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Not really wanting to jump ship, but....

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The way you are treated for being a loyal customer is unfair. My wife and myself have been customers for over 7 years, we were content on the 25$ 1gb plan . The new offers for new activation only make little sense in the retention and competitive market. We would of liked to increase the safety net of data, we rarely exceed 500mb but a little extra to fall back on never hurts.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'm a bit of a loyal 🐕 hate trying to port etc. Hard teaching an old dog 🐕 new tricks😉

Mayor / Maire

@IanP  I feel you pain I just created  new account myself to , get new plan offer . But if you really. Don’t need the extra data and you saving $7 in rewards each 30 days now , your still paying less then those new customers so your already ahead that way . Also know that a better  plan will come along just keep watching out here in community or website for the latest . And when it does change plan for your next renewal and you will still get to enjoy $7 off every 30 days 

Mayor / Maire

Agree @IanP 

their boxing day promotions are geared toward bringing in new customers, not really keeping current ones.

Mayor / Maire

HI @IanP 

if the price and deal is better with the other carrier is cheaper than what you got here, even with rewards, then I think you can just go.  No worry about loyalty.  One day, PM will have good activation deal and you might come back

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