03-22-2021 09:24 PM
LOL @darlicious
"When you shop at Superstore do they tell you not to shop at no frills"
The answer is "no", because you're already spending more for the same product at Superstore.
It's commendable that you feel the way you do, and I'm glad it makes you feel good when Public Mobile writes some nice stuff to make their customers feel good, but if you don't know that the reality in Galen Weston's and TELUS's boardrooms is profit, than your dreaming.
Don't take this too personally - it's not about you, it's about corporate greed.
03-26-2021 03:53 AM - edited 03-26-2021 03:54 AM
Okay so I'm back from my haul from no frills.....could of saved more if I ever get ink for my printer so I can print coupons from websaver.ca but c'est la vie.....
Price matched the cheez its from safeway at $1.99 and I could only find 1 can of baconator pringles 🤐 until I walked sround the frozen food section and found 7 more in a bin of random flavours of pringles for $1.77 each.😃 With my personal offers, in store offers, coupons and CO51 coupons my net cost was $10 for12 boxes of cheez its, 8 cans of baconator pringles, 2-1lb bricks of becel plant based margarine, 4 boxes of RK squares, 2 boxes of Nutrigrain bars and 2-1lb tubs of reg. becel (for my neighbour.) Oh yes and I got a discounted 24 pack of PC gourmet microwavable purple popcorn or $0.21 each. I think I got the snacks covered for the forseeable future.😉
03-25-2021 09:47 PM - edited 03-25-2021 10:00 PM
Beef I usually buy at safeway, chicken and pork at no frills ( normally on the last day of the flyer sale as its usually reduced even further) and seafood at RCSS or no frills if I have a 200 points per $1 offer. And of course I only buy items on sale to begin with.....
Bread at RCSS and when you shop late the fresh baked items are usually reduced by 30% and I will use an offer. Milk, eggs and butter at SDM with a 20× the points offer and I am well stocked with their $1.29/dz eggs and the $1.99/lb butter. I'm still overflowing with all the free cheese from last fall at RCSS and @gpixel knows I don't need anymore free cereal but couldn't resist all the eggo cereal I got yesterday for $0.11 each yesterday.
I'm contemplating how many boxes of free cheez its I'm going to pick up today and whether its worth being paid $0.25 for each container of pringles I pick up given its honey mustard and baconator flavours only.
03-25-2021 09:30 PM
@darlicious wrote:Lol....yes I am quite certain we will never cross paths.....but I would hate to see your monthly grocery bill. The old saying "Champagne tastes on a beer budget" does not apply here because frankly beer is expensive! Thankfully I'm not much of a beer fan but I do like a good Guinness on occasion ("My goodness my Guinness!") and wouldn't mind getting my hands on a six pack of red baron or dixie long necks.
Instead I like to say I eat like a king ( or should I say queen?) on a pauper's salary. This is not matter of saving $0.30 on tomatoes not that I wouldn't still save that but it'd the difference between paying $0.79/lb vs $2.59/lb. The impetus to shop at save on was getting the 2000 pts ( worth up to $8) so the snacks were essentially free or you could consider the reciept total to be $12.16 - $1( for the coupon the cashier forgot to deduct so customer service refunded it back on my card.)=$11.16 and I would of priced matched the crackers too but I couldn't pull up the ad for some reason to save the extra $1 but the save on sale price saved $5 as it was......if you add up the original prices of the price matched items the total would have been $48.01 - $20.16=$27.85 saved not counting the points and the coupon which would make it a savings of $36.85.......that's a little more than $0.30 saved on 2 pounds of tomatoes!
Edit: missed the second 4-pack of avocados...total savings $51.11--$20.16=$31.95/$39.95 wait and the red pepper...who would pay $11/kg? But add another $5.94 to that total $37.89/$45.89!!
That's more than oracle pay!
You win! The HST on a grocery tab for me could reach $20, lol. Good job on keeping the rabbits well fed, lol. Where are the protein items, snacks and other food groups for the humans?
03-25-2021 04:54 PM - edited 03-25-2021 05:08 PM
Lol....yes I am quite certain we will never cross paths.....but I would hate to see your monthly grocery bill. The old saying "Champagne tastes on a beer budget" does not apply here because frankly beer is expensive! Thankfully I'm not much of a beer fan but I do like a good Guinness on occasion ("My goodness my Guinness!") and wouldn't mind getting my hands on a six pack of red baron or dixie long necks.
Instead I like to say I eat like a king ( or should I say queen?) on a pauper's salary. This is not matter of saving $0.30 on tomatoes not that I wouldn't still save that but it'd the difference between paying $0.79/lb vs $2.59/lb. The impetus to shop at save on was getting the 2000 pts ( worth up to $8) so the snacks were essentially free or you could consider the reciept total to be $12.16 - $1( for the coupon the cashier forgot to deduct so customer service refunded it back on my card.)=$11.16 and I would of priced matched the crackers too but I couldn't pull up the ad for some reason to save the extra $1 but the save on sale price saved $5 as it was......if you add up the original prices of the price matched items the total would have been $48.01 - $20.16=$27.85 saved not counting the points and the coupon which would make it a savings of $36.85.......that's a little more than $0.30 saved on 2 pounds of tomatoes!
Edit: missed the second 4-pack of avocados...total savings $51.11--$20.16=$31.95/$39.95 wait and the red pepper...who would pay $11/kg? But add another $5.94 to that total $37.89/$45.89!!
That's more than oracle pay!
03-25-2021 03:22 PM
@darlicious wrote:
@CFPartDeux wrote:
@darlicious wrote:Save on foods always live up to their guarantees....they price match and guarantee the quality and/or freshness of their products. One of my grocery "tips" is to price match the fruits and vegetable prices from a store that may have a lesser quality produce at save on that has higher quality produce with a guarantee. You should see the cashiers eyes go wide at the savings after they have price matched their way through my shopping cart.
And YOU should see the other customers in the line behind you, with smoke comin' outta their ears, and looks that could kill, because they mistakenly got in the line behind THAT PERSON, that makes the cashier jump through hoops to pricematch the entire cart! 😜 🤣 🤣
Yes I often hear @will13am grumbling behind me.😉.....I am conscious of the inconvenience I can cause other customers so I try to be as courteous to other customers as possible by allowing those with only a couple of items to go ahead of me, warning others that line up behind me once I have started to check out that they want to choose another check out, I don't shop on typically busy shopping days like the weekend and 99% of the time I do my hopping within the last hour of the retailers business day 10pm to 11pm or 11pm to midnight.
Now that I know your shopping habits, we will never cross paths. It is a better use of time helping out in the community than to spend time in line price matching 2 lbs of tomatoes to save 30¢. The store with the sale price will have more and fresher stock anyway.
03-24-2021 08:24 PM
Lol....a little bit of both!
03-24-2021 07:30 PM
@darlicious wrote:
@CFPartDeux wrote:
@darlicious wrote:Save on foods always live up to their guarantees....they price match and guarantee the quality and/or freshness of their products. One of my grocery "tips" is to price match the fruits and vegetable prices from a store that may have a lesser quality produce at save on that has higher quality produce with a guarantee. You should see the cashiers eyes go wide at the savings after they have price matched their way through my shopping cart.
And YOU should see the other customers in the line behind you, with smoke comin' outta their ears, and looks that could kill, because they mistakenly got in the line behind THAT PERSON, that makes the cashier jump through hoops to pricematch the entire cart! 😜 🤣 🤣
Yes I often hear @will13am grumbling behind me.😉.....I am conscious of the inconvenience I can cause other customers so I try to be as courteous to other customers as possible by allowing those with only a couple of items to go ahead of me, warning others that line up behind me once I have started to check out that they want to choose another check out, I don't shop on typically busy shopping days like the weekend and 99% of the time I do my hopping within the last hour of the retailers business day 10pm to 11pm or 11pm to midnight.
Is that the time of day best to get Easter Bunny treats, or does that have something to do with needing that other hip operation!? 😜 🤣
03-24-2021 03:53 PM
@CFPartDeux wrote:
@darlicious wrote:Save on foods always live up to their guarantees....they price match and guarantee the quality and/or freshness of their products. One of my grocery "tips" is to price match the fruits and vegetable prices from a store that may have a lesser quality produce at save on that has higher quality produce with a guarantee. You should see the cashiers eyes go wide at the savings after they have price matched their way through my shopping cart.
And YOU should see the other customers in the line behind you, with smoke comin' outta their ears, and looks that could kill, because they mistakenly got in the line behind THAT PERSON, that makes the cashier jump through hoops to pricematch the entire cart! 😜 🤣 🤣
Yes I often hear @will13am grumbling behind me.😉.....I am conscious of the inconvenience I can cause other customers so I try to be as courteous to other customers as possible by allowing those with only a couple of items to go ahead of me, warning others that line up behind me once I have started to check out that they want to choose another check out, I don't shop on typically busy shopping days like the weekend and 99% of the time I do my hopping within the last hour of the retailers business day 10pm to 11pm or 11pm to midnight.
03-24-2021 08:38 AM
@LurganIeUk wrote:There used to be an old saying:
Like it or leave it.
As in, if I don't "like" Public Mobile, I can leave?
I couldn't care less how they operate under TELUS - or if their flanker brand Koodo uses sketchy ways to move customers up. They're not gonna fool me with their spam-like sales tactics if they're really telling people that PM is shutting down.
(and clearly PM doesn't seem to care or have a say in it either, as their staff never chime in on these allegations)
I'll stay with PM so long as PM exists, then it's sayonara!!!
03-24-2021 02:41 AM
Yeah.....you will have to read the original thread....but now it will make sense why I commented to @LurganIeUk about half baked frozen timmy's donuts in the middle of a thread about pm shutting down.....
03-24-2021 12:30 AM
@darlicious wrote:As I read thru these posts again I find it unfortunate that our comparing of telus/koodo's sales tactics to another industry were so off topic they got punted to the lounge because another member complained.
I realize I have made this complaint in the past ( to no avail unless it came down to a ToS situation) but how does one know everyones opinion on the matter that were originaly involved in the conversation? Since it was the three of us whose discussion went slightly off topic but still included the mobile provider industry in the conversation how do you two feel about these posts being edited out of the original thread and being placed in the lounge? Which of course is for "anything else not related to phone stuff."
I WAS wondering just what this thread was about when I happened to look in at the first post, which didn't really seem to make much sense, since it looked like it was chopped from some other thread..... same old stuff..... 🙄
03-24-2021 12:26 AM
@darlicious wrote:Save on foods always live up to their guarantees....they price match and guarantee the quality and/or freshness of their products. One of my grocery "tips" is to price match the fruits and vegetable prices from a store that may have a lesser quality produce at save on that has higher quality produce with a guarantee. You should see the cashiers eyes go wide at the savings after they have price matched their way through my shopping cart.
And YOU should see the other customers in the line behind you, with smoke comin' outta their ears, and looks that could kill, because they mistakenly got in the line behind THAT PERSON, that makes the cashier jump through hoops to pricematch the entire cart! 😜 🤣 🤣
03-23-2021 10:52 PM
03-23-2021 10:34 PM - edited 03-23-2021 10:37 PM
Lol.....I leave the prowling of the community for rats to @maximum_gato and he's been napping since august.
But maybe I could let him out to roam around the lounge.....
03-23-2021 10:27 PM - edited 03-23-2021 10:31 PM
So.... who do you think is the snitch, @darlicious
spill it!!!
On 2nd thought, maybe I'd rather not be affiliated with this discussion thread. 🤣🤣🤣
03-23-2021 10:19 PM
Ahhh...but its not at the behest of telus or pm where it is put but at the request of another member and agreed upon by another member that moved it. But since it makes no difference to you what is edited from a discussion and moved that is your opinion and your right. I am almost always on the losing end of this argument so that is no surprise to me. Alas I am not always good at letting go...
03-23-2021 10:09 PM - edited 03-23-2021 10:10 PM
It matters not to me where Public Mobile put's discussion threads.
I really haven't put much thought into it, to be honest.
Simply put, everything done at Koodo and Public Mobile is at the behest of TELUS. But I don't have to tell you that.
Cleansing threads and enhancing a positive public perception is not uncommon for many large corporations. Image and reputation is everything, but profit rules the day.
03-23-2021 07:49 PM - edited 03-23-2021 07:54 PM
As I read thru these posts again I find it unfortunate that our comparing of telus/koodo's sales tactics to another industry were so off topic they got punted to the lounge because another member complained.
I realize I have made this complaint in the past ( to no avail unless it came down to a ToS situation) but how does one know everyones opinion on the matter that were originaly involved in the conversation? Since it was the three of us whose discussion went slightly off topic but still included the mobile provider industry in the conversation how do you two feel about these posts being edited out of the original thread and being placed in the lounge? Which of course is for "anything else not related to phone stuff."
03-22-2021 11:03 PM
It's all good. Bargain hunter and no-frills types of shops and services (and you're WAY off if you think I'm not one of em) are made possible thanks to the higher end markets that the more careless or carefree customers pay for.
They feed off each other and indirectly boost each other's bottom line.
Of course Public Mobile will make it's customer's "feel" important and valued - but given the chance to move folks 'up the ladder' to Koodo or TELUS, that'll win over any exec in any TELUS boardroom any day of the week.
Would those exec's ever say that publicly, you kidding? That would make them appear greedy and only concerned about profit over customer satisfaction - and no one wants to be viewed as being greedy, except shareholders who benefit from such greed.
03-22-2021 10:59 PM
@darlicious wrote:Save on foods always live up to their guarantees....they price match and guarantee the quality and/or freshness of their products. One of my grocery "tips" is to price match the fruits and vegetable prices from a store that may have a lesser quality produce at save on that has higher quality produce with a guarantee. You should see the cashiers eyes go wide at the savings after they have price matched their way through my shopping cart.
My point is....if they lie to you and say what is not true then why isn’t something being done about it? Oh no, us polite Canadians wouldn’t do that.....and don’t mind being screwed over and over. And then there are some that are oblivious to it.
Don’t expect me to price match...but when you say untrue things don’t expect me to respect them or to shop there. It’s simple, avoid and pass the word on.
03-22-2021 10:46 PM - edited 03-22-2021 10:47 PM
Well they would lose me....and anyone else not willing to pay higher prices and recieve terrible customer service from untrustworthy employees. Granted Rogers will never get me as a customer ever again. I have nothing against Bell....but I would if forced to.....switch back to telus because I qualify for $25/3gb mobility for good program.
Yes...happy shopping or more often than not paying me to take free food of their shelves to put on mine!
03-22-2021 10:34 PM
@darlicious wrote:That's the difference between you and me because I price match the no frills item at superstore. The bottom line might be profit but losing customers to the actual competition is not the way to increase profits.
They're not losing customers to competition, @darlicious
They're gaining customers in higher profit-margin operations and letting the bargain-seekers utilize the competition.
Happy shopping!!!
03-22-2021 10:28 PM
@LurganIeUk wrote:
@Spudster wrote:LOL @darlicious
"When you shop at Superstore do they tell you not to shop at no frills"
So as a consumer, what are you doing to bring that to their attention that they are not living up to their advertising????
Simple. I don't shop there.
03-22-2021 09:50 PM
@darlicious wrote:@Anonymous
It doesn't matter where you are on the ladder of businesses from high end to no frills good customer service rules the day. This is the most frequent complaint and reason a business will lose a customer's business is poor customer service and this starts with the sales staff. If a server waxes on about how great the special is and upsells you a glass of wine that supposedly pairs well with it and the special contains a questionably fresh (?) piece of fish and the wine had oxidized do you grin and bear it or complain? If the restaurant refuses to remedy your complaint and forces you to pay the bill do you return a second time for another meal? I think not.
Nor would I work for an employer who would put me in that position. I have been put in that postion and have finished my shift to never to return.....except to get my paycheque.
When you go to Tim Hortons and buy a coffee and nothing to eat. And then they suggest a real nice donut to go with your coffee.
Because they are close to stale.
03-22-2021 09:45 PM
Save on foods always live up to their guarantees....they price match and guarantee the quality and/or freshness of their products. One of my grocery "tips" is to price match the fruits and vegetable prices from a store that may have a lesser quality produce at save on that has higher quality produce with a guarantee. You should see the cashiers eyes go wide at the savings after they have price matched their way through my shopping cart.
03-22-2021 09:37 PM
That's the difference between you and me because I price match the no frills item at superstore. The bottom line might be profit but losing customers to the actual competition is not the way to increase profits.
03-22-2021 09:32 PM
@Spudster wrote:LOL @darlicious
"When you shop at Superstore do they tell you not to shop at no frills"
The answer is "no", because you're already spending more for the same product at Superstore.
It's commendable that you feel the way you do, and I'm glad it makes you feel good when Public Mobile writes some nice stuff to make their customers feel good, but if you don't know that the reality in Galen Weston's and TELUS's boardrooms is profit, than your dreaming.
Don't take this too personally - it's not about you, it's about corporate greed.
So as a consumer, what are you doing to bring that to their attention that they are not living up to their advertising????
And SavOn Foods guarantees the lowest price. That is a huge huge huge lie. I can sit on my computer and google prices in their flyer and see identical same item elsewhere for less!! What are you doing about that???