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phone does not receive calls

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I activated 2 iphones. for one phone everything works. For the other phone it sends and receives texts and can call out but when you call the phone it does not ring but goes to a customer is not available message. Phone is not on do not disturb


Mayor / Maire


I'm happy to hear it's been resolved but can you tell us how or what caused the issue? Was it the order that the numbers were ported out? I don't think the post chosen for the solution is correct as it provides no insight into how your issue was resolved? You can unmark it by clicking on the arrow on the right side of the post.

Did support services say what they did? Other than the stock re-provisioning answer.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

my issue has been resolved . Thanks to the community members who assisted and the Public support services.

Mayor / Maire


This is normal. Just like when they ask you for your account PIN # when you call customer service or they will ask you a minimum of 3 verification questions.

If their username is CS_Agent with an underscore then you can answer them. They just need to make you are authorized to do things in the account.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am in a private message loop with a  PUBLIC CS rep and they are asking for my PIN, I think that is not appropriate any advice?

Mayor / Maire


Yes that is what I am thinking has happened. The second "no reply" PAT text Jake's me think the previous carrier is holding the number in limbo waiting for the customer to call and take over the account or maybe the phone number has gone to the hold number pool. Hopefully the phone number wasn't released to an original provider other than the current one.


@softech typo made. Whew!



OK this is starting to make sense if the telus porting department didn't know what to do. They can't make a port request for a number that is on an inactive account. If the account owner's phone number was ported out first it can cause the account to automatically close making the second port impossible to port out without the original account owner intervening. Thats why you received the "no reply" PAT for it because you made the request but it cannot be authorized from an inactive account.


You need to call your previous provider and ask them to reactivate the account. If it's a postpaid account they should out of courtesy reactivate and just charge you another prorated day of service (or two if you wait until tomorrow) to allow you to request the port again. You should be able to do this thru the telus porting department. Reinsert the old Sim card again and reply YES to the PAT. 


The sooner you get ahold of your old provider's customer service the better as I don't know how long they will hold the account and phone number in limbo. If the account was prepaid (which I doubt) but if so you would have to pay to reactivate service. Likely for 30 days unless you were with chatr and had day passes set up for $2/day service.

Maybe after all this time of me linking to a Telus 877 number that they've been instructed to no longer help Public customers.



1-844, but the number always work, never heard people saying it's Telus and the rep does not know how to fix PM issue


Mayor / Maire

I think part of what darlicious was getting at was that with multi-line accounts, you need to pull out the lesser ones first and then the "master".

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks , I need to take a break from all of this ,very frustrated. I'll pick it up tomorrow ...thanks again

Mayor / Maire


I may have made a typo? I apologize if I did....?



1 844 or 848? My memory may be failing....?🤔

@partner1 not sure which number you called, will message you the number i have.. Check your inbox

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

They did not know what to do . They said it was Telus corporate and not public mobile , kept asking for account numbers and the ones I provided did not work.I ported from Rogers

Mayor / Maire


Did you ask them to reinstate a port request? Could they give you its status? You will need to call your previous provider and find out what's going on with that phone number. Which provider did you port from?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for trying to help The phone number took me to Telus porting department and they had no idea what to do.

Mayor / Maire


That is normal when a port is incomplete however incoming calling should be directed to the old provider Sim card/voice-mail. Does the old Sim card still work? Can you still access your old account? Not replying YES to the PAT would cause the port to be "stuck". The text you received telling you no response was needed is unusual and makes me wonder if initiating your port (account holder) has closed the account leaving the other phone number in limbo. It would be best to contact the telus porting department to check on its status to see if you need to just reinstate the port request and reply YES to the PAT or if there is a bigger issue to deal with your old provider. I will send you the phone number via private message.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yes all the working phone. What is strange is the other phone calls out but does not receive

Mayor / Maire


Which phone/number was the account holder of the old account? Which one did you request porting on first? And which one did you reply YES to the PAT ( porting authorization text)? All the working phone?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ported both #'s over , both at same location. I did not activate a mail message option ( How would I know if it was a voice mail message ?) Did not switch sims , concerned not to mess with one that is working.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I ported in existing #s from another provider. Both phones were on same account # at provider . For one I received a specific question from old provider "yes or no to switch " I texted back yes. For the other phone the message from provider said there has been a request to switch but did not recquire a response

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@partner1  Did you port in with both lines or just new accounts new numbers?

Mayor / Maire

Did you try switching SIMs to eliminate hardware issue with second phone?

Are the phones at same location?

Is that system message or from voice mail message?

Did you port numbers?

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