Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎08-27-2020

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  • 6 Posts
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  • 13 Bravos Given
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Hey all. I've heard that when you run out of data on public mobile (I have the $15 250mb plan) that your data still works it just gets throttled. Is that true? If not, what happens? Does it just stop working?Thanks!
Hey all, I'm trying to decide if switching or staying is best for me when it comes to points vs the old program. I just had some questions hopefully you all can answer. #1 I pay $15 a month now on autopay, so it estimates the amount back I'll get is...
So, like an idiot I bought a phone off Kijiji. I've never had any trouble buying stuff off there before, but unfortunately there's a first time for everything.So I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on what I can do. Am I just completely screwed or...
Hello all, I recently came into a bit of money and I wanted to top up my account enough so that I'm paid up for a full year. I'm just wondering if I do this will I still get the $2 off every month because I'm on autopay or will I not get it because i...
Hey all, I'm new to Public and my first autopay is approaching in a couple of days. I have a Visa debit card through RBC so I just move whatever funds I need into my account, I'm just wondering how the payment works when you get the autopay discount....
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