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Re: $10 rebate for joining Public Mobile

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Anonymous   It's not a fight!!  It's an appeal to Public Mobile to reform!!  Ref-o-o-o-o-r-r-r-r-r-m!!  LOL 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Anonymous wrote:

 @Zyl : Yes I am old enough. The Canadian precursor to Trumpism now sustained by the PPC and fringe members of the Cons.

But the guy is actually more left-leaning than the current Conservative party which was formerly the Alliance party.  The guy actually gave up his car and wanted to walk and use public transit while serving.  So it's the Alliance party that turned around and hijacked the Reform party and then rebranded itself to appeal (fool) others by merging with the Conservative party. 

Not applicable

 @Zyl : Yes I am old enough. The Canadian precursor to Trumpism now sustained by the PPC and fringe members of the Cons.

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