Hi,Today I have referred a friend to join PM, but he forgot to tell the associate in Walmart my number.Can you please help me add the rewards to my account?Thank you.@CS_Agent
I have refered a friend and got the 1gb add-on. But the data in my own plan has not used up. Why the 1gb referal add-on was counted for my data usage? thank you.
Almost everyday I receive a voice message sent from 1 866-751-2167 with a case number to collect my information. Can anybody help me block this number? thank you
Hi there, I just reviewed the plans of Fido, Koodo and Virgin. Now their talk, text & data plans come with 1,000 minutes long-distance international calling for free. Does PM have any special to our existing plans like that?
I was signed up for the plan (including unlimited canadian-wide calls and text messgages with 4GB data) of 90 days for $135.but today when I checked my current plan, I found the amount of my plan is $180. Can anyone tell me what happened to this?More...