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voucher payment not processing payment

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I added my voucher payment to top up my account as usual. Says now my account is suspended for non payment? Not sure what's up with that? I am also unable to log on to my account...there is $58.58 on my account, why is my account suspended??? Please help!vou


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

this new public mobile website is glossy, but very frustrating

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

its not a lost or stolen phone, is the same phone i have had for years...there is sixty dollars on my account my plan should have re activated and not suspended my account!

@Toblerone wrote:

purchased voucher yesterday 26h oct. i call the *611 to add on. voucher was accepted. says the money was added. but services are suspended. frustrating! been doing the same process for over a year... no issues until yesterday. your help is appreciated.

If you have enough funds on your account (since you applied voucher) sometimes trick with lost/stolen phone will reactivate plan. Idea is to report phone/SIM as lost/stolen and then reverse it (like you found it). It should restart your service, but somebody has to confirm is this still safe to do...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

purchased voucher yesterday 26h oct. i call the *611 to add on. voucher was accepted. says the money was added. but services are suspended. frustrating! been doing the same process for over a year... no issues until yesterday. your help is appreciated.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i would appreciate your help to get my service back up and running.

@Toblerone wrote:

i have responded to all messages....

I'm not sure how long ago you purchased the voucher, but it can sometimes take some time before a voucher becomes valid and you can add it to your account.  When you say not processed, did you add it to your account but your plan didn't renew, or do you mean that the voucher wasn't accepted?   Otherwise, you'll need to wait for the customer support agent to address your response.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

they messaged me, i am just trying to get my issue resolved. i appreciate your help.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i have responded to all messages....

@CS_Agent wrote:



If you engage customers in Community forum they might post personal info which will not be good.

Usually communication with agents is done through personal mail.

@Toblerone , a CSA is already engaged in your case already from the other thread.  You need to respond to their private message.  

Customer Support Agent

Hi there Toblerone,


Thank you very much for your authentication!


It seems that, part of the made authentication is not valid unfortunately.


I would need to ask you a few more authentication questions for me to be able o access your account:


What is the account's number, it generally starts with 1000000.. or the PIN registered with it?

For how long are you with us?

What is the monthly plan that you have presently with us and what does is hold?


I am waiting for your answer to further help you.


Wish you a wonderful day,


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I use payment vouchers to top up my account says I have 58.58 on my account but my services are suspended?? If you need anyother info please let me know so as I can get my services back!! Thank you!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I'm having the same issue and after I got help I can longer access the login page!  Something fishy is going on and I am NOT happy.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i validated with the steps but says i have an error and unable to log on my account!!

Customer Support Agent

Hi there Toblerone,


Thank you very much for contacting us!

I am really sorry that it doesn't work and I will do my best to help you with this today!


For me to be able to access your account, I would need you to first authenticate your account by accessing the following link:


Please click on the link below and follow the steps:


I am waiting for your answer to further help you.


Wish you a wonderful day,


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

my voucher payment did not process. says my account is suspended for non payment??? how frustrating! please help! 

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