10-29-2022 06:31 PM
10-29-2022 06:56 PM
You have 90 minute window to reply to the text confirming you are porting to another carrier with the old SIM in your phone.
If you missed the text, you will need to contact the new carrier to restart the porting process. Remember to keep the old SIM in the phone once the porting process is restarted.
10-29-2022 06:40 PM
Hi @disilvaworld you have problem porting into PM or Out? you are waiting for text from PM or another provider?
10-29-2022 06:36 PM
@disilvaworld , are you referring to the text that must be acknowledged to complete a number port? If so the message is sent to the sending service. Keep old SIM card in the phone when porting in and keep Public Mobile SIM card in the phone when porting out.