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A letter from Dave on the infamous $40 for 4GB price change

Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hey Community,

I am writing to you today to let you know that we will not be moving forward with a price increase on the infamous “$40 for 4GB” plan ($120 90-day Province-Wide Talk + Text + 12GB Data), contrary to the SMS that customers on that plan received yesterday.

After sending out an offer to select customers, we heard your feedback loud and clear: we said no surprises, and we surprised you. While all good things must come to an end at some point – that point is not today. As a brand, we have always been proud of our transparency, and of our commitment to our customers. We are sincerely sorry for any frustration caused and we want you to know that this has been a learning experience for us all.

We have been reminded that you, our customers, are vocal and passionate. We’ve seen how much some of you love Public Mobile and we’ve also seen how many of you like the added value that our sister brand, Koodo, has to offer. To that end, we are happy to say that the Koodo offer that our Public customers on the “$40 for 4GB” plan received still remains available for anyone who wishes to take advantage of it.

Thank you for your continued support,


809 REPLIES 809


Are things being blown out of proportion?  Telus only targeted those on the 2016 fall promo.  Now we are talking about shuttering the entire franchise? 



@PhoneSeeker Thank you for for your detail post but you are pretty late to say all this. So i moved your post to an ongoing discussion. 

Why was my post deleted? It is gone, and cannot be found anywhere. This will be documented in my CCTS complaint as an act of contempt on behalf of Telus and Public Mobile. Mark my words.


More snakes and mirrors from Telus/Public Mobile Inc.

I moved your post to this topic, not delete. We do not have the ability to delete anyone's post. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


@PhoneSeeker Thank you for for your detail post but you are pretty late to say all this. So i moved your post to an ongoing discussion. 

Why was my post deleted? It is gone, and cannot be found anywhere. This will be documented in my CCTS complaint as an act of contempt on behalf of Telus and Public Mobile, and a failure to negotiate in good faith. Mark my words.


More snakes and mirrors from Telus/Public Mobile Inc.






Mayor / Maire

Who made this decision?   Probably we will never know unless someone from their executive level mentioned it.  


It looks like they want to close the public mobile, but didnt plan it properly. Smiley Happy

From his wording, they will do it sometimes in future when they are ready.   Smiley Happy

@PhoneSeeker Thank you for for your detail post but you are pretty late to say all this. So i moved your post to an ongoing discussion. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Quite frankly Dave, what you write means jack **bleep**.  I was promised that my plan would not change unless I changed it, but that was a lie (shocking, a corporate exec lied and screwed over customers).  The mods on here said the same thing.  So either they are liars too or they were lied too.  Which is it @Dave_M @Shazia_K?


At this point, whatever you say, it holds no credibility.  You guys have proven that what you say and what you do are two different things.  


You may have rescinded the rate increase, but that's not going to stop me from writing to my MP, the CRTC, the competition bureau and the CCTS.  




So, I have a few  curious questions.


First, how many "Fall2016" promo (and related ppl on 12GB/$40 plans,  like FM immigrants 🙂 ) is out there in total?


Some ppl on RFD cite the figure of 2500 complaints to CCTS over the last two days.

Which means Fall2016 bunch could be easily 10K or 20K head count! 


Wow! Quite a force!


Third, was the  "price increase" text  sent to all of the Fall2016promo bunch, or just to some of us? If  to some of us only, should one expect such "divide et impera" tactics in the future , where PM would try to genocide Fall2016promo bunch in small batches?  🙂

The text message was only sent to some of the customers.  They weren't all sent at once and customers who had opted out of receiving marketing through text messages never got it.  But , all customers on Fall Promo 2016 were included in the list of affected customers.  Even people who never got the text message would have had their prices increased and would have also noticed the nofification bulletin when logging into their accounts.

😉 So, it seems this  "infamous fiasco" wasn't even properly advertized/announced to the customers? 


Are some heads being chopped off at PM these days?

If it wasn't for the multple user threads (and not even ones by Public Mobile themselves), I would not even have known about the plans for price increase.


As I am opted out from marketing via text messages, Public Mobile was not allowed to contact me about the Koodo offer.  However, that should not have stopped them from informing me about the price change (without the migration offer) by SMS.  In addition, there was no e-mail message, phone call, or notification by postal mail informing me of all this.  They did post notice inside my online self-serve account, but Public Mobile wouldn't even have been able to reasonably expect me to login to even see it (since I'm on Autopay).


In a nutshell, I likely could have argued for the first billing cycle that I was never informed of the price change and that my credit card was therefore overcharged.  In a way, if it weren't for all the new threads about this annoucement, none of this even really happened for me.


I also never got the text messages from Public Mobile appologizing for this fiasco, not that I actually want to receive any text messages from them (I find most of them repeitive and unnecessary, but that's another unrelated matter).




Stops* Working with a big asterisk

But no overage charges on prepay so have fun Cat Wink




Don't forget that there are no overages with PM. You go over the 12 GB in less than 90 days, your data stops working unless you renew early or buy the 1 GB data add-on.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Somebody didn't check with public relations or customer survey department first. They could have offered the Koodo promo and let ppl leave voluntarily for a "deal" so win-win. Instead it felt like a forced blackmail leave or else we increase your price 25%.




They could have offered a $45 5GB Koodo plan. It increases the value proposition for potential customers (who don't have referrals) as well as increasing the ARPU for Telus compared to a $40/4G Koodo plan! Additionally, it reduces the referral discount of the remaining PM customers.


 I hope somebody *cough* *cough* gets fired. I'll take his job and do it the right away. If Telus HR wants my resume, feel free to PM me! Smiley Wink

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



Make the plan at Koodo better or maybe offer a choice of plans. Offer another plan for $50 and give another 2GB of data - 6 total. Koodo basically does this in Quebec and your population is still limited to the those in the $40/4GB plan 


PM technically already has a $50/6GB plan with 3G speeds (but on the LTE network!), it's one of the 90-day plans you can find currently. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



Telus either wants to phase out Public Mobile or drive up numbers for Koodo to boast about subscriber numbers.

Someone quoted the CEO from a report that says Telus wants to move people "up the value chain" and probably off pre-paid to post paid. Assuming they can make more money off you at $7/100mb and other add ons post paid to your bill (easy to add additional data with a text reply). Vs pre paid that you can't go over unless you pay first

I have a suggestion, but it might blow the minds off of Telus/PM/Koodo executives. It's real next-gen science fiction stuff. As we all know, data bandwidth on;y costs carriers only a couple cents or so.


How about offering reasonable overage rates that people will be glad to use/pay? Heck, if they offered $5/$10 for each 1GB overage, I'd be using it all the time and going over my normal rate by $10-$20 or so every month. At $7/100mb, I feel like I'll get bank robbed so I would make sure that I will never go over by setting the data limit in my data manager app.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



Telus either wants to phase out Public Mobile or drive up numbers for Koodo to boast about subscriber numbers.

Just got off the phone with a Koodo Rep. I was considering moving over to Koodo, just had some questions about their service and want to make a informed decision. The rep told me that they are trying to transfer everyone to Koodo, because they are working towards shuttering Public Mobile.

As this was just a phone rep, I'm not sure how accurate it it, but it sounds about right to me.

That's what Koodo reps have been saying for the past year.....and it might finally happen after this PM debacle.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Hey everyone,


I may only be a lowly, "low-value" worthless  pre-paid customer in the eyes of Public Mobile and Telus management, but little did they know I have also been paying $140/month to Telus for TV/fiber internet/home phone for the past few years.


After this week's PM/Telus stunt left a sour taste in my mouth, I decided to remove some of the Telus nastiness in my life and switched from my $140/month Telus Internet/TV/home phone package to one from their competitor (for a lower price)!  If you're feeling betrayed by this week's debacle, I would suggest doing the same, it is definitely liberating to vote with your wallet! If this is how Telus treats their customers, I am out. They will not be getting my money. Telus/PM might be gaining $5-10 dollars from jacking up my Public Mobile plan, but they will now be losing $130/month after I left Telus home services.





I still have my PM plan since there's no better option right now, but I'm keeping my eyes open.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


@Dave_M When will public mobile increase the price for those who had promotion plan?

Who knows. The only answer at the moment is "not today". So they will meet /pay lawyers and customer relations and consultants on when/how to best raise the price.

@Dave_M When will public mobile increase the price for those who had promotion plan?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



So, I have a few  curious questions.


First, how many "Fall2016" promo (and related ppl on 12GB/$40 plans,  like FM immigrants 🙂 ) is out there in total?


Some ppl on RFD cite the figure of 2500 complaints to CCTS over the last two days.

Which means Fall2016 bunch could be easily 10K or 20K head count! 


Wow! Quite a force!


Third, was the  "price increase" text  sent to all of the Fall2016promo bunch, or just to some of us? If  to some of us only, should one expect such "divide et impera" tactics in the future , where PM would try to genocide Fall2016promo bunch in small batches?  🙂

The text message was only sent to some of the customers.  They weren't all sent at once and customers who had opted out of receiving marketing through text messages never got it.  But , all customers on Fall Promo 2016 were included in the list of affected customers.  Even people who never got the text message would have had their prices increased and would have also noticed the nofification bulletin when logging into their accounts.

😉 So, it seems this  "infamous fiasco" wasn't even properly advertized/announced to the customers? 


Are some heads being chopped off at PM these days?

Honestly, Heads need to start Rolling, as This could Spark a Revolution


My Opinion, The CEO in need of Maintenance, as It appears to be in Shambles


CEO = Clueless Executive officer


Tim Curry in movie Clue at least made things interesting


Looks like the End has Come

@Dave_M, @Shazia_K@Mary_M, @Saray_O,  @this has GOT TO BE resolved ASAP.

Koodo Reps telling PM Clients this Nonsense, Now It's become MORE Evident that CONFUSION, Uncertainty, Somebody is Playing Dirty Games here, and it's now Caused PPL to assume the Worst has Come.

Is This the Kinda Service we have to expect?


This is NOT the Divide and Conquer

This is NOT the Fuhrman Trial

This is NOT Martha Stewart Omni Media

This is NOT the Trump White 🏠


Have we seen enough already?


SeenS like Tel Us is Creating Chaos and are Laughing at Our Intellect



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Just got off the phone with a Koodo Rep. I was considering moving over to Koodo, just had some questions about their service and want to make a informed decision. The rep told me that they are trying to transfer everyone to Koodo, because they are working towards shuttering Public Mobile.

As this was just a phone rep, I'm not sure how accurate it it, but it sounds about right to me.

All rumour. All we can go by is what is proved. The CEO wants to move people up the value chain. I don't they will get rid of a value chain. But keep it as chatr competitor on 3g. 

If they want to get rid of PM offer a huge special on a Koodo plan like 6gb for $40 or 4gb for $30 and people will move to Koodo.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Telus either wants to phase out Public Mobile or drive up numbers for Koodo to boast about subscriber numbers.

Just got off the phone with a Koodo Rep. I was considering moving over to Koodo, just had some questions about their service and want to make a informed decision. The rep told me that they are trying to transfer everyone to Koodo, because they are working towards shuttering Public Mobile.

As this was just a phone rep, I'm not sure how accurate it it, but it sounds about right to me.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Kattz What trouble was it?   Must be against their will.  haha Smiley Happy

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Telus either wants to phase out Public Mobile or drive up numbers for Koodo to boast about subscriber numbers.

Someone quoted the CEO from a report that says Telus wants to move people "up the value chain" and probably off pre-paid to post paid. Assuming they can make more money off you at $7/100mb and other add ons post paid to your bill (easy to add additional data with a text reply). Vs pre paid that you can't go over unless you pay first

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Telus either wants to phase out Public Mobile or drive up numbers for Koodo to boast about subscriber numbers.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


I'm sure they would be happy to give 6gb/90days (2gb/month) so it's a viable option. But would you really downgrade your GB in half (to 2gb) just to save $10? Most would complain that is too little nowdays.

I understand that my suggestion will not please everyone, but I am perfectly fine with it.


I know what my average usage is and I have no issue with the compromise. The promo plan was just the gravy on top. What is more important to me is that I maintain a specific budget while getting the most out of the plan.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville




While I understand that PM has the right to change rates as per the ToS and that good things cannot last forever.


The thing I am most dissapointed with is that PM only provided an ultimatum. Go to Koodo or face a rate increase.


Why was no consideration made to offer affected customers alternative options to stay with Public Mobile?


For example:

  • Return the 12GB/90 days plan back to its original 6GB/90 days but keep the price at $120.
  • Offer similar existing plans at a discounted rate.


I would of considered any of these options over going to Koodo.

I'm sure they would be happy to give 6gb/90days (2gb/month) so it's a viable option. But would you really downgrade your GB in half (to 2gb) just to save $10? Most would complain that is too little nowdays.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



While I understand that PM has the right to change rates as per the ToS and that good things cannot last forever.


The thing I am most dissapointed with is that PM only provided an ultimatum. Go to Koodo or face a rate increase.


Why was no consideration made to offer affected customers alternative options to stay with Public Mobile?


For example:

  • Return the 12GB/90 days plan back to its original 6GB/90 days but keep the price at $120.
  • Offer similar existing plans at a discounted rate.


I would of considered any of these options over going to Koodo.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I used to have 6 GB/month with Bell. I always seemed to use it up. If I went into that 6th GB even on the last couple of days in the month, it seemed like I used it all up really fast and either ran out or went over. With Public Mobile, for some reason I never use up the 12 GB in 90 days. I like having the flexibility of using the data as I want to. I also llike to know what I'm paying and only paying every 90 days. There is no guarantee that the Koodo plan won't increase substationally a couple months from now. Look what we just went through. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I didn't get either text, the one announcing the price increase or the letter from Dave when it was cancelled. I found about it from a Mobile Syrup blog posts. Lol, I guess they knew that I'm a troublemaker.  


So, I have a few  curious questions.


First, how many "Fall2016" promo (and related ppl on 12GB/$40 plans,  like FM immigrants 🙂 ) is out there in total?


Some ppl on RFD cite the figure of 2500 complaints to CCTS over the last two days.

Which means Fall2016 bunch could be easily 10K or 20K head count! 


Wow! Quite a force!


Third, was the  "price increase" text  sent to all of the Fall2016promo bunch, or just to some of us? If  to some of us only, should one expect such "divide et impera" tactics in the future , where PM would try to genocide Fall2016promo bunch in small batches?  🙂

The text message was only sent to some of the customers.  They weren't all sent at once and customers who had opted out of receiving marketing through text messages never got it.  But , all customers on Fall Promo 2016 were included in the list of affected customers.  Even people who never got the text message would have had their prices increased and would have also noticed the nofification bulletin when logging into their accounts.

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