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pictures won't send with text message

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What is the reason?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


above are my old apn settings, @cathy10

  • Make the mms proxy:
  • make the mms port: 8799


This fixed my issues (on my phone). The default APN settings are no longer correct. I think @dabr is right, and Public Mobile changed the mms configuration for security or whatnot. This link will help, .

@cathy10   (edit: and @inthesak)  How old is your (and the other affected) phone/s.

PM did post an announcement over the summer last year notifying customers that mms would not be supported for older devices starting 2024 so it's possible your phone might be one of those affected.   Customers also received sms heads up notifying customers of this new policy/change over the last year IIRC.  My old phone, that is used as spare, has also been impacted by this and is no longer able to received or send mms I noticed recently.

Here's the announcement that was posted by PM last year:

Hi @inthesak its an APN settings problem

  quickest way is to use Reset All Networks and it should clear up.  Of course, remember to turn on Mobile data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I do believe there is a system wide issue with Public Mobile. I know three other people with Public with MMS (Multimedia Messageing Service) issues.

  • All three have android phones.
  • Motorola, LG and oneplus x2.
  • We are unable to send or recieve group texts, video texts, picture texts, and emailed texts (which is a thing, believe it or not)
  • On the oneplus phones, I enabled and disabled the sim cards, rebooted, reset apn settings, manually wrote-in apn settings, applied all available updates... 

If anyone knows any more information than this, please add.

@cathy10 , do you have an android phone?

Mayor / Maire

hi @cathy10 you are sending MMS and you need mobile data to be on

if you are sending iMessage, you will need WiFi or mobile data 


MMS texts (ie. picture) requires data to be turned on and working properly.  

Any issues with data?  

Mayor / Maire

@cathy10  Do you have cellular data on ?

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