03-12-2020 06:28 PM - edited 03-12-2020 06:29 PM
The PM's wife may be infected. ON is closing schools for 2 weeks. The big cities are starting to feel the effects. Anyone elevate their state of readiness for the possibility of a few weeks of containment? Are pantries filled with dried foods and bathroom cabinets with TP? @computergeek541 , guide us to the food deals! Let the discussions begin.
03-16-2020 04:30 PM - edited 03-16-2020 04:31 PM
@Sarlye Great to hear your experience was much calmer and that most items were in stock. I certainly hope that maybe the people who went a little overboard with hoarding some supplies are done and things are returning back to normal:)
Good luck and good health to you and everyone else too:)
03-16-2020 11:44 AM
There is an important announcement today by the Federal government at 1pm EST.
Trudeau is scheduled to speak to update new actions the government will take.
03-16-2020 11:01 AM - edited 03-16-2020 11:02 AM
@will13am wrote:I am going to subscribe to a newspaper first thing tomorrow!
@will13am Too bad you missed this cheeky edition of the NT News:
03-16-2020 01:38 AM
@dabr I went to Costco in Richmond today Sunday at 4:30pm, lots of parking spaces, no line up to get in, lots of regular groceries..
Items missing are Bread - down to white and some Ancient Grain (3 loaves for $7+), TP, wipes and paper towels.
Plenty of baby formulas, coffee, canned goods, meat, fish, veggies, etc.I picked up my usual weekly grocery, and I was out of there by 5:05pm.
All the tills are open and no lineup.
There are some crazy people still with the carts but most people are just there for regular groceries.
I would suggest do a drive by closer to closing time and see how busy it is.
I really feel that people that loaded up are done and won’t be going to the store for a little while. People want to go to Costco is that they can return with no hassles.
Good luck and keep healthy! 🤗
03-15-2020 08:26 PM
@will13am I briefly read something about a Pomeranian in Hong Kong stirring up concern. Although chances are very low a pet will get the virus, it may be best not to let pets lick your face, avoid contact with live stock animals including pigs, chickens, ducks and wild birds and due diligence washing hands and places with animal droppings. Anyone who was ready for Y2k probably has a head start on supplies!
03-15-2020 06:46 PM
This is a good reference about cases in Canada with lots of information about the pandemic
03-15-2020 04:35 PM
@Sarlye I hope you're right about the crazy dying down within the next week or so, but I'm not as hopeful right now the way people are reacting and the numbers of infections will be increasing for sure, ensuring more crazy!
I would have waited to get the groceries, but it had already been almost been 2 weeks since the last visit and supplies were low, so more of a necessity really. I also always need to go one of the regular grocery store in addition to Costco (because of it's limitation on certain items).
But we should be mostly okay for another 10 days or so, hopefully by then your optimism will be proved correct:)
03-15-2020 04:08 PM - edited 03-15-2020 04:10 PM
Those wipes that say flushable are not really flushable.
All wipes are not really that good for plumbing or even city /municipal sever systems.
Got a few articles for people to reading
Read this article
03-15-2020 04:03 PM
@Sarlye good point! I know there are disposable wipes by cottonelle.
03-15-2020 01:52 PM
03-15-2020 09:33 AM - edited 03-15-2020 09:36 AM
@darlicious , call me names but don't call me late to dinner. I recommend against cheap BBQs from grocery stores. It's false economy buying scrap metal. Many years ago I purchased a BBQ from RCSS because it was cheap. It rusted away unbelievably fast. Since that experience I purchased a more premium unit that should last a lifetime. Look for models with cast aluminum firebox and real stainless steel grills.
03-14-2020 09:19 PM
@will13am Is it weird to go to RCSS during this crisis for a new BBQ? Somehow I don't think its a hoarder item....I'd order on PCX to save another $30 but I can't get it to load....just the circle of death. Maybe I can get the discount if I email CS saying I can't order it online. Then I can get a $300 item for 220K in points and get 50K in points back. Then you and the fam can come for a BBQ! I'm already stocked for camping season with pre marinated and vacuum packed chicken, Safeway striploins (AAA), pork o plenty and lamb from Minty and Marcus island farmland birth place.
I'm stocked and earthquake ready at all times...but if you remember in grocery deals in the lounge..
February is the time to stock up on meat from Safeway and I used my new foodsaver 2000 from LD for $29.99. Unfortunately the portable still is on the bf's farm outside Dawson creek.
03-14-2020 04:06 PM
@Sarlye Thanks for some very useful information, some things we only think about when the crises in on us.
So yesterday I went to get some grocery supplies and it turned into one of the most craziest experience. Went to 3 different stores including Costco. First I was surprised how crazy busy it was everywhere, then I couldn't believe that all those news stories about people hoarding on bathroom paper were true, apparently, everywhere. There was no bathroom paper, sanitizing gel/wipes or even 2% milk to be had at any of the stores, and the packaged and tinned supplies were the lowest I can ever remember seeing on the shelves. I was told at Costco you have to come at opening to get bathroom paper! Luckily, fresh fruits/veg and bread were plentiful. But might have to make that very early morning trek in another week or two if this keeps up!
I think people are way overreacting to the current situation and are creating unnecessary shortages in the process.
03-14-2020 02:39 PM
@darlicious , the family hates cereal. My house is as energy efficient as a tent and so my hallway closet is lined with TP in the late fall to keep the jackets warm. So, I am good for about a year! We also have a bidet. I have enough dry noodles and sauce to weather a small nuclear holocaust. If only I can get some protein to go with the starch. I will venture out later in the day to see if I can get a bit of red meat. I struck out yesterday.
03-14-2020 12:12 PM - edited 03-14-2020 12:13 PM
For rfders I'm a little disappointed you haven't been stocking up on kelloggs and post cereal, energizer batteries, Lysol,Royale toilet paper and yogurt for free with your gift cards and prepaid visas in the mail showing up in your mailbox last week, this week and next week. If you two are running low im well stocked. The only things im missing are my legal three chickens and somewhere to hide a jersey cow in my backyard.
And the bf may lose his phone a lot but he's a deadly shot at 300 yards and has guided many in the past for all of Canada's tastiest big game to fill your freezer for a family of four to last an entire year. This how the zombie apocalypse begins....with a flu virus that has no vaccine. And people are panicked about how they're going to wipe their.....? @yanzhiqiang is right. Bidet all day!
03-13-2020 05:29 PM
You don't want to wait an hour just for a loaf of bread?
03-13-2020 02:50 PM
I went grocery shopping early today but not early enough. All the shelves were empty by 2pm. I don't even see any dented cans. The bread machine is going to see use once again.
03-13-2020 02:35 PM
I volunteer with Emergency Management for the City and already have my Earthquake Kit, which includes Food for the Big Quake and have enough for a family of 2 for 3 weeks..
So in case you are not prepared.. here’s what I suggest to have on hand other than TP..
1. Prescription Medication if you need them, at least 3 months, which most health plan will cover, some people pay out of pocket and buy another 3 months. You might want to get it now if you have people in your life that is dependent on it. Before the pharmacy put a limit due to supply shortage.
The reason is even if the crisis are over, it takes time for the factory to make it and ship it to where you are.. usually expiry date is 2-3 years so they don’t go bad.
2. Over the counter medication.. antihistamines Benadryl, Tylenol, Aspirin, Cough syrup, Cold Medication like DayQuil.. if you are staying in place, you might have just a common cold, allergies for spring.. etc.
3. Bag of Rice - think Survivor, if 1 kg of rice can feed people for 39 days.. you don’t really need 20kg, they do go bad and have bugs after a while.
4. Canned Goods - you have that in your pantry already
5. Frozen veggies - if you can’t get out to get fresh veggies, frozen is ok as it’s frozen when it’s at the peak.
6. Non perishable Food - pasta, Lentils, things that you have in your pantry already
7. If you are in your own home, you don’t need hand sanitizer, you can dilute bathroom cleaner, etc and wipe down your front door and all the doorknobs for others coming in or making delivery. I live in an apartment building, I wipe down the elevator buttons every time I use it. I just use a diluted solution with a paper towel or soft cloth in a ziplock bag with my disposable gloves.
Hope this helps, we can all do our best at this trying time. 🤗
03-13-2020 02:06 PM
Depends on your city’s system with regards to putting stuff down the toilet that is not TP.
We were told to only put TP only down the toilet. Some insurance may not pay the full amount claimed if you have a back flow toilet and if the plumber find other stuff in it.
Boxed tissues don’t break apart down the toilet and will clog, it happened to my friend.
Nothing worse than having a backup toilet.
03-13-2020 03:49 AM
Baby wipes if you run out of toilet paper...
03-13-2020 02:12 AM
Why not use bidet seat?
03-13-2020 02:10 AM
Justin Trudeau's wife tested positive.
03-13-2020 12:17 AM
I did now, but would that flush?
03-13-2020 12:14 AM
@computergeek541 , did you watch the video?
03-12-2020 11:06 PM
@will13am Why a newspaper?
03-12-2020 10:10 PM
While everybody overspend on hand sanitizer buy some alcohol-based mouthwash at the dollar store. Mix it with regular liquid soap. You now have cheap hand sanitizer.
03-12-2020 07:00 PM
I am going to subscribe to a newspaper first thing tomorrow!
03-12-2020 06:56 PM
03-12-2020 06:54 PM - edited 03-12-2020 06:55 PM
In Ontario, get a bunch of $1.67/lb boneless pork half loins from Food Basics and shove them in the freezer. Giant Tiger has Campnells Chunky soup at $1.67, but there's a limit of 6 so take a few people with you to get more. As for TP, RCSS or Walmart usially have house brand stuff in large package of 30=100 for about $18.
It's probably a good idea ro have at least a few days worth of stuff regardless.