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Latest Updates and Improvements to EverSafe

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hello Community, 

You talked, and we listened. We are excited to announce the latest improvements made to the EverSafe experience. 

In our commitment to make changes that are meaningful for our customers, here are a few of the EverSafe updates we have made based on your feedback.  

EverSafe Updates (November 7):

Shortened EverSafe Account Creation 
We have  made the account creation process 30% shorter by reducing the number of steps to create your EverSafe account. This will make  it easier to navigate from start to finish. 

‘Need Help’ button & Help Article
If you encounter challenges while logging into or creating your EverSafe account, each step in your journey will now include a 'Need Help' button located at the bottom of the screen, which will direct you to our EverSafe Troubleshooting Help Article.  

Improved Error Messages 
We have updated a variety of our error messages to make them easier to understand with clearer next steps. We appreciate your support  and value your ongoing feedback.

The Public Mobile Team 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

This thread title really irks me everytime I spend time in the community. They make EverSafe sound like the panacea of account log-in and account management.

The sign-in is, at best, slow and, with all credentials needed every single time, frustrating. One out of 3 times sign-in is not working at all (yes, I use incognito after clearing cache religiously).

Account management is getting more complicated and has more glitches with every "improvement" "update".

Newest one? Data counters on landing page and usage history are broken. PM is not accepting my phone's data usage records as legal tender, but is not willing to look into why both counters in the account stay at zero?? I'm clearly using an average 1GB a day but have always relied on the account data counter for exact numbers.

How is it ok for them not even willing to look into the problem and to not show me those numbers, and, likely, then just cut me off out of the blue??? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I agree i do not like having to put in code at every single sign in

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you o will try that 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just done the same to answer your question. Check if your browser accepts cookies or make a exception for PM to accept cookies. But I still opt for the use of Authenticator app.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Every time I login I click that it is a “trusted device” it’s always the same device but I still need the code every time. It’s very annoying. Why have a “trusted device” option if it doesn’t even work?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You guys really should consider making the "last name" field a bit longer for those of us unfortunate people that have a long hyphenated last name. The name on my account just looks weird compared to all of my other online accounts and it's bothering me.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

They definitely need to figure out an alternative for this SMS code to login. People changing over or activating accounts will undoubtedly have issues with sending/receiving messages and phone numbers. Not having support for this and port authorizations is a major oversight. It seems like Eversafe is the core problem here and lots of users are having issues with this. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I still can’t log in to my account. I need more data and not receiving responses from a public mobile agent! 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

....and I can not get my name off of this Community Forum.   Tried numerous times.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It would be really helpful if there could be far more clarity between PublicMobile and EverSafe.   My EverSafe account appears to be using my nickname along with my payment receipts.   Who am I paying?   EverSafe or PublicMobile.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Besides the fact I have an aversion to anything related to google, I have no internet to download anything. But I have tried in everything on many computers including chrome, edge and firefox as well all browsers I have on my phones, chome, samsung, opera etc etc. I currently even have EVERY security feature turned off entirely and allowed 3rd party cookies and everything even. Allowed pop-ups and automatic redirects and the whole nine yards is all, eversafe.telus, selfserve.publicmobile, etc etc etc etc all have full access and tolerance. Still, the server end error persists.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Just get rid of it! The feedback speaks volumes. Can you NOT hear?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Great idea. I'll look else where as this monopoly crap is just another cog in the "we watch you" dysfunctional utopia of the globalists.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@112222222 wrote:

100% agree, changes are never good on this site. Why not have a few testers that can send issues to your tech. Like for example your Sim shop, the address Area to enter is one line and no format to enter info. Continues to come up as invalid no matter how I enter. Also looking to change my plan but it wants a full month today even tho I'm in middle of month on current plan? 

Some of the changes here are good. A much needed Self-Serve makeover, more payment options, some tiresome old bugs fixed, VoLTE, eSIM support, 5G data speeds, unlimited data, data buckets bigger and cheaper than we've ever seen before. People used to request/demand these things over and over again and now these things are all available here, yet people now often overlook the many things great and small which have been welcome improvements around here.

Other changes are sort of mixed bag. The app is useful because many people will prefer and use the app while the app is worrisome and frustrating to those of us who don't want and don't need any app, new Points ain't as great as old Rewards but they will actually be better for the most common kinds of customers and the small kickback savings they provide here are still better than the zero savings provided anywhere else.

And other changes here are bad. Simple Simon stupidbot is vastly inferior to the old support model with the old PM "Mods" who actually had the ability to attack and resolve problems on the fly, while EverSafe adds no convenience and no security but is a constant source of frustration for an increasing number of customers. I promise that the first day I finally get fully locked out by EverSafe is the last day I ever give Public Mobile or Telus a single dime or moment of my time - I will not beg the bot for a support ticket, I feel the people who broke the things that already worked are the ones who should be fixing what they broke and approaching me - if they were competent and professional and wanted customers to value their brand then they would take responsibility instead of shoving the burden from their mistakes onto their victims - and I've noticed hints of this attitude being echoed by many other (current and now-former) Public Mobile subscribers in recent months.

And many changes here are simply a waste of time and money and effort. New avatar images in the Community, weeeee. Fancy new logo to replace the fancy old logo which replaced the fancy older logo. Same thing with fancy slogans. Same thing with all the branding and artwork and design and image. It's all superficial, vapid, surface stuff - none of it is profound, deep, substance stuff. It's a whole lot of effort on cosmetic illusions and enhancements - instead of actually working to fix or improve things which must be fixed and can be improved. I feel like instead of passing the savings onto their subscribers or innovating or expanding, Public Mobile keeps on trying to raise prices so they can buy more makeup. (The weird thing about all this brand image stuff is that Telus has basically abandoned all the core concepts which promoted the Public Mobile brand - they don't advertise in useful ways and they don't care about reputation or word of mouth because they don't want to compete against their other brands. They just keep hiring more kids to paint smiling people and bright colours on the Public Mobile sign which hangs over the shop door while they keep sneaking more and more Telus machinery inside.)

If you're having issues with "Invalid SIM" then it's best for you to create a post about it instead of offhandedly mentioning it here.

When you choose a new plan, you will be prompted to "Change plan now" or "Change plan at next renewal". If you select the latter option then your current plan continues until your current 30-day or 90-day cycle completes, then the new plan you've chosen begins.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I like what I see.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

100% agree, changes are never good on this site. Why not have a few testers that can send issues to your tech. Like for example your Sim shop, the address Area to enter is one line and no format to enter info. Continues to come up as invalid no matter how I enter. Also looking to change my plan but it wants a full month today even tho I'm in middle of month on current plan? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

System changes are wack.   I tried to purchase Sim but when I need to input address, it's comes up as a single line. And no matter the format or style I enter it says invalid address, also it's says address different that what's on account. Why can't I click on my address that's already on my account. Seems silly. How can more people join if they can't get a Sim. Also, when will you ever get a data plan only for tablets. 




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Best if it should allow multiple options for authentication like authenticator app, email ?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@kav2001d wrote:

Everytime you guys make a change it breaks something and now we need wait for CS to process the backlog in service requests...

To be fair, I've been around here long enough to witness many changes.

Most of them are good.

Some of them are controversial. A mixed of good and bad.

And some of them - like EverSafe - are clearly unwanted anti-consumer inconveniences which frustrate and annoy and are implemented in badly bungled ways. The harder they try to sell it, the more you should ask yourself why you need to buy it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Eversafe + Improvement should never be used in same sentence...

Everytime you guys make a change it breaks something and now we need wait for CS to process the backlog in service requests...


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello Public Mobile,

After your update with Eversafe, my account cannot proceed payments cause there is a conflict between my last name in my profile and in Eversafe ID, my name in my family name profile is correct, but in my Eversafe ID is shorter, i tried to edit and correct it but the field for last name in EversafeID doesnt accept more than 13 Characters(letters) and my last name is longer than 13 Characters (alphabetic letters)

Thank you in advance for your support

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is what I suggested the support of Authentication app. First of all I am using a dual SIM phone in the basement with PB and Rogers (work). Rogers has 3 bars and PB has only 1. My 2FA is a hit and miss. Not sure if it is a dual sim thing or signal strength issue but this happens even I ran upstairs with 3 bars.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

For over an hour I am trying to log into my account to view my charges, to no avail. The site is very fast for asking for the 2-factor verification code. But beyond that, just lags.  Is this part of the improvement you are referring to?  There is not indicator anywhere that the site is down or slow.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Would be great if it supports Authentication app as I don't receive the code within 4min when I'm working on a computer at basement.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I had the eversafe set up on his account, yes. When I tried to select “didn’t get code/resend code” it only gave me a voice option of some sort, that was still inaccessible, given the phone was lost. No email code option. I am currently waiting for a reply from the CS, who said my son’s PIN doesn’t match their records, yet the last CS who asked for it, a week ago, in order to pause the plan & mark the phone as lost, didn’t say the PIN was not correct. It’s been a frustrating rigamarole, to say the least! 

@KMR77- Had you already made the eversafe account with this account? If you click on the didn't get code or resend code link then you should get an email option. You can also reactivate accounts that suspended for lack of payment via vouchers or instant top-up using the 611 service (but not after using the lost/stolen function). If you know your 4 digit account pin then you can use the 611 service to pay with the registered card.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

While I appreciate extra security, this eversafe feature presents a frustratingly impossible issue, when one has lost a phone, and the only way to report said phone as lost, is to sign into the account, and eversafe sends the access code to the LOST phone, with no alternative option to send to email. I encountered this issue when my son lost his phone recently. I had to submit a ticket and wait for a reply, and tie up a CS agents time, when the logical solution to this issue would be to allow for security codes to be sent to email, in situations when the phone is not accessible. I read in the community forums, that this was once an option, but for some reason it is no longer. Now my son’s phone has been found. Hooray! Yet, again, I am encountering the impossible issue of not being able to sign in to his account, to reactivate his plan, as, AGAIN, the security code is being sent to a phone that is NOT accessible, since it does not have an active data plan. Can someone please pass this feedback on to the appropriate division, so this security feature makes logical sense?? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It's missing the option for didn't get the code when you are just setting up your account. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@cprnicus wrote:

Just ditch this crap. Never asked for it and don't want it. All this "EverSlave" is NEVERSAFE and you know it. You ask for feedback and just ignore it, or is this just a ploy to find the "dissenters" in the crowd? I don't want, never asked for, nor find any of this 2 tier authentication BS useful.

Don't take impersonal things so personally.

Telus stopped caring about actual end-users long, long ago. It's no surprise that a Telus-owned Telus-operated subsidiary is just same Telus under a different brand.

Dissent, complain, take your business elsewhere, and "never" come back? You won't be the first. You won't be the last. EverSafe was installed by Telus, it serves their purposes well enough (even if it is an unwanted, broken inconvenience for some of us), they have no real reason to uninstall it.

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