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Enough with "new activations only" plans

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I noticed there are a lot of plans that would appeal to the lower data users from public mobile however these plans are restricted to "new activations only".

If these plans were made available to existing customers before the forced migration to public points I think they would have lost fewer customers and  minimized the bad will for those who stayed. 

Public Mobile make the following plans available to existing customers:

$29 40 GB 

$21 3 GB ($19 on a 90 day subscription)

$15 no data


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It's their way of drawing new subscribers into public while trying to avoid cannibalizing their average revenue per person for existing subscribers. They probably assume they'll be a minimal number of ppl who will leave and return on the new plan. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@EdN @dabr @LitlLdy 

These providers all like to brag about how many new activations they have in each quarter. One way to pump up the new activation numbers is to have existing clients port out and then port back in.

@LitlLdy wrote:

@funpig1 wrote:

@EdN @LitlLdy 

It really makes no sense for PM to continue with their new activation only policy.

PM only offers prepaid 30-day plans.  Anybody can port out and port back in on a new activation. 

As you can see from all the Community complaints and @CS_Agent  backlogs, porting in and high volume new activations are causing a lot of trouble for both customers and PM customer service.  Pm could make it a whole lot easier for themselves by just allowing existing customers to change their subscriptions to all plans.

Furthermore, the only penalty for porting out and porting back in is for those loyal customers who have built up referrals, which will all be lost on a new activation. Very punitive to loyal customers, but saves a few bucks for PM.

@funpig1 , If a Customer ports put of Public Mobile for the purpose of porting back in to get a plan offered to new Customers only, not only will the Customer lose all their referral points but they will lose all acclimated points, all holiday gift add-on minutes & data add-on given to them. Plus forfeit anything else on the account! So PM would win in the long run & still get the Customer back! 😞 

Well, that might just be the whole point of not offering those plans to existing customers.  Fewer referrals to pay out that PM (Telus) saves on and a convenient way of removing/losing all the previous gifted data/LD mins.  Or, am I just being too cynical...

@funpig1 wrote:

Yeah, but I figure if you haven't used those holiday gift data and minutes (which have not been offered in a long time ) after all these years, those people probably don't need them anyways. But those referrals really add up each month to eventually reduce the cost of the plans.

I still have holiday gifts add-on minutes & add-on data from years ago (they only stopped giving them last Christmas). Personally, even though they are not used up I will use them for emergencies when the plans 250mb is used up. It would be a huge loss for me to lose all those! 😞 I am still here for those, all my referrals & all my added up points. Once those are no longer an option I am gone & not coming back. I have a much better offer else where if I don’t have any of those.

It depends on what someone needs to be able to make the decision.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yeah, but I figure if you haven't used those holiday gift data and minutes (which have not been offered in a long time ) after all these years, those people probably don't need them anyways. But those referrals really add up each month to eventually reduce the cost of the plans.

@funpig1 wrote:

@EdN @LitlLdy 

It really makes no sense for PM to continue with their new activation only policy.

PM only offers prepaid 30-day plans.  Anybody can port out and port back in on a new activation. 

As you can see from all the Community complaints and @CS_Agent  backlogs, porting in and high volume new activations are causing a lot of trouble for both customers and PM customer service.  Pm could make it a whole lot easier for themselves by just allowing existing customers to change their subscriptions to all plans.

Furthermore, the only penalty for porting out and porting back in is for those loyal customers who have built up referrals, which will all be lost on a new activation. Very punitive to loyal customers, but saves a few bucks for PM.

@funpig1 , If a Customer ports put of Public Mobile for the purpose of porting back in to get a plan offered to new Customers only, not only will the Customer lose all their referral points but they will lose all acclimated points, all holiday gift add-on minutes & data add-on given to them. Plus forfeit anything else on the account! So PM would win in the long run & still get the Customer back! 😞 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@EdN @LitlLdy 

It really makes no sense for PM to continue with their new activation only policy.

PM only offers prepaid 30-day plans.  Anybody can port out and port back in on a new activation. 

As you can see from all the Community complaints and @CS_Agent  backlogs, porting in and high volume new activations are causing a lot of trouble for both customers and PM customer service.  Pm could make it a whole lot easier for themselves by just allowing existing customers to change their subscriptions to all plans.

Furthermore, the only penalty for porting out and porting back in is for those loyal customers who have built up referrals, which will all be lost on a new activation. Very punitive to loyal customers, but saves a few bucks for PM.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Exactly, how many moved to Lucky or PC Mobile or Fizz for low GB plans in the $19 / $20 range?

Mayor / Maire

@EdN , that was exactly my thoughts also!

I know someone will chime in & say that all companies offer better/new plans to new customers only in order to bring new customers in but just because other companies do something doesn’t mean PM has to follow. Take care of the existing loyal customers 1st. 👍🏻 

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