11:07 AM
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12:32 PM
Hey Community,
We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.
We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program.
We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.
To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st.
We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.
To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.
The Public Mobile Team
03-07-2024 10:18 PM
@Wolfcore wrote:U.S roaming is a nice perk, but the reality is that most people aren't traveling to the U.S so often that they need to have this. You're also most likely paying for it on your bill anyway. For example, Let's say you were to go with PC's $29 plan (25GB 5G). Sure, for an extra $10 you can have PM's plan which includes that U.S data (and more data in general), but that's also costing you an extra $120 a year. If the 25gb is more than enough for you, and you only go to the US once or twice a year, then you wouldn't spend anywhere near that $120 per year on data. So in the end, you'll save more by using PC's plan.
Really depends what type of user you are, but I don't think the vast majority of PM's current subscriber base are traveling to the US that often, to justify the extra cost.
I am going to the states possibly a couple of times this year or next year & I will be outside of Wi-Fi and be doing speed tests, and plus if you got it before march 4th it was $34 for 50GB 5G, only a $60 a year increase from PC mobile.
PC is somewhat operated by Bell, which lays off workers any chance they get. Always during the 'Bell Let's Talk' season.
03-07-2024 10:15 PM
U.S roaming is a nice perk, but the reality is that most people aren't traveling to the U.S so often that they need to have this. You're also most likely paying for it on your bill anyway. For example, Let's say you were to go with PC's $29 plan (25GB 5G). Sure, for an extra $10 you can have PM's plan which includes that U.S data (and more data in general), but that's also costing you an extra $120 a year. If the 25gb is more than enough for you, and you only go to the US once or twice a year, then you wouldn't spend anywhere near that $120 per year on data. So in the end, you'll save more by using PC's plan.
Really depends what type of user you are, but I don't think the vast majority of PM's current subscriber base are traveling to the US that often, to justify the extra cost.
03-07-2024 10:12 PM
I have the 5G plan yet my phone hasn't gone to 5G once. s20 5G if you're wondering.
03-07-2024 10:11 PM
@Chalupa_Batman wrote:
@ninjastar wrote:Yup, any of the Bell subsidiaries will work. Look at PC mobile. We collect PC points anyway.
Only issue is you can't use them in the US. No roaming packages.
True but you can get a TextNow SIM, choose a Canadian # or US # and use it for free calling and texting in US without needing to connect to Wi-Fi to use it.
03-07-2024 10:06 PM
@Nikkk wrote:Well I just emailed lucky and told them there is gonna be a bunch of pissed off public clients come May.
Lucky Mobile is better in one way and worse in two ways
But here are the downsides
03-07-2024 10:05 PM
Can't wait to see what they have to offer.
03-07-2024 10:03 PM
Well I just emailed lucky and told them there is gonna be a bunch of pissed off public clients come May.
03-07-2024 10:02 PM
@ninjastar wrote:Yup, any of the Bell subsidiaries will work. Look at PC mobile. We collect PC points anyway.
Only issue is you can't use them in the US. No roaming packages.
03-07-2024 09:53 PM
Yup, any of the Bell subsidiaries will work. Look at PC mobile. We collect PC points anyway.
03-07-2024 09:49 PM
Remember to NOT go to Telus or Koodo either when you switch out so the Bob's at corporate don't get rewarded when people switch to Koodo.
Drive traffic away from Telus and their subsidiaries.
03-07-2024 09:49 PM
Looks like Telus is hurting. Just only 'the strongest fourth quarter on record' as per their tweet 🤫 https://twitter.com/TELUSNews/status/1755928158119891006
03-07-2024 09:41 PM
I'm actually quite surprised it took this long for PM to discontinue all the old rewards, I was always wondering when this day would come. Kind of sad, and somewhat disrespectful, that the bonus data you're offering us loyal customers is only going to be valid for 150 days, would think you'd try a little harder to try and retain these customers that clearly have been loyal to PM for so many years. But again not surprised of this move, pretty much no different than any other provider. PM used to be very unique, pre Telus takeover. Maybe part of the plan is to lose business and eventually shut down PM entirely, ever since Telus took over they've tried doing quite a bit to make existing customers angry and disappointed. But at the end of the day Telus is looking at their bottom line and apparently they feel this change is worth the risk. I've been with PM for I think over 10 years, once this switch happens I'll definitely be keeping an eye open with other providers (never had to look before), and will be doing the same with all the family members I've helped switch over as well, it's too bad, but this was expected. Was a fun ride while it lasted, lol.
03-07-2024 09:38 PM
That's where I'm going with my 4 accounts. My $50 plans here are $34 over there....
03-07-2024 09:31 PM
@LitlLdy that's good to hear. I thought it would be good if he got feedback directly from customers. He might realize what a terrible idea this is, and he's the only one who can actually do something about it.
03-07-2024 09:29 PM
@sheytoon wrote:There's a way to contact the general manager who is in charge, but every time I tried to post his name, my message gets deleted 🙄
@sheytoon , I saw that your messages kept disappearing!
I’ve had the info for a while that he’s the head of pm! Along with some other info. His name is all over google so it’s easy to find! 😃
I have a feeling people are posting several messages on pm’s facebook page and their reddit page to voicing their disappointment in the decisions pm has made here on this thread!
03-07-2024 09:20 PM
@J_PM Eastlink’s $20 75GB plan is looking great right now.
You just lost $17 per month
03-07-2024 09:16 PM
In case you were looking for the CCTS link:
03-07-2024 09:16 PM
@Slick66 wrote:I guess I do get to keep it . . .
That will last you over two years ($65 plan)
03-07-2024 09:04 PM
There's a way to contact the general manager who is in charge, but every time I tried to post his name, my message gets deleted 🙄
03-07-2024 09:04 PM - edited 03-07-2024 09:13 PM
I'll have to manually go through thousands of screenshots on my phone, but I'll definitely try. It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, they tried to mess with our rewards a few years ago too, and it caused people to react just like this. People were posting screenshots of private messages with agents, posting website advertisements/descriptions about them promising to keep it forever, and how this was now false advertising, etc. This was all over Redflagdeals, and this forum.
I'm sure others will remember this better than me. Regardless, I'll try searching for the images on my phone, and also search online for those old discussions (assuming they're still around).
Edit: Ahh, I remember now. It wasn't actually to do with the rewards. It was to do with a plan from back in 2016. They told everybody that they'd be able to keep this price forever, and that it would never change. Claimed "no surprises". Even their advertising for the plan didn't imply any fine print, so people really fought back. Lots of reporting to regulatory bodies, lots of screenshots being posted, etc. If you scroll down in this article, you can read about it a bit:
But there was definitely also something that went on with the rewards too. I think it was during the time that they first introduced the new rewards system. My memory is just foggy.
03-07-2024 09:03 PM
Very displeased,
I suspect they will go back slightly, giving legacy users a slightly better "deal" than currently being forced, as is commonly the tactic.
Not thank you for the useless chunk of data I don't use.
03-07-2024 09:01 PM
At least we know where the extra money they're charging from all of us is going 😉
Gotta appreciate the transparency!
03-07-2024 08:59 PM
Way to shoot yourselves in the foot. The old program is the only reason I've stayed with PM over the years. Unless you've got some better plans coming I'll be switching. It was good while it lasted.
03-07-2024 08:57 PM
I'm certain it's "all hands on deck" in the PM world.
That's for certain @terrywkw
03-07-2024 08:55 PM
They are lucky they only have an upvote button lol 🤣
03-07-2024 08:54 PM
I mean this whole fiasco is a PR nightmare to begin with, so I'm not at all surprised they are in full damage control mode.
03-07-2024 08:52 PM
Good point @dabr !!
If prior posts promising legacy reward holders would not be switched are being removed after the fact, that's lower than low. That's damage control in action, folks.
I do hope Public Mobile is NOT doing that.
However, this is their forum, their site. They completely own it's content.
Not much surprises me... and I've only been around here a few years.
03-07-2024 08:48 PM
Pc mobile is offering 29$ for 25gb Canada wide with 10% back in points with their credit card and 20000 points after 2 months.
If these legacy rewards disappear, I'm already set on a cheaper plan with better rewards! 😊
03-07-2024 08:47 PM - edited 03-07-2024 08:55 PM
They are likely cleaning out and deleting these posts, as there was no disclaimer. And they don't want us using as leverage to complain to CCTS.
But I'm sure that if anyone is willing to keep pressing and file a law suit or a class action, a request for discovery for saved backups of the forum can be asked for and reviewed
03-07-2024 08:46 PM
For any of you who think Customer Support Agents (or maybe Oracles, are you???) are moving or removing posts, perhaps check here first as your post may be rejected for other reasons.
Sometimes removing certain things in the post allows it to not become 'rejected':