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plan expire

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
message from public mobile saying my plan expired and will deactivate after 90 days, has to pay on or before Dec.29, I have auto pay, and my plan expire and auto pay on Feb, 2017. Why?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That's the message I got: Your account has been suspended......

I think the reason may be I add-on 10 days U.S. roaming package when I travelled to U.S. on Nov.26?

Your account has been suspended. Make a payment to reactivate your current plan.
Suspended accounts are deactivated after 90 days if payment is not received. You will lose your phone number and service.
  • Amount due to top-up your previous plan $120.00
  • Plan Expiry Date: Nov 28, 2016
  • Account Deactivation Date: Dec 29, 2016
  • Current Balance: $0.00
Account Status: Plan Expired
  • My Rewards
    • AutoPay Reward ($6)
    • Community Reward $0
    • Refer-a-Friend Reward ($6)
  • To learn more about Rewards, visit our Community
  • My Add-Ons
  • Booster NameAmount Used
    12GB Data
    714.359  /  12288 MB
  • AutoPay
  • You are currently registered for dynamic Autopay
  • AutoPay Next Payment Date: Feb 8, 2017
  • AutoPay Amount: This is your plan cost minus Rewards. Any Available funds will be applied first.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, thanks for all the replies. I did some searching, and forgot to mention that this only happened after I added a US roaming package. A lot of other people seem to be having the issue too, so I am going to PM a mod. Thanks again for all the advice.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



I understand it was for renewal but it is one of the only posts with screenshots that I found looking through the forum. I remember seeing your post about the glitch and thought it might be similar to what the issue here is. It sounded like a related glitch so I posted the link to the idea so the OP could be aware that this type of glitch has been happening.


You do make a good point though. Sending a PM is the way to go if the status doesn't change. Unfortunately because of:


it might be a week or two until it is resolved.


In the interm, perhaps tagging the mods, @Shazia_K, might help with awareness to this glitch or at the very least, a quick acknowledgement of the glitch to give OP, and others with the same issue, peace of mind.

@akcard That post is when you go through renewal. 


In OP's case, i believe he activated 90 days promo plan recently, and all of the sudden before 90 days period, it expired/suspended. I think this is something new popping up and its a glitch.....


OP, If your status doesn't change and you don't have service, send private message to one of the mod. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thank you all for making this clear.

Hope mods will clear this glitch.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This was posted earlier this week to the idea lab:


Sounds very similar to the glitch you guys are seeing. Has some screenshots so those might help you out.

It's a Glitch, nothing for you to worry.


If Service still functions, Your OK.  


PM should still look into this, so no surprises occur

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

my plan is expiring sometime in Feb.. I am just worried...

I have autopay on....

I think PM has another Glitch running amuck.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I want to know why you are getting this message.. 

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