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pin #

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

my pin # is not being accepted.. how do i fix it.







It is a 4 digit code that you entered on the activation form. If you forgot it contact a moderator.

  • Get help with your account the easy way by starting a conversation with our virtual assistant, SIMon. It’ll take you to relevant help articles, or if it’s something more urgent, it can help you submit a ticket to the Moderator Team. Click here to get started.
  • Alternatively, you can send a private message to the Moderators by clicking here. You’ll need to be logged in to your Community account for the link to work.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Mayor / Maire

@evelynl wrote:

my pin # is not being accepted.. how do i fix it.




@evelynl  If you are referring to the voucher PIN number note that depending on where you bought it from  it can take up to a day to get activated. So keep trying and it will eventually be accepted.


If you are still having problems after a day then submit a ticket to PM including the voucher PIN and they will add it into your account.


To submit a ticket to the Moderator Team, please start a conversation with the Public's virtual assistant, SIMon by clicking the icon below:




If you are still having problems contacting Public Mobile then click here. The link  sends you to the private message function and adds the moderator team as recipient for a private message. You just have to enter a title and text in the body of the message describing the problem and post. The message will be received by the moderator team and they will respond to it. You will receive the response in your private message inbox.

Please note that account verification may be required when contacting the Moderator Team 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Only way to recover a PIN is to contact the moderators. Click ?, bottom right, follow instructions to submit a ticket. Wait times have been fairly quick, usually within an hour.

@evelynl wrote:

i have paid my accout and been issued a pin number but when i phone it in ... it is not accepted 


Hi @evelynl 

Can you be a bit more clear

When you say it was issued to you are you talking about voucher?

When you try to buy add-ons or make payments via 611 you have to provide your personal pin, so that somebody else (like say child who is playing with your phone) doesn't make purchases or payments without your consent.

That PIN you either chose during your sim activation, or if you left it blank a random one was smsed to you the moment you put your sim in a phone. If you can't remember what it is or you cannot find it in your messages you can contact moderators to reset 

If you are trying to make payment with a voucher, it may have also an entry that is called pin but that would be different pin, it's not the same.

Check all your messages  from 611.

You can also apply voucher by logging into your self serve 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@hycm53 wrote:

@popping wrote:


PM needs your PIN# in order to verify your identity when you contact moderator for help or using some of the 611 voice functions.

I contacted moderator before, but they didn't ask my pin.

Verification sequence:

1.  SIMon is using the login username and password

2.  If failed, you need to provide PIN#, when moderator wants to verify your idenity

3.  Don't know your pin?--provide any 3 of the following:
- Complete mailing address,
- Email address,
- Alternate phone number,
- Date of birth,
- Last top up date & amount

4.  I had a moderator who asked me every details about my account. i.e. all 5 listed in step 3 and more.


Correct me if I am wrong

@evelynl When you set up your account you choose a 4 digit  pin number that you are asked for when using 611 from your phone. You can also contact a moderator directly through this private message link if you are having problems with Simon -

@evelynl wrote:

i have paid my accout and been issued a pin number but when i phone it in ... it is not accepted 



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@popping wrote:


PM needs your PIN# in order to verify your identity when you contact moderator for help or using some of the 611 voice functions.

I contacted moderator before, but they didn't ask my pin.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@evelynl wrote:

pin is not working .. trying to get a hold of a moderator


Is your phone working? Can you make call, sent text, etc.? Can you give more information for pin is not working?

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


PM needs your PIN# in order to verify your identity when you contact moderator for help or using some of the 611 voice functions.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

pin is not working .. trying to get a hold of a moderator


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@evelynl wrote:

my pin # is not being accepted.. how do i fix it.




Is the pin that you chose when you activated your account? I'm not sure why do you need it, since I never use it after I started using PM service.


Mayor / Maire

Your 4 digit pin that you made up when activating?

You will have to contact Moderators for it.


Or private message at link below


However there is one option



If you have an Android and it's the same when you joined PM



Open message app

Click 3dots on top right

Click settings

Click advanced

Click Sim card messages


Your pin might be there 


Of it's simply a matter of pin not working. You would have to contact moderators and they will look into the issue


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i have paid my accout and been issued a pin number but when i phone it in ... it is not accepted 


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@evelynl wrote:

my pin # is not being accepted.. how do i fix it.




Check your PIN# text message which PM send your after activation and try again.

If you had deleted them, create a moderator support ticket for help using the ? button at the right side bottom corner of this page.

1. Tell SIMon what is the issue
2. Ask for "moderator"
3. SIMon will give your 2 choices. Click on the "Account-specific question"
4. Then, click on "No, I want a human"
5. Click "Submit a ticket"
6. Follow instruction to create support ticket.
Good luck.

Need Help? Let's chat.