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unexpected change in my data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've been with Public Mobile for several years and never changed my plan. For a very long time my data without charges was 500 mg=250 mg according to my plan and 250 mg as some kind of reward. Several months ago I noticed that I can use only 250 mg. My reward data disappeared. I would like to know why? It also looks like data is used too soon, much faster then I expect.



Mayor / Maire

@misha0kan - I see you are a community member since 2020. There have been past advertisements that have been arguably showing 250mb + 250mb or 500mb for the $15 plan, if I recall correctly.

So maybe you were one of those customers that slipped in there for this, or did you submit a ticket to show proof of what you thought you were purchasing and Public Mobile honoured it?


If, in fact, you did have this as an exception, it is possible something reset (or went away) with the new plan lineups and self serve upgrade.


Any chance you have screenshots of what your account looked like before with the 250mb + 250mb?

Mayor / Maire


If you are on the $15 plan, it comes with 250mb with or without AutoPay now.


I don’t know if there was an old plan that have an additional 250mb if you are on AutoPay but it is gone now.



@misha0kan   you have the $15 plan?


No, from what we understand, the $15 plan only came with 250MB


For some time, the plan details said 250Mb with Autopay 

It meant was it came with 0 data and it will give 250Mb with Autopay enabled. 

But reality is PM has been giving out the 250Mb free even without Autopay enabled (So, you get 250Mb with or without Autopay) 


With the new plan description now, PM took away the requirement for Autopay. For $15 plan, it is still 250Mb (again, no need Autopay), with other plan like $25, it changed from   500Mb + 500Mb with Autopay  to simply 1GB data


So, I am afraid you never have 500Mb  data, you were only getting 250 Mb all along.  


But if you want to confirm, you can open ticket with PM Support:


1. If you have access to My account: At

Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply you there


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