07-12-2021 06:03 AM
Hi Community,
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great conversations on the Community last month! The Community could not be such a great place to get support without you all.
We’d like to give a special thanks to all our members who earned Community Rewards for their contributions. These members were able to make a big impact and support their fellow Community members by providing detailed and high quality solutions.
A huge thank you to our Oracles, who go above and beyond by not only starting healthy discussions, but also help others to better understand our services and contribute to our awesome Community on a daily basis.
A big congrats to the 2 Community members who earned the Top 1% Reward. The daily work of these awesome folks is truly amazing!
And a big shout out as well to the 7 members who earned the Top 5% Reward and the 8 members who were in the Top 10%! Their contributions to the Community should not go unnoticed.
Together, the Community members in the top 1%, 5% and 10% had a total of 332 accepted solutions in June. Thank you all for your amazing work!
A monthly badge for your contribution level has been added to your Community profile. A Community Reward will be given to all the contributors on a reward-eligible plan on your next payment due date.
Want to learn more about how to be a top contributor? Getting started is easy. All you have to do is give help to your fellow Community members, acknowledge solutions, and share ideas. And, of course, your suggestions and feedback will help us create a better experience for everyone.
Here’s how you can get started –
See a post you like? Show it some love and give it a bravo!
If someone is able to deliver a great solution to your problem, mark their response as an “Accepted Solution” to appreciate the efforts of your helper.
07-22-2021 09:26 AM
@barndoor .. We are congratulating Telus for another successful month.. for getting its profile maximized and cost minimized.
07-22-2021 09:19 AM
If this was a charity I would get it ...why are you all congratulating each other for doing volunteer work for a a company that's making a profit from your goodwill and efforts to help others ?
07-22-2021 09:08 AM
Congratulations to everyone on a job well done!
07-20-2021 08:34 AM
@darlicious wrote:Well that deserves a bravo!😃
07-20-2021 07:38 AM
Well that deserves a bravo!😃
07-20-2021 07:32 AM - edited 07-20-2021 07:35 AM
@pm-smayer97 wrote:Yes it is a weird system that gets gamed. It also creates a lot of favouritism, protectionism and territorialism... welcome to the PM forum...
Absolutely .... I said I wasn't going to participate here any more ... and I'm not going to participate in any way positive to PM other than to possibly stimulate traffic here . So far they have given me $5 in commununity rewards for my posting here . So far I think only three or four posts have actually been advice to people because the top contributors that live on here are all over any questions before anyone else has a chance . That's good for the customer because their issue is addressed quickly and consistently just as though it should have been by a reasonably paid employee ... but it makes me feel like my time spent here is point less .
So out of my 120 or so posts half a dozen were to help people and the rest ...that I got paid for were mainly criticism of the way they do things here that lead to confusion and customer questions . Cool eh ?
While the 700 bravo situation seemed to stimulate this big thread I still don't get it . Nobody seems to know what effect bravos have .. A couple oracles and others say bravos factor in and then turn around and say they don't know how much ... doesn't that mean you don't have a clue ?? Heck I have a blank post back a few pages that has a bravo .... what does that say about their value as a participation indicator . Who cares if somebody trumps up 700 or 2100 bravoes ...is that what this place is about for you ? Maybe go look at some of @darlicious 's beautiful pics in the lounge rather than worrying about counting bravos .
07-20-2021 03:45 AM
07-20-2021 01:49 AM - edited 07-20-2021 01:50 AM
@darlicious wrote:...
Congratulations to our ever dwindling list of top contributors. Keep posting, helping and bravoing! Try to spread them around so everyone feels appreciated for their efforts.
A special shout out to the consistently high contributing community member @z10user4 who quietly surpassed the 1000 solutions mark and only the second member to achieve this a mere 3 months after @computergeek541 passed that monumental milestone. At this rate @z10user4 will hit 20,000+ posts, 30,000+ bravos and 1000+ solutions in a couple more months.....
Thank you for all your dedicaton, helpful advice and on occasion irreverently humorous posts!
Top contributors
Top 1% : softech, darlicious
Top 5% : esjliv, z10user4, hTideGnow, Triguy, Blueb, macsal and S--S
Top 10% : hairbag1, dabr, JK8, LurganleUK, BKNS27, AE_Collector, Nezgar and BearFBI
And we must not forget the 9 oracles not only help customers but also keep the community clean and organized through editing, archiving, moving threads and assigning solutions.
Oracles: Computergeek541, Dunkman, Lieux, popping, mimmo, Luddite, NDesai, ShawnC13 and will13am
Keep up the great work everybody! The community is only as helpful and knowledgable as the members that get help, give help and share ideas.....
But of course we still have to rely on @darlicious to get the job done. Always a thank you for your work!
And a thank you to all the real helpers here. And an extra kudo to @Anonymous for the milestone.
07-20-2021 01:43 AM
Wow... I was late to the party this month...and oh what a "party"... So much drama!
Lots of wrist slapping and thrown in the dungeon activity but STILL no true shout outs by PM to those who earned it.
What message does that communicate? That this place is more focused on crowd controlled and compelled speech rather than praising true helpers?
One more reason to keep a low activity level here.
07-20-2021 01:23 AM
@Anonymous wrote:..
Do people actually have that thin a skin?
YES they do! And some oracles among them too!
07-20-2021 01:19 AM
@darlicious wrote:A special shout out to these top contributing newcomers who made quite the impression in the community. They were only here for about an hour each for day here and there. But I have a feeling that they will influence the community for years to come! Great job. Keep up the good works!
And then there were nine....
What's this all about?
07-20-2021 01:13 AM
@barndoor wrote:
@Triguy wrote:@barndoor They determine how much of a community you will receive.
Ok ? Perhaps you could point out the part that applies because I see how number of posts would apply but not seeing anything about bravos .
I can see rewarding solutions even though I think it is inappropriate to have oracles going through and picking them but i don't see why bravos should be of any merit anyway other than to put the original poster in a euphoric state .
Yes it is a weird system that gets gamed. It also creates a lot of favouritism, protectionism and territorialism... welcome to the PM forum...
07-19-2021 10:27 PM
Congratulations everyone and thank you all .
07-16-2021 10:52 AM
Who'd ever guess Top Contributors would be the most important tech support issue this month; generating 14 pages of posts!! 🍿
07-16-2021 10:35 AM
@ShawnC13 wrote:Why post in a thread with the same information 13 times.
This is one of the drawbacks of trying to get as much reward discount as possible.
So many times I see question answered by multiple members and the answer is basically the same? Many times there are no further inquiries (explain what you did, how that happened, etc.) but just generic copy/paste answer or 'contact moderators'.
Yes, we all would like to get few bucks monthly discount but still... I can understand similar answer posted within few minutes as legitimate answer requires a little bit of thinking in order to answer.
Basically you have to be at the right time reading new message and being able to answer. Not everybody can do that but answering question few hours after it was posted (and answered AND solutioned) has no point except to increase counter for monthly reward.
07-16-2021 05:08 AM
Thanks once again for giving us the top contributors but boy this thread sure got interesting this month guess there's been a lot going on that I have not been following.
07-15-2021 08:42 PM
As always, a HUGE THANK YOU for tracking the Top Contributors list!
It's always fun to see the results and appreciate the time you put into this for us. 🙂
07-15-2021 07:25 PM
@darlicious at Tswassen Mills right now just heading back to ferry and into the office tomorrow
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
07-15-2021 07:20 PM
Thanks for clarifying your reference. And I'm not calling oracles weasels just one and you know exactly which one I'm referring to.....and if I am not justified in my opinion on that I apologize... ......to any and all weasels I might have insulted with my comment.
Enjoy your time with your family....everyone deserves that.
07-15-2021 07:02 PM
@Anonymous lol nope not messaging pm at all they know how to reach me. I am enjoying time with my family on the mainland as I was actually able to get a couple days off
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
07-15-2021 06:59 PM
@darlicious I never said you posted the same info, I am saying that most threads have the same answer multiple times so if it is right why as another post to it. Now you are calling Oracle's weasels?!?! Yes stats do tell the story very well. A high Bravo to post ratio is a great example of those that post solid helpful information and versus a low ratio of those who just post for the sake of posting
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
07-15-2021 06:59 PM
Thank you for the recognition @darlicious . That's very kind.
And @softech : please take this as a lesson...don't spend too much time here. I'm quite sure there's an addictive element to the place.
As anticipated...5 hours...much of it during ET business hours...crickets. Thanks Public Mobile.
Maybe the member was busily typing backchannel defending their remarks with his special access to company folks. He knows full well what he said and the implications. I could get b l e e p e d all over the place for some choice words.
07-15-2021 06:50 PM
Why post in a thread with the same information 13 times.
I'm sorry I am missing your point on this comment? Are you saying I have posted in this thread 13 times with the same info?
And no I don't know how often you are here but not posting but I'm pretty darn sure its not as much as it used be....and other oracle(s)? use the incognito mode so they can sneak around like a weasel undetected until they post or report depending on their mood. So exactly who is monitoring the community and when cannot be assessed....stats tell their own story.
07-15-2021 06:26 PM - edited 07-15-2021 08:43 PM
@darlicious (hey the tag worked this time). You have absolutely no idea how much time I spend in here so you can't comment on that. Just because I am not posting doesn't mean I or any other Oracle is not"around". Why post in a thread with the same information 13 times.
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
07-15-2021 06:26 PM
@darlicious wrote:."Where would the member who has been questioned ended up?"..... Neither on the bottom or the top but right where they are right now....the 700 odd bravos made no difference to their badge level.
Should be glad that this dirty trick was made public early enough in the month. Given that the 7 minions already banged 700 bravos on only the 2nd weekend of the month, I wouldn't be surprise it could be 1000 or 1500 if this trick was gone un-noticed. Thanks @computergeek541 for the discovery.
Again thanks @darlicious for the ongoing "OT" work on the Community. While we are just busy posting, darlicious has been always feeding us with the latest statistics month after month
Also congrats @Anonymous for making a perfect 1000!!!
07-15-2021 05:45 PM
Well the last two pages explains a lot.....what the heck happened here? Do we need another announcement thread to be archived, reviewed and restored? Maybe.....since its already been sliced and diced with the remaining posts left without context and moderated over a report of one post that may or may not have been deemed inappropriate by one opinion.
To my knowledge this type singular moderation was supposed to have stopped.....that posts that are reported are to be archived until the author has been contacted over the post and a discussion had so that if it is offensive or inappropriate a teaching moment can be had......well the teaching moment in this case needs to be with the moderator for overstepping their bounds and imparting their personal views or opinion on community content.
Announcement threads inherently brings up the discussion with newcomers about how the community reward is calculated and speculation as to the weight of each element in the secret formula. I put some levity into it and asked a mathematical question to help another member get an idea of the "numbers" required to reach the top 1%. He made a light hearted joke. Another member posted an answer to the algebra of community rewards. Yet another got a better answer to its not as easy as you think to cheat your way into the top 1%.
But everything was just a little bit of pun until a moderator came along and took all the fun intended out of it with little or no explanation given to the parties involved. Then @ShawnC13 you come along and break up the "party" bringing up that bravos are getting thrown around and they shouldn't count because its an announcement thread? This narrow opinion oracles have of what should or should not count and what belongs in the lounge or in the main forum needs to lighten up.To complain about threads going on and on.....there's a reason for that and if you were here more often you would know why? That's not a comment on your personal participation.....everyone have lives we can't all be here all of the time.
There are fewer and fewer issues that customers need help with....most nights go 10 or more hours without a single new post. Any thread can get a lot of replies.....regardless of whether a bravo is given to only help based answers a healthy vibrant community is essential and forums that balance help and the sense of "community" are successful ones. Participation is essential and members need to feel welcome to do so and bravos play an important part in that! (#wts) Should we have no community if no help is needed? Are we all to congregate in the lounge peeking out behind frosted glass to see if some poor soul wanders into the main forum looking lost and pleading for help so we can stampede in offering our help and only our help......on here's how you contact a moderator?
Had everyone left well enough alone in this thread it would have just petered out to 5 or 6 pages of uninspired "Congratulations everyone! Keep up the good work!" posts that earn 15 to 25 bravos so that those in the know get enough bravos to pad their stats for $1 or $2 reward....til next month. And repeat.
So despite purposely not posting this month's top contributor's list because of the shenanigans going on..... I will to answer my original question that caused so much interference and turmoil.... "So who ended up on top?" .....as inappropriate as that question is I will also answer that other burning question......"Where would the member who has been questioned ended up?"..... Neither on the bottom or the top but right where they are right now....the 700 odd bravos made no difference to their badge level.
Congratulations to our ever dwindling list of top contributors. Keep posting, helping and bravoing! Try to spread them around so everyone feels appreciated for their efforts.
A special shout out to the consistently high contributing community member @z10user4 who quietly surpassed the 1000 solutions mark and only the second member to achieve this a mere 3 months after @computergeek541 passed that monumental milestone. At this rate @z10user4 will hit 20,000+ posts, 30,000+ bravos and 1000+ solutions in a couple more months.....
Thank you for all your dedicaton, helpful advice and on occasion irreverently humorous posts!
Top contributors
Top 1% : softech, darlicious
Top 5% : esjliv, z10user4, hTideGnow, Triguy, Blueb, macsal and S--S
Top 10% : hairbag1, dabr, JK8, LurganleUK, BKNS27, AE_Collector, Nezgar and BearFBI
And we must not forget the 9 oracles not only help customers but also keep the community clean and organized through editing, archiving, moving threads and assigning solutions.
Oracles: Computergeek541, Dunkman, Lieux, popping, mimmo, Luddite, NDesai, ShawnC13 and will13am
Keep up the great work everybody! The community is only as helpful and knowledgable as the members that get help, give help and share ideas.....
Oh yeah and go get your 1st and 2nd shot! After this announcement's thread going sideways I need a shot tequila?!!
07-15-2021 04:28 PM
@BlueB we certainly have opened ticket with Mod regarding the "questionable" bravos. (hey we learned that opening ticket with mod is always the BEST answer to any problem.. LoL)
Yes PM staff are investigating but I think a bit slow in terms of progress.
I did get an update from mod on the ticket I opened. I was told that 4 out of 9 minions got banned permanently. While better than doing nothing, I don't think banning means anything. Afterall, the pattern was always, a new minion was created, logon and bang 100 bravos within the day and then run away forever. A new minion will be used next time. Also, its seems like the bravos from those banned accounts were still there. So, the person benefited from the scheme took the reward and so far it's still looking good.
07-15-2021 04:03 PM
Hmm... can't say I have, but taking a look, I see what's going on now! I noticed that Public Mobile staff is aware of the situation and are investigating. That sounds good to me. Hopefully we'll see an update at some point. 🙂
07-15-2021 03:42 PM
@BlueB : Have you followed along in the lounge?
07-15-2021 03:22 PM
@Anonymous wrote:I accept the reward structure as is. I disapprove of cheaters...
I noticed some comments about potential "cheater activity" in the thread here, but can't say I'm following it. However, if you suspect some cheating activity - have you sent this to the Moderators with details for them to look into? Just a thought since none of us can do much about it here. 🙂