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Longer Than Normal Support Wait Times

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community, 

We are currently experiencing longer than normal wait times for support tickets due to high volumes. Our team is diligently working through each request and will respond to each ticket as soon as possible. 

To ensure that you get a resolution to your issue as soon as possible, follow these tips: 

We thank you for your patience as we work to get to every support ticket. 

- The Public Mobile Team


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Si cela fait plus d'une semaine alors je conseille de renvoyer un autre message pour être certain qu'il est pas égaré, le message envoyé ira a la même place.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Dunkman thank you for your suggestion but I have used both methods and not received an answer. It is quite frustrating.

@Dolphin12 wrote:

I understand wait times are up but I have a ticket I have not heard back on in over a week. Others have sent tickets in the meantime and have received a response. Why is my ticket bring overlooked?


Good question. Recently, I have heard some customers getting a response within 0.5-1 hour.  In the past, there has been inconsistent response times to different tickets, but this has been worse the last several weeks with the backlog. I have asked for clarification, but no response yet from Public mobile. 

Might suggest that you resent a ticket or directly private message CS_Agent. Maybe the first ticket was not submitted properly.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I understand wait times are up but I have a ticket I have not heard back on in over a week. Others have sent tickets in the meantime and have received a response. Why is my ticket bring overlooked?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I sent my first message to CS_Agent on May 7. So far, it has been 19 days, 2 tickets, 7 messages. Nothing.

Today, May 26, I received my first reply from CS_Agent, asking me 8 security questions to verify my account.  The crazy thing is that the PM message was probably replying to somebody else's question because the subject line of the message was not mine. I answered the verification questions and also clarified my issues, hoping that they could help now that I had the ear of somebody. Unfortunately, about 4 hours has passed and there has been no further response.

It's getting comical.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Wait times are to be expected around promo times. I had a long wait around Black Friday for obvious reasons but I found that using the service outside of peak times was more successful.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


If you ever find out what is the response protocol, please let us know. My problem is not serious compared to others like interruption of service or inability to activate etc. But after 2 weeks with no reply or acknowledgment, that is downright rude.


Hopefully, you will get a response soon.  

Not sure why but the wait time seems to vary among different customers and their situations.  Some customers have stated that they got a response within 0.5 day while customers like yourself are waiting for such a long period.

I tried to get some clarification on what happens when customers send multiple tickets/private messages, but no response from Public mobile yet. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


I have submitted both a ticket and multiple private messages. I was only following your advice to tonyjay about 2 weeks ago, advising him that if a customer did not receive a CS response in 48 hours to resubmit a new private message.


According to Pubic mobile, Customer service agents should be caught up with the backlog of support requests by the end of this week.  

Did you submit a ticket or a private message?  According to PM, you should get faster respond to ticketing requests (over private messages).  In the past, it was recommended not to submit multiple private messages/tickets since each new message may push your request back to the end of the queue.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

5 private messages, 14 days and still no response from customer service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Did you follow the instructions on past threads?  I just transferred my number today without issues.

Guess you would have to share what you did and I could see if anything was different from what I did, not that this is helping your situation right now.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am currently facing a similar situation. Very frustrating and disappointing 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

terrible services...... 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well those waiting are the lucky ones.... After two hours still have not found a way to create a support ticket.  Switched to Public yesterday, paid the money, number still not ported after 24 hours and no one there seems to have noticed or care

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Keeping in the family….Koodo

Sell to stranger……Quebecor

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What would happen if PM is shut down? Would Koodo or Telus adsorb it?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

They sent a message saying that the waiting time is longer than usual and that they are working on it 🤷‍♂️

Mayor / Maire

If you have submitted a ticket and have not received a response after let's say 72 hours, send another. Please ensure that you click on your Avatar and click on messages to see responses.

 If public mobile did try to reach out to you and you didn't respond, they will close the original ticket, so you could be waiting for nothing.

Some have reported hearing back after only 30 minutes. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

How long is the waiting time?

For me it has been 7 days with still no response.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Terrible Service

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


@TonyJay wrote:

Thank you.  I did just that, and a CS Agent contacted me within 30 mins of the 2nd ticket.  Texting works again, huzzah! But really, should I have had to submit  2 tickets and/or wait 4 days after porting in?


That is good to hear.  Did you submit a ticket via the chatbot or private message via the link I gave you?

Normally customer service is within a few hours.  However, with the forced migration to loyalty points, the SMS text problem after porting, etc., these issues have added significantly to the wait times the last several weeks. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you.  I did just that, and a CS Agent contacted me within 30 mins of the 2nd ticket.  Texting works again, huzzah! But really, should I have had to submit  2 tickets and/or wait 4 days after porting in?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So many issues experiencing as well. I'm porting out soon to freedom got a promo 50GB 5G for 29 per month.. Even rewards points has been changed. Hope PM shutdown soon. 


@TonyJay wrote:

Wow, 4 days without texting and no response at all to my ticket. This is ridiculous. 

If more than 48 hours wait, I would submit another ticket or even private message CS_Agent instead.

Send a private message to CSA through the following link :

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What do we do? 4 days??? OMG

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Wow, 4 days without texting and no response at all to my ticket. This is ridiculous. 

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