People don't need to hear it over and over again like they're children.

This is beyond whether or not they were legally allowed to do something at this point, just like in 2018. They made a promise, and broke it. Whether they did so knowing that they were protected or not, doesn't even really matter (just like it didn't in 2018). A lawsuit isn't going to "fix" this anytime soon, so that doesn't even matter.

It's just about people voicing their frustration, and letting this company face the consequences of their actions. They promised no surprises, and promised that we'd keep these rewards for as long as our accounts remained active. If they were outright lying, knowing that their ToS protects them, cool. But it's still a lie, and people are going to make sure they're heard.

HI @Wolfcore  you obviously don't know much about legal matters.   No wonder you believe a carrier has no right to change the rewards system and you still believe you can enjoy your savings forever by just posting repetitive replies here.

Believe what you believe and good luck 🙂


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

He knows who the person is, and has read the messages, so I figured there was no need. Plus, anybody can just search it. I also never claimed that it represented everybody within the Oracle group. I only hinted that there are others besides this one person, who have been sharing similar messaging. 

@Wolfcore wrote:

One might discern that you're trying to quell the masses, by choosing to ignore comments and act naive, while continually posting messages in support of PM, this decision, and those who are trying to dismiss concerns. 

Not trying to "quell the masses".   LOL.  Where did I "continually post messages in support of PM"?   On the contrary, my posts suggest folks continue to push against this.   Why spread misinformation - what's the purpose?

The Oracle in question made it very clear with their messages. Just go back and read them. Multiple messages in defense of PM (Telus). Even seemingly mentioning how they are a shareholder:

I read as much as the posts on this thread as I can.  I do not view their comments the same way.   So what if they're a shareholder;  at least they had the guts to admit that publicly on this thread.   I doubt others would.

1. you do have to recognize that businesses operate on the profit motive in exchange for goods and services.  If you ran a business, could you operate it sustainably with a charity mindset?

This is a valid point being made by the Oracle, in my view.   I don't view it as pushing for compliance from the masses.

2. Well, if I put on my customer hat, I tend to agree with what you are saying.  When I put on my shareholder hat, I can see the merits of what they are doing.  

Another valid point, IMO.

3.The other side of the coin is $13 accounts paying $6 in perpetuity.  These days $6 doesn't buy a single burger.  I hate to pit one group of customers against another group.  I think it was the unsustainability of giving $7 rewards to $13 and $15 customers caused this change.

So they're offering a comment/opinion in an attempt to explain why they believe something to be.  What's wrong with that?   

4. So, as a shareholder could you please explain the merits you are referring to since “record profits” is apparently not enough?

Respectfully, no.  Inflation invariably makes new number appear larger than last year's comps.  


This is just one Oracle as well, i'm not even gonna bother going through all the rest.  

Exactly, why bother?   What's to be gained by it?  Everyone's impacted by this, some more than others.   It's unfair to all Legacy reward customers. 

We see multiple messages essentially saying how Telus needs to make this change due to needing money. Even giving a personal opinion saying that this old system was unsustainable for them. This is a form of guilt. They're telling people "you gotta think of poor them, they're losing money". 

Sorry you feel they're guilting you.   They're simply trying to make more money on the backs of their most loyal customers.   Yes, it's greedy, but I certainly don't feel guilty in any way.

To me, this is incredibly disrespectful, considering the consumer is far worse off than any Telus executive, or Telus themselves. They're making record profit. We're supposed to feel sorry about their profits, when some of us can barely afford rent or food to eat? This is a budget-brand service.

I completely agree with your statement.   They DO NOT need to do this.   I wrote exactly that in my very first reply in this thread last Wednesday.   I, also, do not feel the least bit sorry about their profits.

As for your comment about people attempting to rile up for masses for "bravos", I assume I'm one of the people who you're referring to, considering I've been pointing this stuff out. I find that quite laughable. I've been helping out as many people as I can, breaking down pricing, clearly explaining my points, arguing potential fixes, etc. I'm here because I'm disappointed in PM for lying to their customers, and breaking a promise. I don't care about some dumb community reward. Whoever is in charge of internals, can remove all of my bravos if they want, I couldn't care less. This is about letting PM know that they've made a terrible decision, and their customer base speaking out about it.

Excellent points, @Wolfcore .   I just don't feel they're "lying" or "breaking a promise" .  They are showing mistrust by making leading statements in the past.

 I, also, would put forth that all bravo's from the Announcement section be stricken from the Community reward metrics.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

To me, the testing criteria just means the two phones used, the two networks (which we already know), and the city. There would be no reason for you to divulge any personal details. It's just technical data. Even if there's more criteria, it could be done without providing personal details connected to anyone. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

As an Oracle, do you have any insight on why PM takes this approach though? I’m having difficulty understanding the logic of why existing customers need to wait to get on a plan that is cheaper but is available to a new customer right away (I’m not referring to the 3G plans but the fact that no 4G plans are available for existing at this time). This is particularily bewildering if the existing customer has brought in referrals to help build the base whereas a new customer has not. Regardless, I hope the aspect of “greater flexibility” with regard to the points program will extend to plan selection as well. Cheers.

@JDBlue1966 wrote:

Are you sure they cant remove them. I saw a post that said they could.  

I didn't say they can't did I?  I will have to go back and check.  I am saying each time you start a new cycle you are on a new contract and are agreeing to the current ToS


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@Wolfcore wrote:

Now it's your turn. Can you please provide examples of people discounting other peoples views, and show us comments where people are clearly intending to bait people instead of engaging in purposeful discussion?

I've read ever single post in this thread, I've yet to see a comment get "dismissed" and not responded to. Personally, If somebody has a valid argument as to why the removal of this rewards system is great, I'd love to hear it. I'd love to hear it, and then give my opinion on that. I'd never dismiss it. 

@Wolfcore, nobody is saying it is great, but the blow back for point to the ToS and the statement of everytime you renew your cycle of your plan you are agreeing to the latest version of ToS as each 30 or 90 day cycle is the only contract we have with PM is crazy.  Being called a Shill or bootlicker for mentioning these things is not part of a purposeful discussion.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

@Wolfcore wrote:

One might discern that you're trying to quell the masses, by choosing to ignore comments and act naive, while continually posting messages in support of PM, this decision, and those who are trying to dismiss concerns. 

The Oracle in question made it very clear with their messages. Just go back and read them. Multiple messages in defense of PM (Telus). Even seemingly mentioning how they are a shareholder:

1. you do have to recognize that businesses operate on the profit motive in exchange for goods and services.  If you ran a business, could you operate it sustainably with a charity mindset?

2. Well, if I put on my customer hat, I tend to agree with what you are saying.  When I put on my shareholder hat, I can see the merits of what they are doing.  

3.The other side of the coin is $13 accounts paying $6 in perpetuity.  These days $6 doesn't buy a single burger.  I hate to pit one group of customers against another group.  I think it was the unsustainability of giving $7 rewards to $13 and $15 customers caused this change.

4. So, as a shareholder could you please explain the merits you are referring to since “record profits” is apparently not enough?

Respectfully, no.  Inflation invariably makes new number appear larger than last year's comps.  


This is just one Oracle as well, i'm not even gonna bother going through all the rest.

We see multiple messages essentially saying how Telus needs to make this change due to needing money. Even giving a personal opinion saying that this old system was unsustainable for them. This is a form of guilt. They're telling people "you gotta think of poor them, they're losing money". 

To me, this is incredibly disrespectful, considering the consumer is far worse off than any Telus executive, or Telus themselves. They're making record profit. We're supposed to feel sorry about their profits, when some of us can barely afford rent or food to eat? This is a budget-brand service.

As for your comment about people attempting to rile up for masses for "bravos", I assume I'm one of the people who you're referring to, considering I've been pointing this stuff out. I find that quite laughable. I've been helping out as many people as I can, breaking down pricing, clearly explaining my points, arguing potential fixes, etc. I'm here because I'm disappointed in PM for lying to their customers, and breaking a promise. I don't care about some dumb community reward. Whoever is in charge of internals, can remove all of my bravos if they want, I couldn't care less. This is about letting PM know that they've made a terrible decision, and their customer base speaking out about it.

@Wolfcore Then say the name of the Oracle in question and not make it sound like the comment represents everyone from the Oracle group


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

HI @Wolfcore 

they were asking for specific details
 How about post some data regarding your testing criteria.

Put it this way, you willing to pay, I can arrange.  I will write you a test case for your review and approval and will conduct similar field test for you.  Drop me a private message with your requirement and I will send you a quote


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You can't post a phone type and a city? Those are two of the most generic things possible.

HI @Public_Cust_17 

i am doing it for a client and cannot post specific details.  


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Have a question for you. Given the feedback on your proposed changes, are you at least listening to your loyal customers? Or, don’t we count? Please respond. If you are listening, please explain to us why it’s good for us. 

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

Rubbing the PM crystal ball, I can see those two 4G plans ($24/$29) currently available for new subscribers only magically being made available to existing customers as well just days before the forced migration to the new points system! 😉

It has been very common to have PM roll the new customer only plans into plans that are available to everyone a few weeks after they are originally introduced.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Are you sure they cant remove them. I saw a post that said they could.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Now it's your turn. Can you please provide examples of people discounting other peoples views, and show us comments where people are clearly intending to bait people instead of engaging in purposeful discussion?

I've read ever single post in this thread, I've yet to see a comment get "dismissed" and not responded to. Personally, If somebody has a valid argument as to why the removal of this rewards system is great, I'd love to hear it. I'd love to hear it, and then give my opinion on that. I'd never dismiss it. 

@Robbwell wrote:

PM can make changes for future activity. Like, they can change AutoPay and subscribers can respond to the new arrangement.

PM can't make changes to past terms like the $1 per year loyalty reward. It's too late. Those rewards are earned. We cannot go back and decline to participate.  They can change legacy loyalty for the future, like they can say if you are working your way to 5, the current year will be the last.

If they were able to get rid of the call centre for Pioneer Customers, they can change things.  Remember your "contract" with them is only 30 or 90 days.  When you continually renew to a new cycle you are agreeing to the newest ToS


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@wetcoaster   Yes, I just checked my phone's compatibility a little while ago and it is fully compatible for VoLTE and wifi calling (but not here).  They also have a prepaid US/Canada plan for $29/20GB with $5 discount for the next 24 months though not what I'm interested in.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

One might discern that you're trying to quell the masses, by choosing to ignore comments and act naive, while continually posting messages in support of PM, this decision, and those who are trying to dismiss concerns. 

The Oracle in question made it very clear with their messages. Just go back and read them. Multiple messages in defense of PM (Telus). Even seemingly mentioning how they are a shareholder:

1. you do have to recognize that businesses operate on the profit motive in exchange for goods and services.  If you ran a business, could you operate it sustainably with a charity mindset?

2. Well, if I put on my customer hat, I tend to agree with what you are saying.  When I put on my shareholder hat, I can see the merits of what they are doing.  

3.The other side of the coin is $13 accounts paying $6 in perpetuity.  These days $6 doesn't buy a single burger.  I hate to pit one group of customers against another group.  I think it was the unsustainability of giving $7 rewards to $13 and $15 customers caused this change.

4. So, as a shareholder could you please explain the merits you are referring to since “record profits” is apparently not enough?

Respectfully, no.  Inflation invariably makes new number appear larger than last year's comps.  


This is just one Oracle as well, i'm not even gonna bother going through all the rest.

We see multiple messages essentially saying how Telus needs to make this change due to needing money. Even giving a personal opinion saying that this old system was unsustainable for them. This is a form of guilt. They're telling people "you gotta think of poor them, they're losing money". 

To me, this is incredibly disrespectful, considering the consumer is far worse off than any Telus executive, or Telus themselves. They're making record profit. We're supposed to feel sorry about their profits, when some of us can barely afford rent or food to eat? This is a budget-brand service.

As for your comment about people attempting to rile up for masses for "bravos", I assume I'm one of the people who you're referring to, considering I've been pointing this stuff out. I find that quite laughable. I've been helping out as many people as I can, breaking down pricing, clearly explaining my points, arguing potential fixes, etc. I'm here because I'm disappointed in PM for lying to their customers, and breaking a promise. I don't care about some dumb community reward. Whoever is in charge of internals, can remove all of my bravos if they want, I couldn't care less. This is about letting PM know that they've made a terrible decision, and their customer base speaking out about it.

Was it record Profit or record Income.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

This message says no plans in February of 2022.  A lot of things have changed since then.  Business plans do change


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

It's about a week old, @PC3 

They claim to be doing this to it's most loyal customers base within a couple of months.

Let them know you do not approve.   Keep the discussion going.   Be diligent.


I think we are on thin ice here and might get censored, so... I will log out with the following: Ironically Freedom also doesn't need resort to shenanigans like white listing phones. If your phone has the proper bands* it has access to all features, including VoLTE. 


* Most of the phones on the lines I help manage, are cost effective phones don't have B71 (except for the couple of Pixel 6a), but B66 / B4, B13 and 7 seem to be sufficient for solid service in our area.

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

Well, I believe Telus’ profits is germane to the subject matter. I believe most of those who are “riled up” is due to the fact that they are now faced with paying more for the exact same service (especially after being promised before that this would effectively not happen by staying on the legacy rewards program). It doesn’t help soften this impact when it happens to come at a time of record profits by Telus. I do agree that one should consider different aspects while still maintaining the right to respectfully discount those views one doesn’t necessarliy agree with. I can’t speak for others but, for myself, I don’t care about bravos whatsoever. My posting history bears this out. I’ve been active lately because this forced migration is impacting me in a way I don’t agree with nor appreciate. In a sense, the accumulation of posts in this thread is no different than signing a petition. 

Absolutely @RetiredGuy1 

This move is all about TELUS's profits - it's NOT about enhancing things for PM's most loyal customers, no matter how much PM tries to spin this.  

I suspect the more 'civil' this thread remains, the more likely the Oracles (who, remember, are said to be reporting user's comments to PM employees) can provide them with useful and meaningful feedback.

When users choose to 'discount' other's views, some are doing it by offering comments which are clearly intended to bait other users, and not engage in a purposeful discussion.

I completely agree describing how disappointed and pushed aside we all feel is very healthy.  It's when the discussion falls into disrepute that PM likely stops actively listening.   I don't think any of us want that, since otherwise what's the purpose of keeping this thread unlocked for comments?



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Is this new? as far as I know PM will switch all customers to the new "reward system" which sucks. 

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