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[UPDATE] Last day to get our limited time 4GB / $40 promo plan!

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired


Note: The promo plan has been removed from our website; however is still available in the activation portal and in Self-Serve. 


We will be honouring the promo plan for all customers who ordered their SIM card between October 25th-November 16th, but did not receive it before November 20th.


Why the November 16th cut-off date you might ask? SIM card orders take 1-2 business days to arrive at your home, and Canada Post does not deliver on the weekends. Knowing that there is a lead time for SIM cards to arrive, we have temporarily stopped SIM card ordering until after the promotion is complete. This is because anyone who would have ordered a SIM card after November 16th would not have received their SIM card in enough time to sign up for the promo plan. We didn’t want anyone to get your hopes up and then be disappointed.


If you get a SIM card at one of our pick-up locations this Friday and Saturday, you will need to sign-up for our promo plan on or before November 20th. The promo plan will not be honoured for these customers after November 20th.




Hey Community,


Yes, you read the subject line correctly! From October 25th to November 20th, we will be offering an amazing promotion where you can get 12GB of data, unlimited province-wide talk and unlimited global text on a 90 day plan for only $120. This equates to 4GB each month for the low, low price of $40 every 30 days. If there was ever a time to get friends and family to join Public Mobile, now would be it!


Check out the full details below to see how you and your friends and family can sign up for this awesome plan!


Things you need to know


  • This is the only promotional plan during this period. No other plans are affected
  • During the promo period, there will be two plans totaling $120: (1) the 6GB unlimited province-wide talk and global text plan and (2) the promotional plan, which has 12GB of data. Please be sure to choose the plan with twice as much data for the exact same price!
  • If you have signed up for the promotional plan, you will be able to keep it after the promo period, as long as you are an active customer. This means that, as long as you are an active customer on this plan, your plan price will remain at $120, even after your initial 90 days. No surprises. 

Getting the plan


Pick & Pay Customers


If you are an existing Pick & Pay customer and are interested in taking advantage of the promo plan, you have two options:


  1. If your plan ends during the promo period: You can sign up for the plan in self-serve, as you normally would to change your plan
  2. If your plan ends after the promo period: You can future date a rate plan change during the promotional period, and have the promo plan take effect after November 20th. For example, if you’re currently on a 90 day plan that ends on November 28th, you will be able to sign into self-serve anytime between October 25th-November 20th and future date the promo plan to take effect upon your existing plan’s completion. Come November 21st, you would no longer be able to future date the promo plan.

This means that everyone has the option to take advantage of this great deal, regardless of when your existing rate plan ends. 


Legacy Customers


If you are a legacy customer who is interested in having this promo plan, you will need to call into the call centre and upgrade to the Pick & Pay plan. Please note that, once you switch to a Pick & Pay plan, you will be unable to switch back to your old plan and will lose access to the call centre.


 New Customers: You want to join because the grass is really greener over here


As a new customer, you can add the promo plan when you are prompted in the activation process. You will need to have your SIM card in hand in order to activate, so please be sure to order it first!


-Public Mobile Community team

1,415 REPLIES 1,415

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Rockdaddy22 wrote:
Don't forget Bell/Virgin, plus the little guys like Chatr and 7-Eleven speakout.

For now on the RFD forum most are jumping ship from Rogers and Wind. I am typing like crazy to answer all questions.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Don't forget Bell/Virgin, plus the little guys like Chatr and 7-Eleven speakout.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Oh no @NDesai I have a better wish. At the moment I'd like to be a fly on the wall at the retention centre at Rogers and Wind.

@Brooke_C @Jeremy_M @Dave_M I am hoping to see may be a pic or something to show how hard those individuals working in the back-end to pack and ship those sim cards. 


Bravos to them. 

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Luckily my grandmother is still on the grandmothered 1gb plan 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@daredogg, the 1GB 90 days is not available anymore, it is a grandfathered plan that was discontinued when the new plans came out in Aug. (Lots of call to bring it back, see Public Lab, but PM has declined.) As it is no longer available other than grandfathered, anyone who jumps from it to the new plan can not switch back,

My apologies to @jairolevi @sportymi @ute1978 @NDesai and any others who have a 1GB / 90 day plan!  I was mistaken not realizing that plan even existed (noob here). Robot Embarassed

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I am also on 1GB 90 days plan, where it is a bit too less, and 12 GB will be way too much. Double the 1GB plan and make it 2GB 90 days will be prefect for me (wishful thinking) Smiley LOL

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It's funny... Because I actually forgot about the community and came to stop by and tell everyone how good public mobile is, and then I see this!?!


The service is so good I forget about it because it just works all the time wherever I go.


Amazing deal. I will be passing this along.



@zmawani wrote:

What do I need to do to get the plan now?


I am less than 45 days into the 90 day plan (literally signed up last week).

Unfortunately, you can't get this plan now. Change it in your self-serve so it will be automatically change on your next renewal. That 45 days scenario doesn't apply to this promo. It was for another promo they did few months ago. 

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Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@dhanadhan wrote:

@ute1978 Definitely its tempting. I wish PM offers something like this for light data users. May be same plan but with Canada-Wide? Smiley LOL

@NDesai It will be your fault 😉

I am on the verge of jumping for the carrot...

There seems little confusion. @daredogg @sportymi 

Me and ute1978 are on 1GB 90 days plan (~333mb per 30 days). It is pretty good for us as a light data user. You guys are on 3GB plan. In that case, i would jump in and your plan is not grandfathered so you can revert back if you don't like the new plan. 


@ute1978 Definitely its tempting. I wish PM offers something like this for light data users. May be same plan but with Canada-Wide? Smiley LOL

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Town Hero / Héro de la Ville




Yes, 12 times the data, I currently have 1Gb / 90 days.


@ute1978 wrote:

@daredogg wrote:

@jairolevi it's 4 times the data... not 12. You're getting 12 GB of data spread over 90 days.



@jairolevi is at 1GB/90 days plan. Changing to 12GB/90 days, isn't that 12x the data?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've previously had issues where my scheduled plan change would not go through and my old plan would be renewed instead. The scheduled plan change would then have to be manually applied by a PM member. If I future date the promo plan and the scheduled change doesn't happen, would PM be able to manually push it through?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@daredogg wrote:

@jairolevi it's 4 times the data... not 12. You're getting 12 GB of data spread over 90 days.



@jairolevi is at 1GB/90 days plan. Changing to 12GB/90 days, isn't that 12x the data?

@jairolevi it's 4 times the data... not 12. You're getting 12 GB of data spread over 90 days.


For myself, I monitor my data usage... in my wife's case, not so much. Believe me, I am truly tempted by the data carrot! lol  (at least I have about a month to mull it over)

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

What do I need to do to get the plan now?


I am less than 45 days into the 90 day plan (literally signed up last week).

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

You're good to go @choco 🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@daredogg Exactly! but I use more than you, I am always at the limit toward end of the period. And I hate to turn my data on and off so I don't accidentally use it all up. One really good thing is that data is Canada-wide, where talk time is only provincial-wide. If you do travel within Canada, the extra data can be useful. Otherwise, with the amount that you use, I wouldn't change the grandfather plan.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I gain double data, change from a Canada wide (which the last 3 months used less than 200 minutes ... so I can save $7/90 days just by changing and buying the $8 addon package ...) Sold. 


is it creepy if I love you guys (hope the misses doesn't get jealous)... 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


I am also in the 1GB / 90 days plan.


To save $10 bucks a month is not significative ( focus on big wins ), but I get 12 times the data.


So I'll update the plan and I will start streaming spotify worry free more often!


The way I see it, just 10 bucks extra for peace of mind, totally worth it 🙂


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

PM Plan Change


Hi, I would like to verify whether or not I have done the plan change correctly on the self-serve portal. Thanks.

@ute1978 that's my conundrum! I'm only on the 1GB plan, and I've rarely if ever exceeded it, even with previous shared account with former carrier. I was planning on upgrading to 90-day plan in January (saving up to it), but this promo is very tempting! 


If I do the math, it'll cost an extra $108 per year to go this route, instead of the normal 3GB / 90 day plan at $111. With taxes it's $122... so basically $10 per month more for 4x the data (that I will probably never ever use).


I think PM is smart, tempting another $10 per month out of its customers' electronic pockets!!



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

It has already 25 pages in RFD lol




@aj wrote:

This plan is about to blow up. It's gone viral on a few websites and it's only day 1. I hope Public Mobile has hundreds of thousands of SIM cards ready to ship and Telus networks are ready to handle it! 🙂


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This plan is about to blow up. It's gone viral on a few websites and it's only day 1. I hope Public Mobile has hundreds of thousands of SIM cards ready to ship and Telus networks are ready to handle it! 🙂

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@dhanadhan wrote:

@ute1978 @sportymi I never passed 300mb on 90days lol But, this is only $30 more for 11GB more. Still don't know what to do. May be PM will never offer promo for light data users.

Are you going to use those 11GB in the future? If not, why pay $30 more?

I know it is's like in a shopping mall. Resist the temptation....

@ridsama wrote:

Hi, like someone else said already, the Change plan at next renewal date could still be iffy. Is there any way to confirm that you will get this plan the next time you renew?

May be take some screenshots of plan change as a proof. If for some reason it doesn't change, staff member will help you.

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@ute1978 @sportymi I never passed 300mb on 90days lol But, this is only $30 more for 11GB more. Still don't know what to do. May be PM will never offer promo for light data users.

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If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

can someone from public mobile comment/confirm this?


i have already changed plan and topped up my account, will the autopay scheduled for my old plan today double charge me. thx

I am not a data hungry user.  Years ago I was with Rogers on a 2 GB Canada-wide talk & txt plan.  I liked it because I was over 1 GB a month due to my usage pattern.


I switched to WIND for unlimited data, and at the time owned my phone so I got credits each month that covered WIND AWAY roaming fees, so it was always a $40/month fee for me.


When I moved, and my job location changed, I lost reliable service for voicee, so I purchased a 'lightly loved iPhone 5s' from WIND on the WindTAB, and lost my roaming credits to pay for part of my phone.


I switched to Public Mobile for the $120 90-day/unld prov/glb txt/6 GB.... esentially what I was getting on Wind before I moved.   Now, I'm going to switch to the AWESOME plan to get the extra data, at no extra cost to me.


Yes, it's more data, and it may go unused.  But if things change for me, and I start using more data, it will be there at the current price.  It's just a no brainer for me, as I'm already paying the $120.  If I was on the old $90 for 90 days, I don't know what I would do.  I'm leaning upgrade because I know I use more than 1 GB regularily per month, as 333 MB wouldn't be enough for me.  If I was on current $111 per month, or 1.3 GB data, I'd stay on that plan.


Food for thought I guess.

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